How to get rid of old shoes according to superstitions and signs

If you have accumulated old shoes, you need to get rid of them. This is due to the fact that it accumulates negativity and also takes up a lot of space in the dressing room. But it turns out that you can’t throw it away the way we do with other garbage..

How to get rid of old shoes

Why can't you just throw away your old shoes?

What to do with old shoes? Housewives often ask themselves this question.

Get rid? Necessarily!

First of all, it is worth noting that you can and should get rid of old things.

Important! According to Feng Shui, when there are too many shoes or clothes in the house, energy blocks are created. The consequence of this is life's obstacles, failures, and dissatisfaction with one's own life.

For example, you may notice that you have lost the desire to do anything. And this was replaced by laziness and depression.

why can't you throw it away?

Few people understand the importance of getting rid of old things. It is worth turning our memories to our ancestors. They believed thato any thing that has contact with a person acquires vital energy. And thereby gains awareness. Thereby, Shoes can either help or do a lot of harm.. It all depends on how you treated her.

Important! In order for a thing to bring benefit, you need to actively use it. And if there is no such opportunity, it is better to get rid of it.

Why is it dangerous to throw away?

But you can’t just throw something away. It is important to understand that throwing away your shoes will take a lot of energy along with them.. It is this that will decompose in a landfill for hundreds of years, along with unnecessary shoes.

throwing it away is dangerous

A this is comparable to a fairly strong damage that can be applied to oneself just out of ignorance. This is where the expression “not washing dirty linen in public” comes from.

There is also a chance that the discarded shoes will be picked up by a person who has less than good intentions. He can cast damage.

How to get rid of unnecessary shoes without harming yourself?

What to do in such a situation when it is impossible not to throw it away and it is dangerous to throw it away? Of course, get rid of your shoes! But only in compliance with special rules.

It is recommended to exchange it, bury it in the soil or burn it. Otherwise, resentment will accumulate in her, and she will begin to take away her vitality.

Into the fire!

The best solution is to start a fire.

Important! This element will destroy all the information that was stored in your shoes and boots.

It is recommended to go to an open field, light a fire there and perform this ritual. You can send them to the firebox, the result will be the same.


How to burn correctly

If you choose a fire, then you must follow several rules.

  • Choose a location near a lake or river.
  • Place the shoes in the metal barrel. If you don't have a barrel, build a fire on logs or rocks.
  • Be careful not to let the grass catch fire.
  • It is recommended to perform this ritual during the waning moon. This phase will help neutralize negative energy.

Cleansing with water

Another way is to use water. After that you can throw it away! Just enough hold your shoes under running water, which will help wash away accumulated information.


And if the pair is in good condition, then after that you can give it to someone. There will be no harm to the former owner. Besides ancestors believed that if you don’t give someone shoes for free during your lifetime, you will have to walk barefoot in the afterlife.

Don't forget one more piece of wisdom. By getting rid of unnecessary things, we make room for new things and show our readiness to accept them.


Reviews and comments

DO NOT talk about your personal life or quarrels in your family THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS NOT TO BRING YOUR DIRTY DIRTY IN PUBLIC DEAR GIRLS

N Natalia:

It’s the 21st century, and people come up with all sorts of nonsense and pass it off as some kind of sacred knowledge.


if we did everything right we would live forever;)

T Tatiana:



