What are women's sneakers without laces called?

Sneakers without laces are the most comfortable type of shoe for those who do not like to bother with ties. What they are, what they are called, what advantages and disadvantages they have - our article will tell you about all this.

Shoe name

The designers never gave a specific name to such women's sneakers. The fact is that there are a huge number of different models, and the lack of laces is just part of the design, and not a fundamental difference that allows them to be distinguished into a certain group.

sneakers without laces

Types of sneakers without laces

First of all, they differ in material: the most common are leather, suede and fabric with rubberized inserts. The most common clasps used are:

1. Velcro. It is very convenient, although not very durable. Sneakers with such a fastener are widely represented by the brands Fred Perry and Lacoste.

2. An alternative may also be rubber. In some cases, it needs to be tightened manually, in others it is enough to simply insert your foot into such sneakers using a spatula.This is also a very comfortable model and is perfect for athletes and outdoor enthusiasts.

Important! The main thing is to choose the right size, otherwise the elastic band may pinch your foot, or vice versa, the shoes will “fly off” and cannot be adjusted as is the case with laces.

3. There are models and without any fasteners, they are a kind of hybrid between slippers and sneakers. This is a great option for casual style, allowing you to create a soft and light look.

4. And finally, the last model is tall with a “snake”. Most often these are options for cold weather, but not necessarily.

By the way! There may be laces here, but they will serve a purely decorative function.


Pros and cons of such shoes

As for quality, the presence or absence of laces does not play any role - it all depends on the manufacturer and the materials and manufacturing technologies used.

The advantage is the wide the prevalence of such sneakers on the market, and men's, women's, and children's shoes. This means that everyone can choose a pair to suit their taste.

The advantage of this model can be called increased convenience, since there is no need to waste any time or effort on tying and untying shoelaces.

But she also has her shortcomings. Firstly, if the fastenings become loose, you cannot tighten them as you could with laces, and most often this ends in shoe repair. Secondly, if we are talking about lightning, then it can break. Thirdly, models with elastic bands, if worn without socks, can rub the skin.

That's why Before purchasing such shoes, be sure to first weigh the pros and cons.

Balenciaga crosses

Why is their fashion gaining popularity?

It's all about not only in stylish appearance, but also, above all, in convenience. Such shoes will not once again distract attention, as, for example, laces that come undone at the most inopportune moment do. In addition, if they are made of low-quality material, they may quickly begin to tear over time after being worn in the rain.

Also the reason is the already mentioned donning speed and taking off such sneakers. The situation is especially unpleasant when you need to remove them urgently, but the knot is tied too tightly.


All this created the need for an alternative that would be no less stylish and comfortable than shoes with laces, suitable for sports and everyday life, but without all its disadvantages.

That is why the fashion for sneakers without laces quickly gained popularity and continues to do so to this day. And buyers can only rejoice at the variety on store shelves.

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