How to choose the right shoes?

Surely at least once in your life you have found yourself in a situation where at a party, date or important meeting there was only one thought in your head: to quickly get home and take off these terribly uncomfortable shoes. But almost no one thinks why these shoes were put on our feet in the first place, and what guided us when buying them? Read on to learn how to avoid such situations in the future and choose not only beautiful, but also comfortable shoes.

Criteria for choosing the right shoes

girls in black shoesBy what parameters are shoes usually selected? Each person is guided by different principles in this matter.. For example, a mother who walks with her child every day needs very warm and comfortable boots in winter, but only teenagers can wear light autumn ankle boots this season.

A person with status will never even look in the direction of a leather substitute, while for a student the price indicator will play an important role. For a girl, it is necessary not only to buy shoes, but to comply with fashion trends in these shoes.The athlete chooses not boots, but highly specialized sneakers. Well, last but not least, the criterion for choosing shoes is its size.

Important! Regardless of the parameters you choose, try to come to the shoe store after lunch. In the evening, especially if you don't sit on a chair in the office all day, your legs swell. When you buy a pair of shoes or boots in the morning, you risk purchasing shoes that are too narrow and not suitable for constant wear.


Red shoesOne of the important selection criteria is the seasonality of shoes. When choosing boots for the winter, you should pay attention to the sole. First, it must have a deep and varied tread pattern to prevent slipping. Secondly, the thicker the sole, the warmer it will be for the person wearing it. If you prefer shoes with heels, then in winter it is better to give preference to low, wide, stable heels.

Eurowinter boots are increasingly found on store shelves among boots. It means that the fur covers only the foot up to the shin, and above it turns into a fabric lining. Eurowinter is ideal for the middle zone, where the thermometer rarely drops below 15 degrees.

When choosing demi-season shoes, it is worth considering that rains in spring and autumn are quite common, so it is better if the shoes are waterproof. If preference is given to a flat sole, then make sure that the zipper does not start immediately from the sole, in which case it will allow moisture to pass through.

In summer, it is better to choose open sandals or sandals, to prevent your feet from overheating. Otherwise, an unpleasant odor, diaper rash, calluses and other related problems are likely to form.


Whatever the season, when choosing shoes it is always better to give preference to natural materials: leather, nubuck, suede or textiles. Natural materials allow the skin to breathe and adapt to the foot (if the size is chosen correctly) and support natural heat exchange. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford expensive shoes, so store shelves are full of a huge assortment of leatherette boots. In this case, try to choose shoes with lining and insole made of natural materials.


what shoes to chooseOne of the important factors in choosing shoes is fashionable. People of almost all ages are guided by fashion trends when buying shoes, boots or shoes. Very fashion often plays a cruel joke on people. Thus, sharp, narrow toes of shoes can lead to deformation of the big toe and protruding bunions; high platform boots and 12 cm stiletto heels are very unstable and often cause falls and injuries, and also shift the center of gravity when walking from heel to metatarsus , which can lead to flat feet.

Important! When guided by fashion, you should not rely on the rule “beauty requires sacrifice”; beautiful shoes can also be comfortable, and most importantly, they should not harm your health.


Most often, shoe sellers, seeing you from afar, are already figuring out which models you might like. Elderly people are guided primarily by the comfort and stability of boots. Middle-aged people prefer classics, and teenagers opt for fashionable new items or sports sneakers and sneakers. The choice of children's shoes must be approached extremely responsibly. Small but fast-growing feet are often adversely affected by improperly selected shoes.

Scope of use

runnersIn many areas of use there is specialized shoes. The most striking example is sports. There are special sneakers for almost every sport. For example, for fitness and aerobics they are slightly higher to protect the ankle joint from injury. For running, sneakers are made with increased shock-absorbing capacity to reduce the load on the spine. And football players have boots with spikes for better grip on slippery surfaces.

Beach shoes differ in the materials used in their manufacture. Most often these are rubber slides or rubber lightweight Crocs. There are also so-called aquashoes - slippers for swimming in the sea, which protect your feet from sea urchins and cuts from sharp stones or corals.

Office shoes are distinguished by their classic, strict style, while home shoes are distinguished by their convenience and practicality. Rubber boots can also be called specialized footwear; in any bad weather or away from paved roads, they will simply become indispensable!

Size and fullness

Everyone knows exactly the size of their feet, but not everyone knows how to choose shoes by size. Very often we buy tight shoes in the hope that they will stretch, or, conversely, we take shoes a size larger to feel more comfortable, but in the end we rub blisters on ourselves and put the purchased pair away on the shelf. Often we simply do not take into account such a parameter as the fullness of the leg. There are several complete groups, and shoes are made taking this parameter into account in the same way as the length of the foot.

Tips for choosing shoes

In order to purchase shoes, shoes or boots that you will put on with pleasure every time, without fear of experiencing an irresistible desire to take them off as quickly as possible, you need to follow a few simple tips:

  • kids topsWear both shoes when you try them on, and walk around the store in them for a few minutes. Make sure that walking does not cause you discomfort;
  • the big toe should not rest against the toe, there should be a free space of 1-1.5 cm between them, and the heel should fit snugly against the back of the boot to avoid calluses;
  • if the shoes of your size are too tight when you try them on, do not ask for a larger size, it is better to pay attention to models of a different size group;
  • the sole of the shoe should be flexible, try to bend it, the material of the sock should not be greatly deformed;
  • pay attention to the presence of an instep support. If it is missing, then you can separately purchase a special insole with an instep support;
  • choose shoes that are exactly the right size. The toes should not stick out in the form of tubercles on the surface of the shoe. It is ideal if the shoes fit snugly to the foot without causing discomfort.

Using the tips above, you can choose the best pair of shoes that will highlight your individual style and last a long time.

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