In the winter season, footpaths in many settlements are treated with salt compounds. Of course, the reagents protect pedestrians from ice, but they also leave white salt stains on leather shoes. Let's look at ways to remove salt from leather shoes at home using simple improvised means.
Methods to remove salt from leather shoes
It is easier to remove salt stains from leather shoes than from other materials. However, if you try to remove salt with a brush or sharp tool, tears and cracks may remain on the surface. Let's take a closer look at time-tested recipes.
Preparing leather shoes
Before removing salt from shoes preparations should be made:
- First you need to pull out the laces, if any, and open the shoes as much as possible.
- Wipe the front surface of the product with a sponge soaked in warm water. This will remove dirt and dust.
- Place a crumpled piece of paper inside to protect the product from deformation.
- Wrap your shoes in toilet paper.It is possible that after drying, all the salt will be absorbed into it.
Laundry soap
Soap solution is also effective in removing stains. And here It is better not to use washing powder, as it can damage not only the color, but also the structure of the material.
Follow these steps:
- Soak a piece of clean cloth in water and remove excess water.
- Next, rub the cloth on the soap and then on the surface of the boots. The movements must be fast to create foam.
- Next, leave the product for a couple of minutes, then remove the foam with a cloth.
- Dry the product and, if there are no stains left, the texture should be moistened with baby cream.
Store products
Using purchased funds is an easier and faster way. Stores sell special cans of cleaning foam that you can carry in your bag. If necessary, the foam is sprayed over the surface and removed along with the salt with a regular paper napkin. We list the most well-known means:
- "Antisol" from Salton. Effectively and safely acts on all materials.
- “Protection against salt and reagents” from Salton in the form of a spray. Constant care increases the resistance of shoes to reagents.
- "Water protection" from Salton. Recommended during slush and snowfall.
- "Water-repellent impregnation" from Salamander. Even when applied once a week, it creates invisible protection on shoes.
The disadvantage of purchased funds will be a large expense at their high cost. Therefore, in order to save money, you can choose cheaper analogues, prepared by yourself.
Cleaning with vinegar
Prepare in advance a large basin for water, paper towels or cotton pads, a piece of clean cloth and white vinegar. Next, follow the instructions:
- Take leather shoes (boots, boots) in your hands and, using any narrow object, remove accumulations of salt and dirt in all seams.
- Prepare a solution of water and vinegar essence in a ratio of 1:2.
- Next, soak a paper towel with the mixture.
- Dry the surface of the leather thoroughly with a towel.
- After cleaning, wipe the boots with a dry cloth and dry them at room temperature.
- If the stains are removed, you can apply a protective cream and polish the skin. Polishing makes the surface smoother and more resistant to the harmful effects of salt.
- It is rare to remove stains the first time. Therefore, the procedure is carried out repeatedly, each time drying and polishing the shoes.
When cleaning shoes, you should not limit yourself to clearly damaged areas. After all, water saturates the entire surface, and there may be residual salts on it that are invisible. Therefore, just in case, it is better to do a full processing.
Lemon juice
A worthy alternative to many methods would be regular lemon. Proceed as follows:
- Squeeze half a lemon and cut it into a plate.
- Take a cloth pre-moistened with water and dip it in the juice.
- Clean the surface in a circular motion.
- Leave the product to dry completely without washing off the citric acid.
- Then treat your shoes with protective cream.
Advice! Protect the skin of your hands from the action of concentrated lemon juice.
Castor oil
After the product has dried, damaged areas are lubricated with a cotton pad soaked in castor oil. This procedure is repeated several times. The following recipe is also popular: fish oil and castor oil melted in a water bath in a 3:1 ratio. After cooling, the mixture is applied to problematic stains and left for a couple of hours.
Important! But it is highly undesirable to use vegetable oil, since after such treatment the skin takes on an unaesthetic appearance.
Ammonia and semolina
Ordinary ammonia and semolina will also help remove stains. Necessary soak a cotton pad in an alcohol solution and wipe away the stains. The surface will become softer, and semolina can be poured onto it. The procedure is repeated several times. In addition, semolina can simply be sprinkled onto salt stains without alcohol treatment. The method is effective when the traces are still fresh.
This method is quite simple and popular. You need to take a fresh potato and cut it into two parts. Next, problem areas are wiped with it. The product is left until completely dry, and the remaining salt is removed with a brush.
The appearance of salt marks can be avoided by following simple rules for using shoes:
- For the purpose of prevention, before each outing, it is necessary to treat shoes in advance with a special water-repellent agent. For this purpose regular wax will do, which will serve as a kind of barrier.
- In severe frost, it is better to avoid using silicone sponges and brushes., as silicone freezes and can damage the surface.
- After every walk wash your shoes with warm water.
- In winter, choose platform shoes, which will avoid contact of reagents with the skin to a lesser extent.
- Do not wear shoes if they are not dry enough. However, it is not recommended to use a fan or radiator for drying.
Attention! If tar soap was used, then the shoes do not need to be lubricated with cream. Soap not only cleanses the skin, but also nourishes it.
Unsightly white stains not only spoil the appearance of shoes, but can also render them unusable over time. There are many different recipes that will help get rid of salt stains and keep your favorite pair in excellent condition for a long time. The main thing is to clean your shoes promptly and correctly.