How to use potatoes to stretch shoes and remove odor from them

Comfortable, high-quality shoes are very important for a person. We don’t think about it much, but only until problems with the health of our feet appear. A good pair allows you to do without this. Therefore, she is protected and carefully looked after. What if you really like the shoes, but they rub? Or have you suddenly noticed an unpleasant odor? Don't give up your purchased model! There is a simple and affordable way to get rid of the problem. And ordinary potatoes will help us.

Why do they put potatoes in shoes?

How potatoes can solve shoe problems

If problems arise with shoes or boots, you need to deal with them immediately! But this does not mean that you will have to buy expensive care products or stretching. Leather shoes respond well to regular potatoes. What can a root vegetable do? Quite a lot!

Stretch shoes

Models, the production of which has been put on stream, are made according to universal patterns. Average parameters are not able to take into account all the individual characteristics of the foot.Often the inconvenience is identified after the purchase, and such a reason is not considered a reason to replace the pair. The result is calluses.

shoes are too tight

You can, of course, buy a pair a size larger. And some do this in hopes of getting rid of the problem. But at the same time they get another one. Because of the discrepancy in length, the shoes begin to slam when walking, flying off the heel.

Important! Thanks to the moisture contained in the root vegetable, potatoes can stretch the toes of shoes.

This becomes a real salvation for women experiencing discomfort from deformed finger joints. But the possibilities of potatoes are not limited to this.

Getting rid of odor

Even careful care cannot save your shoes from the unpleasant odor that develops over time. Unfortunately, any couple is susceptible to this, regardless of the material.

smell in shoes

It is not possible to constantly wash the inner surface. Fragrances and deodorants mask the odor without solving the underlying problem. And sometimes the mixing of aromas gives an effect that is not inferior to a tear gas canister.

There can be several reasons for the odor. The leading causes are excessive sweating of the feet, fungal diseases, insufficient drying between wearings, and contaminated insoles, which have become an environment for the development of bacteria and mold fungi.

Housewives have tried everything they can to combat these odors! We use soda and peroxide, vinegar, ammonia, etc.

But if you don’t have time for sophisticated methods or there are fears that these substances may damage the material of shoes or boots, it’s worth remembering potatoes. It has the important ability to remove unpleasant odors from shoes.

How to use potatoes

It is not difficult to use the traditional method.

What shoes can you use potatoes for?

The material of your shoes matters if you decide to use potatoes to solve your shoe problems.

Important! The method works best on leather models. Shoes made of nubuck, leatherette, and eco-leather are much worse. For light fabric types, the procedure is almost useless. To stretch shoes, we proceed according to the following procedure.

Action algorithm


  • Choose matching potatoes: one for each shoe. Pay attention to the size of root vegetables. They should fit in the toe of the shoe, but they should not be too roomy.
  • Raw potatoes need to be peeled and wrapped in a non-woven napkin or a thin layer of paper.
  • The wrapped potatoes are tightly “hammered” into the toe of the shoes.
  • The shoes are left in this form for some time, preferably overnight. During this time, the potato juice will soften the skin, slightly pulling it to the sides, and the tuber will not allow the material to return to its previous form.

Are your shoes too tight? Don't torture yourself! Start peeling potatoes!


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