DIY shoe polish

It is important to take care of your clothes and shoes, and stores offer a lot of good care products to give you a beautiful look. What if there are not enough funds for them? There is nothing difficult about making them at home, especially shoe polishes. They turn out to be even more effective and cheaper.

shoe polish

How to make shoe polish similar to store-bought ones with your own hands

Many recipes have been developed, here are 3 of the most effective:

  • wax cream (gives color);
  • water-repellent;
  • protective.

Let's start with the first cream. This is a great option for adding shine to your shoes. Regular beeswax will help with this (you can use paraffin instead, but the effect will not be so noticeable).

1. Grate the main ingredient on a medium grater. On average you need 2-3 tbsp. l. Place in a metal bowl and place over low heat.

2. At this time, take half a glass of turpentine - buy it only in liquid form.

Take precautions: turpentine is highly flammable, so you need to heat it carefully.

3. Pour the melted wax into it, stirring continuously. The resulting mass should be homogeneous. Leave it to cool and then place it in a shoe polish jar.

Are your shoes brown or another color other than black? Add a little oil paint to the mixture. Store the resulting mixture in a cool place with the lid tightly closed.

DIY shoe polish

The next recipe is water-repellent cream. Its use will be relevant in rainy weather.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • lard – 100 g;
  • wax – 35 g;
  • pine resin – 20 g.

1. All these components need to be placed in a metal bowl and melted over low heat. Once it has cooled, you can pour it into a jar and use it.

It is important to constantly stir the composition so that the mass is homogeneous.

A recipe with the following ingredients also has protective properties:

  • linseed oil – 50 g;
  • turpentine – 5 g;
  • rosin – 20 g.

making your own cream

Cooking is also not difficult. Mix all ingredients, heat and then cool. You can put it outside and then put it in a jar.

For ski and hunting boots, you should use a completely different recipe. It is important for an athlete or hunter to keep their feet dry.

You will need 200 g of drying oil and 20 g of rubber glue. Heat these components, stir constantly and wait until a homogeneous mass forms.

Take 20 g of paraffin and heat it separately until liquid. Then combine all the ingredients and mix. Before you use this homemade cream, place the resulting hardened mass in warm water to warm it up a little.

The next step is to thoroughly rub the sole. If you often visit swampy places, then add 50 g of castor oil to the cream composition. This will enhance the water-repellent properties.

How to use homemade shoe polish

To prevent the composition from drying out, it is important to store and use it correctly. Here are some tips:

  • store in a closed container with a tight-fitting lid;
  • avoid exposure to direct sunlight;
  • store in a dry, well-ventilated area.

It is recommended to use shoe polish even before you put it on for the first time. This will help protect it from dust and dirt.

For summer shoes, it is better to choose liquid creams, but for winter shoes, products with a thick texture are perfect.

Before applying the cream, it is important that the shoes are clean and completely dry. Also, for each color, determine your sponge or brush. This will help maintain the original shade.

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