How to remove stains from suede shoes?

daily care of suede shoesSuede shoes, despite their attractive appearance, have a significant drawback - they get dirty very easily, and many people think that removing stains from suede impossible.

Nevertheless there are some ways and tricks, helping to keep suede shoes in good shape despite weather conditions, in which you have to wear it.

Daily care

In order for suede shoes to last a long time in their original form, you should take care of them regularly:

  • spray with special water-repellent sprays;
  • monitor the condition of your shoes and do not let them lie wet for a long time;
  • remove all contamination as soon as possible.

Removing water and salt stains from suede

Many people believe that it is impossible to completely remove stains from suede without damaging the surface. But it is possible and even quite simple if you handle your shoes carefully and take precautions.

Store products

There are many specialized suede care products available on the market.Some of them are intended for daily care and prevention of stains, while others directly eliminate existing stains (from moisture, salt and reagents, dirt, etc.).

Store-bought suede shoe care productsIt is important to carefully read the instructions for a specific product: some of them require you to soak your shoes in the substance and leave for a certain time, others require cleansing with a brush or sponge, others may have other features. In the store you can choose a convenient and suitable product to remove any stain.

Home Remedies

In addition to special store-bought products, people use many folk methods. But in this case you should be more careful, because these products are not originally intended for cleaning suede, so they can damage it.


Cleaning suede with a brush
Eraser - a regular school eraser can easily remove white stains from suede shoes. To do this, you need to carefully rub the dirt and then shake off the residue. It is important not to press too hard, otherwise there will be abrasion.


Cleaning suede shoes with an eraser
A stain on suede is best to start with. removing with a dry sponge is a fairly gentle method. If this does not help, then it can be slightly moistened with water or a special product.

In difficult cases, before using the sponge, it is necessary to apply a special cleaning agent to the stain.

Special sponge for suedeThere are also special sponges, which should be used to wipe suede shoes immediately after wearing them - this will not get rid of serious dirt, but it will also not allow dirt to accumulate in large quantities.


Can use rye bread crust or raw potatoes: you need to rub the stain with them, and then wipe the area with a sponge.

Vinegar or ammonia

Cleaning suede with rye bread
9% vinegar or ammonia diluted in water in a ratio of 1:5 will also help remove dirty stains from suede shoes.

Vinegar 9 percent and ammoniaTo do this, soak a soft brush in the liquid and gently rub the stain. Then you need to wipe the area of ​​the former contamination with a damp cloth, removing any remaining solution.

Important! This method is only suitable for fresh stains.

Special spray paint

Removing stains from suede shoes
Spray paints are sold in stores and are designed not only to remove stains from suede shoes, but also to return them to their original color. The assortment offers many popular colors, you just need to find the one that suits a specific pair of shoes.

Spray paint for suede shoesThe advantage of this method is that such products also coat the suede with a protective layer, thereby reducing the likelihood of unwanted stains appearing in the future.

Other spots

If suede boots are damaged not only by dirt, but by something else, then there are tips for such cases.

Suede shoes and waterTraces of grass can be removed with a weak saline solution, flowers with gasoline applied to cotton wool, iodine with raw potatoes, blood with plain water, which then needs to be wiped dry.

Important! You can't try to tear it off chewing gum stuck to suede - this will damage the material. To get rid of it, you should freeze it, then it will easily fall off on its own. Then the area can be wiped with gasoline if traces remain.

Useful tips

Before applying special products to suede shoes, you should first remove any dirt. down to simple dust. Otherwise, this measure will be useless, and in some cases may even cause harm.

Do not wash suede under running water, maximum use of damp sponges is allowed. It is also unacceptable to use products for regular leather and other materials - they are too aggressive for suede and will ruin it.

Daily care of zmashDo not dry suede shoes near hot radiators or heaters., you should leave it at room temperature (you can stuff paper or old newspapers inside).

Stained suede shoes are not hopelessly lost; they can be saved. However, you should be careful and, if possible, not wear it in wet weather to avoid risk and unnecessary problems. If this is not possible, then more attention should be paid to water-repellent impregnations for suede.

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