How to care for leather shoes?

skin 1Leather shoes are in great demand among buyers. This is due to the versatility of the material, comfort and attractive appearance. With proper care, your beloved couple will enjoy many years of joy.

Types of leather shoes

Genuine leather is especially valued. Its main source is considered to be cattle, as well as goats, sheep, crocodiles and other animals. Each type of material requires certain protection and special preparations.

leather for shoes

According to the production of leather, there are:

  • Smooth – without lint and varnish treatment. It is elastic, bends easily, holds its shape well, allows the foot to “breathe” and is most wear-resistant.
  • Polished – considered to be of lower quality, harsh and less breathable.
  • Matt – looks strict and expensive, without mirror shine and lint.
  • Varnished – shiny, with a top layer of polyurethane. It is created by coating smooth leather with a special polymer material. The varnish can be matte, glossy and colored. Often patterns and embossing are applied to it.Not suitable for constant wear and requires careful care.
  • Sanded – fleecy, for example, suede or nubuck. This is a particularly difficult type of skin to care for. It is advisable not to wear it in wet weather.

Leather shoe care

skin 3One of the best ways to extend the life of your shoes is to take advice from the manufacturer. The manufacturer probably knows what care is suitable for a particular couple. When choosing products, special attention should be paid to the texture of the material and its color.

The stores offer a huge selection of care products for different types of materials. There are both budget options and luxury ones - for every taste and budget. It is worth knowing that there are no universal remedies. Therefore, the choice of cream and other accessories should be approached with the utmost care. Even at home, you need to take care of your shoes immediately after purchasing them.

As for folk remedies, they need to be used very wisely and carefully. Material production technologies are constantly changing, as is their quality. Those recipes that were relevant a couple of years ago may no longer give the desired effect and even cause harm. After all the result may be unpredictable.

Genuine Leather

Caring for natural texture is based on three principles: cleaning, nutrition and protection. Let's look at each of them in more detail. It is advisable to cleanse the skin after each wear. Treatment is carried out with soap solution or cleaning foam. Next, the cleaning composition is washed off and the product is dried.

leather 5You need to treat your skin with nourishing creams a couple of times a season.. Popular and reliable means are Vilo, Tarrago, Salton, Twist. The cream is applied to the brush and rubbed into the skin in a circular motion until it is completely absorbed. This procedure protects the material from drying out and becoming rough.

Water-repellent sprays, waxes, and polish are used as protective agents (especially in autumn and winter). They are also applied until completely absorbed, and then rubbed with another brush.

Light leather shoes

Requires special care light leather shoes. Therefore, few people buy it for every day. It is susceptible to any contamination and mechanical damage. The specifics of care are as follows:

  1. It is recommended to store white shoes and care products separately from colored items.
  2. Dirt is first removed with a dry cloth, and then the surface is washed with soapy water.
  3. Residues of soap must be removed with a damp sponge.
  4. Shoes are wiped with a dry cloth and dried.
  5. Clean light-colored material, depending on the color, with white or colorless cream.
  6. To avoid scratches, do not use hard brushes.
  7. A velvet cloth is used for polishing.

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Important! For fair skin, it is advisable to purchase a special shampoo. Its foam gently cleanses the surface without disturbing the light pigment.

Smooth skin

The main type of skin is smooth. The surface layer of paint on it is very thin or absent altogether. It scratches easily and absorbs dirt. Therefore, such skin requires careful treatment and careful care. It is worth considering the following recommendations:

  • you can’t use a lot of nutrients;
  • the product is not recommended to be worn daily: shoes should rest;
  • Do not use products based on organic solvents;
  • It is necessary to remove dust daily with a soft damp cloth;
  • buy beeswax based creams.

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Attention! Once a year, it is advisable to thoroughly clean and care for smooth leather shoes with nourishing products.

Matte leather

Proper care of a matte surface comes down not only to cleaning it from dirt and dust, but also to treating it with special means. Water-repellent sprays and softening compounds are suitable for these purposes. It is necessary to preserve the “smoky” surface.

It is worth abandoning “universal” creams for all skin types. Daily care consists of wiping the material with flannel moistened with warm soapy water. There is no need to wash off the solution; just remove the moisture with a dry cloth.

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Reference! Any treatment of matte leather shoes should be done 3-5 hours before going outside. The initial impregnation period should be at least 12 hours.

Even the most expensive and high-quality leather shoes require care. If you neglect this rule, then in a short time, chic shoes can become unkempt and unattractive. The main thing is to do it correctly so as not to spoil your favorite couple.

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