What is pronation in sneakers

Every person approaches the choice of sports shoes with special care. There are many parameters that need to be followed to make the right choice. This includes pronation - an essential element when choosing sneakers.

What is pronation in sneakers

pronation when walking in sneakers
When purchasing sports shoes, consumers are guided by personal parameters (weight, foot size) and sports activities. Many people forget about such a concept as “pronation”. Pronation is the natural position of the foot when it rolls inward when moving.

During movement, the foot takes a special position in order to comfortably distribute the load and avoid possible injuries. If the load is distributed incorrectly and the wrong choice of sneakers when playing sports, especially running, you may encounter damage to the muscles or ligaments of the foot. This will be caused by ineffective shock force absorption.

Reference! Many people mistakenly confuse this concept with “supination,” which contributes to the active phase of the push.

Types and types of pronation

types of pronation
Pronation, like many concepts, has several varieties. They directly affect the load when walking or running, physical sensations and the correct selection of shoes. Experts distinguish three types:

  • Overpronation is characterized by a significant reduction in the arch of the feet. During active physical activity, the risk of injury increases, since the ligaments are constantly in a tense position and under severe tension. Increased load on the knees and back muscles leads to the development of flat feet;
  • Underpronation is the opposite of the type described above. It is typical for insufficient arching of the feet when walking. As a result, the risk of possible damage and injury increases. When moving, the kneecaps stand out significantly forward, and the toes are brought together;
  • Neutral pronation refers to the natural position of the foot when running or walking.

Each type is characterized by its own characteristics. Therefore, you should approach the purchase of shoes with special care. The right pair of running shoes will help adjust your foot arch and cushioning level, which will help avoid possible damage.

Reference! Many manufacturers produce special orthopedic insoles that will correct the capabilities of the feet and make sports more comfortable.

How to choose the right sneakers

what is pronation in sneakers
A few additional recommendations will help when buying a sports pair:

  • When purchasing, you should focus on the type of sports exercise for which the products are selected. For example, weightlifting shoes are suitable for weightlifting, and special models of cross-fit sneakers are suitable for gymnastics;
  • When choosing, you should take into account the characteristics of pronation.For different types, a special model is designed, which differs in instep, protrusions and fit to the feet;
  • Pay special attention to the sole: it should be quite hard and rigid. During active physical activity, it will help maintain body position and prevent possible slipping on the surface. When running, the sole will evenly distribute the load between the feet, shins and knees, which will help avoid possible injuries;
  • A snug fit to the feet is one of the main points. When used, sneakers should fit your feet securely. If, when moving, your foot dangles in the shoe, the sneakers press or pinch in the toes (heels), you should refuse the purchase and look for a more optimal and suitable option;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the fastenings, as they are also of great importance. It is important that the laces are held firmly and do not come undone when exercising or walking, as this can lead to bruises. When purchasing a product with elastic bands, make sure that the fastening does not squeeze your leg. This can lead to circulatory problems.

Good quality shoes are necessary for every person, regardless of gender and age. Sneakers, selected according to personal body parameters and pronation, will become a faithful assistant during sports and everyday use.

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