How to remove scratches from leather shoes

how to remove scratches from leather shoesShoes are a very important and necessary accessory. It is she who gives the image solidity and style. But any shoes deteriorate over time and gradually begin to lose their original appearance. That is why her condition needs to be monitored and cared for. Many people are concerned about cracks in their leather boots. Regardless of size, scratches not only spoil the appearance, but also “kill” the shoes. In this article we will tell you in detail how you can get rid of large and small scratches on the skin.

How to get rid of small scratches

Leather shoes often develop small cracks that look like stripes. But upon closer inspection, you can see that these are defects. They must be eliminated, as they may subsequently increase.


Removing scratches with acetone

For this method you will need a bandage, cotton wool, rubber gloves and acetone.

IMPORTANT! Test the material of your shoes to know how it reacts to acetone. To reduce the aggressive effects of the solution, use it to a minimum.

The procedure for eliminating minor defects is as follows.

  • Put on gloves and wrap a small amount of cotton wool in a bandage.
  • Then soak the cotton wool in a small amount of acetone. Squeeze to remove excess substance.
  • Next, you should move the swab over small cracks. It's better to do this in a circular motion.
  • When the defect disappears, wash the boots with soapy water and wipe dry. Now there are no more scratches on them!

If the leather is patent

patent leather shoesTo remove the damage we need:

  • cotton rag;
  • knife;
  • wax candle;
  • hairdryer

Shoe processing

Follow our instructions to remove scratches.

  • Using a knife, scrape a small amount of wax from the candle.
  • Then place the boot with the damaged areas facing up.
  • Apply a small amount of wax shavings to cracks and minor defects.
  • Next, you need to heat the wax with a hairdryer. When it starts to melt, take a cotton rag and start rubbing the wax onto your shoes.
  • After this, you should warm up the boot again with a hairdryer and polish it well with a cloth. All small scratches will be filled with wax and will not be visible at all.

How to remove medium and deep scratches

If the cracks are deeper, you should proceed differently.

Nail polish

Medium-sized skin lesions can be removed with nail polish. But only do not apply it to the entire area. We recommend that you take a regular brush and slowly cover up all skin damage. After this procedure, the scratches will become less noticeable. Plus, the crack will not spread further.

Repairing a large crack with superglue

The proposed option will help remove deep scratches. This method is considered very reliable. After such repairs, your shoes will be able to serve you for a long time.

deep scratches

  • Open the crack in the leather shoe with your hands and dry the area thoroughly with a hairdryer.
  • Next, apply a small amount and straighten the boot back so that the crack closes. At this time, immediately remove any superglue that has leaked out with a damp cloth.
  • Finish with shoe polish. It must be applied and left for 12 hours to absorb.

Impact with improvised means

Olive oil

Many oils can perfectly mask defects, and some can help heal a scratch. Olive oil does this job perfectly. To do this, follow these steps:

olive oil

  • Soak a cotton swab in olive oil and rub it into the damaged area in a circular motion.
  • Then leave the shoes for 1 hour so that the oil is well absorbed and dry. After this time, wipe off excess oil with a dry cloth.

ADVICE! If damage still remains, we recommend using more oil. You need to leave your shoes for a longer period of time to soak in.

We use an iron

The essence of the method is that natural oils and dyes evaporate from the skin under the influence of heat. After such treatment, there is a high probability that the damage will heal on its own. Moisture and the high temperature of the iron sole will help correct the appearance while maintaining the quality of the shoes.


  • Place a damp cloth on the damaged area.
  • Roll the heated iron over the napkin for 10–15 seconds.
  • Then replace the wet wipe and repeat the heat treatment process again.
  • After this, treat the shoes with protective cream and leave for 12 hours to soak. Now the scratches and small cracks from the shoes have completely disappeared!

How to care for your shoes to prevent scratches


  • During use, shoes should be wiped clean from dust daily and treated with a protective water-repellent cream.
  • If leather shoes are put away for storage, they should be thoroughly dried and treated with a special impregnation.
  • It is advisable to wipe the products after each walk, as moisture, salt and dirt have a detrimental effect on the skin.
  • While walking under the scorching sun, shoes can become very hot and crack. To prevent this from happening, before going out you need to put 3 drops of glycerin on a cloth and rub it on your shoes.

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