How to wash white sneakers

There are a lot of ways to solve this problem on the Internet. After watching a couple of videos, you are left with the feeling that you attended Mendeleev’s lecture. Let's consider simpler actions that do not involve any scientific research.

In the washing machine

This is the simplest and most effective method of dealing with dirt. But you need to clearly know what and how to do.

How to prepare shoes

in the washing machine

First, soak in warm water with powder. But this is only the first stage. You can't do without a washing machine. Since they do not move away from the dirt:

  • tongue;
  • seams;
  • laces.

REFERENCE. To wash in the washing machine, you need to untie the laces. There is no need to take them out. Just loosen it up enough.

Which mode to choose

ATTENTION! It is better to turn off the heating function completely. Since contact with hot heat causes any shoes to become deformed, “shrink”, and the adhesive base spreads.

How to wash

Of course, you need to use powder. You shouldn’t “drive” your car just for one pair of sneakers. Add some light-colored items, such as men's socks. So that they are not very delicate in structure.But the material would not be painted.

how to machine wash sneakers

If the color of the shoe is not pure white, remember: a stripe of color (red, for example) can leave a mark around it. You can't wear it like this anymore. Therefore, even hand washing is better in a cool place. Dry well on the radiator.

ATTENTION! Under no circumstances should you place fabric shoes, or any other shoes, with the soles upside down, on a heater or radiator. Otherwise, the rest will be distorted in contact with hot cast iron and the material will shrink. But if you put it on the sole, it will dry quickly and will not deform.

In addition to the top, the soles are naturally dirty. And they are often curly or ribbed. When you need to put away your spring-summer “collection” for storage until future warming, you want the soles to be clean. But, if your metal assistant works flawlessly, the dirt will be completely washed off quite easily. Without turning the fabric gray.


manual cleaning

What to do if washing is possible only by hand? In the absence of household appliances, the most convenient way to clean dirt is with a nail brush with ends that are rounded on both sides. And not with a toothbrush, as is usually shown in educational Internet videos. Regular laundry soap is suitable for this. Rub it onto the wet area and leave for a while. Then continue by putting one of the two sneakers on your hand under running warm water. IMPORTANT! Rinse thoroughly so that no yellow circles remain after using soap.

Additional cleaning methods


We must not forget about the insoles. This is a very important part. If it curls, becomes rough, or breaks, then, at best, it will have to be replaced. But this is not always possible. Therefore, if the insole is removed, great. Soak in powder. Clean with a brush or sponge.In case of very heavy contamination, the ideal lifesaver is Antipyatin soap. This cheap product is enough to apply to the surface in an even layer and leave for at least twenty minutes. The result will stun you. The only problem: for some reason it disappeared from sale. But perhaps where you live there are no interruptions.

How to clean and not ruin your sneakers

Some people use chlorine bleaches. But this is a big risk. Firstly, stains may appear on the fabric. Even if you put it in a bowl of water, the color may turn out uneven. Secondly, both chemical and heat treatments are dangerous for all types of shoe materials. After all, they can also become unstuck or peel off (on capes, especially).

high top sneakers

ATTENTION! There is such a model: on a high plastic platform. They tend to turn yellow over time.

And here is one way to clean it.
Rub the surface of the sole with a regular emulsion to enhance hair color (sold together with the dye included). Especially, of course, from the sides. Well, here you can take a toothbrush. The higher the percentage of the emulsion, the better. Wrap the top with cling film and leave in the sun until it turns white. The result is truly stunning. Some people use emulsion to bleach the laces and the upper fabric part. Only without using film. They coat everything with the same toothbrush and leave it to dry in the sun. Shake off excess dried product and you're done.

White sneakers

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