How to properly place shoes in the hallway

Just once again you put things in order in the hallway, and soon it again looks unkempt and unkempt! Sound familiar? I'm sure it's all about the shoes! Someone from the household returns, takes off their shoes or sneakers, and a few carelessly thrown pairs ruin all the cleaning! The shoe problem needs to be solved! But it turns out that there are subtleties and nuances here. Here they are.

How to properly place shoes in the hallway

Storage options for casual shoes

Casual shoes are used regularly and are constantly in the hallway, as they should be at hand. Putting shoes in boxes and placing them on the mezzanine every day is inconvenient and troublesome. Therefore, you can come up with many ways how to organize storage of your favorite shoes.

Wall shelves

They can even be made from scrap materials. This way you can decorate your hallway in a modern style. Boots and shoes will be neatly arranged, and the room will acquire a special charm.


Baskets and boxes

The original decoration of the hallway can be personalized boxes for all family members. They can accommodate each type of shoe separately.In this case, the pairs will be neatly folded and will last a long time.


Shoe racks

An excellent solution for small hallways, in which you need to place a lot of things. They help store several pairs neatly and compactly.

shoe racks


Light shoes, ballet shoes, sandals can be stored in a textile organizer hung on a hook in a closet or hallway.

Important! When using organizers, the main thing is to make sure that the shoes do not touch each other.


Ideal solution for small corridors. This is not only a place for conveniently removing boots, but also a box for storing them. It would be great if the manufacturer provides special cells inside the bench so that each pair is stored neatly.


Important! Experts note that proper organization of space in the hallway helps you feel free and easy. When the house is tidy and comfortable, all household members are happy to be at home and feel comfortable.

Storing shoes according to Feng Shui teachings

And what does the teaching that is devoted to the development of space advise? The teachings of Feng Shui have not ignored the hallways!

Storage systems

The popular teaching of Feng Shui today recommends installing in the hallway shoe shelves.

In small spaces it can be pull-out shelves or drawers, combined into one set with shelves for clothes or a closet.

Feng Shui

In free hallways you can get help separate shoe box, which will accommodate as much as possible the entire variety of casual shoes.

Feng Shui rules

  • Experts advise always replace the removed pair.
  • Shoes are not allowed on the floor and prevented free passage.
  • If it's raining or very dirty outside, you need to have a special tray on which dirty shoes are placed immediately after arriving home. When the owner has time, he will wash the shoes and put them in the box.

How your shoes stand is important!

Our shoes, sneakers and any other shoes are not always in special stands. Products standing on the floor have long been given great attention. And for future generations they consolidated folk experience in signs.

Folk traditions and signs

  • Left shoes facing the door? The owners do this with the shoes of unwanted guests, ensuring they are quickly taken care of.

Important! If a person places his shoes this way, this alarms psychologists. They are sure that this is how the subconscious gives signs of an uncomfortable situation in the house, as well as a desire to leave it.

  • Did you kick off your shoes so that the shoes fell on top of each other and the pair formed a cross? Be sure to correct this “composition”! She is considered a distributor of negative energy! You don't need this!
  • And here boldly depict the letter “T” from a pair! It will provide a restful sleep, in which there will be no nightmares or cramps.
  • Wash your shoes and put them with the soles up - you can leave them like that overnight! Peace of mind is guaranteed to you! But only if you are not in Japan at the moment!

how much do the shoes cost?

What about in Japan?

Here, from an early age, children are taught to properly place their removed shoes in the hallway.

Important! To ensure order in Japanese, you need to place the removed shoes at the threshold very evenly, pointing the toe towards the front door.

Most Japanese houses have a small threshold in the hallway that acts as a zone divider. Stepping onto a step, a person enters a “clean” territory, leaving dirty shoes outside the threshold.

But inverted shoes, the soles of which are on top, are not good! To prevent a family quarrel from breaking out, the Japanese don't put them like that.

Let's try to put things in order in the hallway, taking into account these wisdom?


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