How to remove creases from suede shoes

creasesDuring wear, creases appear on any shoe. But if on the skin they look quite organic, then on suede they can hopelessly ruin the appearance. In general, suede is a difficult material to care for and use; it requires a special approach, and different methods are needed to cope with individual defects. Today we’ll talk about what to do if creases appear on suede boots or shoes.

Why do creases appear on shoes?

Why do creases appear on shoes?To begin with, we suggest understanding the causes of such defects. When we see a pair in the store, especially the suede one, it looks perfect. And we want it to remain that way. But this is impossible. During walking, the position of the foot changes. The shoes, in turn, follow the movements of the foot, which is why creases appear in the toe area.

On a note! More severe creases remain on shoes with flat soles.

If you wear your boots or shoes carefully, natural creases remain almost invisible.But if you treat your shoes incorrectly, do not clean them in a timely manner and store them carelessly, you risk leaving significant defects on them, which will then be difficult to get rid of.

How to deal with creases on suede

How to deal with creases on suedeCreases always remain, and, unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of them completely. And is there any point in this if the shoes continue to be worn? But making them less noticeable is possible. To do this, use both improvised means that can be found in everyone’s home, and special ones that can be purchased at shoe stores.

Handy tools to help

The easiest and most effective way is to use steam. It does not require large financial expenditures, but it will require a significant amount of time. This method is as follows.

steam for removing creases

  1. Wash the product clean.
  2. Boil water in a wide container.
  3. Hold the shoe over the water so that the steam hits the defect.

Important! Be careful not to get burned.

It is also important to remember that moisture can ruin this material, so you should keep your shoes over steam for a short period of time. When you notice that the surface is starting to get a little wet, remove the shoe. Next, blot it with a dry cloth and leave to dry. At this time, carry out the procedure with the other shoe.

If the creases are still very visible the first time, repeat the procedure.

The procedure with steam can also be performed using an iron. To do this, follow the instructions:

How to deal with creases on suede using steam

  1. Push papers into the shoes to give them shape (you can use old newspapers).
  2. Cover the boots with a thin cloth.
  3. Turn on the most powerful steam setting and hold the iron over your boots.

On a note! Be careful not to touch the boot with the soleplate of the iron.

The iron can be replaced with a steamer.

Coffee grounds will help deal with the brown product.

coffee grounds to the rescue

  1. Take the coffee grounds.
  2. Rub the boot with it in the crease area.
  3. Leave it for a while and shake off the dried grounds.

Important! This method is only suitable for dark brown suede. Using it on a light color can result in an unsightly stain.

Professional care

paint crease removalProfessional products include paint, which can be purchased at a shoe store. A suede pair often comes with a can of spray paint.

Using the spray is quite simple. You need to wash your shoes well and let them dry. Then spray the spray and spread evenly over the surface with a brush.

The paint will help hide the creases. But steam is better for removing them.

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