How to remove creases from leather shoes

An important detail of a man's or woman's look is shoes. It is this accessory that emphasizes the solidity and good taste of a person, and also attracts attention from the outside, so you should constantly take care of the appearance of any shoes, shoes or boots, maintaining them in proper condition. This is especially true for lovers of shoes made from natural materials.

leather boots

Creases on leather shoes and the reasons for their formation

At all times, leather shoes have been in demand among people of different ages. And the modern world is no exception. Most women and men prefer only high-quality natural products. But, unfortunately, like any other thing, such shoes wear out over time and lose their original appearance. Creases appear on its surface, which distort the appearance of shoes or boots, as a result of which a person’s appearance is criticized.

creases in leather shoes

Many people blame leather manufacturers for the formation of creases. But this is far from true. The main causes of such problems on shoes include:

  • incorrectly selected size;
  • use of soft skin type;
  • frequent and prolonged use of shoes;
  • poor quality and inconsistent care.

Shoes made from a single piece of leather with a single seam at the back are more prone to creases than models with patterns, artificial holes or sewn stripes on the toe of the shoe.

What are the ways to get rid of creases in leather shoes?

creases in leather shoes

Regardless of the number of folds, as well as their age, you can quickly and easily remove such a flaw from the leather surface. Thanks to the soft and flexible structure of this material, this process can be carried out independently, without the use of special tools or devices.

The formation of wrinkles on shoes is the result of hardened skin, so the first thing to do to prevent wrinkles is softening the material. And only after this can you begin to eliminate aesthetic defects.

How to remove fresh creases

creases in leather shoes

Dealing with shallow folds is much easier. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • tightly stuff shoes or boots with paper, then grease the surface with shoe cream (for light-colored shoes, you can use milk);
  • paint the skin with special paint or use softening wax;
  • Apply several layers of shoe polish to the surface of the product to soften it. Then stuff the shoes tightly with paper and lay them on their sides for several days. Every day it is necessary to lubricate them twice with cream, and before removing the paper, the product must be polished with wax.

You can use glycerin or castor oil as an emollient.

Getting rid of old creases

creases in leather shoes

If there are deep, rough folds, the workflow will be slightly different and require more effort. To carry it out, you need to prepare an iron and a thick piece of material. To eliminate creases using this method you need to:

  • stuff your shoes with paper or various rags to maintain their shape;
  • Moisten the prepared material well in water, squeezing until wet;
  • a wet rag should be placed on the area of ​​the boot where the folds are located, leaving for a while so that the leather is saturated with moisture;
  • With an iron set to medium power, iron a piece of damp material to ensure that the work can continue;
  • if the rag was not damaged during ironing, then you need to iron the area with flaws through the rag;
  • after this procedure, the folds disappear or become significantly smaller;
  • It is recommended to dry them without removing the inner padding of shoes or boots;
  • Dry shoes should be coated with wax or softening cream.

If an unsatisfactory result is obtained, the procedure can be repeated.

Rules for using leather shoes

leather shoes

Any leather shoes will last a long time and reliably if you use them for their intended purpose and follow the basic rules for caring for them. First of all, it is recommended:

  • buy shoes according to size, as well as in strict accordance with the shape of the foot;
  • put on shoes or remove products only with the help of a special spoon;
  • regularly use specialized skin care products;
  • wear shoes only in the seasons for which they are intended;
  • shoes made from soft leather types are more suitable for indoor use.

Experts recommend having several pairs of shoes for the season so that the shoes or boots can rest, since with constant wear, the shoes will lose their appearance much faster and fail.

There are also basic rules for caring for leather products that will help keep shoes in good condition for a long time. To do this, you need to thoroughly clean your boots from dust and dirt every day, and then apply cream. During the washing process, you should not completely immerse them in water, so as not to deform the shape, and then you will have to dry them for a long time.

leather shoes

It is not recommended to dry wet shoes near heating devices or in direct sunlight, as the shoes may become deformed, losing their shape and becoming one size smaller.

Leather boots should be stored dry in paper boxes or special bags. As care products, you should select creams, wax or paint in accordance with your skin type and color.

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