Smart PUMA sneakers with automatic lacing

sneakers 3Are you into high technology? Do you dream of becoming the owner of a “smart” wardrobe? Want to know how to charge your sneakers overnight? We'll talk about this later.

Presentation of PUMA smart sneakers

High technology is the strong point of many well-known brands. Shoes are no exception. I am sure that in the near future, recharging it will become something routine for us.

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Many were convinced of this at the presentation of sports sneakers from the famous company PUMA with an automatic lacing function.

The engineering developments of this company in the field of anatomy and sports dynamics using innovations have been known for a long time. The result was the birth of Fit Intelligence. Currently, consumers from 11 countries are invited to conduct pre-sale testing of the latest development. This test is not yet available to Russians.

What do they look like?

Unlike the AutoDisc introduced by the brand two years ago, the new shoes are black.The lacing mechanism is indicated by a plastic cover with a sensor built into the “tongue”. Just run your finger from the toe to the shin, and the lacing immediately tightens.

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The cable system is hidden inside a rigid frame covered with breathable fabric. You can control the tension of the laces in two ways:

  • touching the touch surface;
  • via a smart application.

A few "buts"

Still in the depths of the tested model there are some shortcomings. Among them:

  • Quite noisy engine operation with not the most pleasant sound;
  • the synchronicity of “loosening the grip” or strengthening it has not been adjusted (although experts guarantee that in the future the sneakers will be able to independently determine the required compression force);
  • Calling these shoes “smart” is a bit of a stretch: there is no GPS or other devices in the form of a pedometer, heart rate monitor, blood pressure monitor, or glucometer.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Like everything new, sneakers have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • Easy to adjust the degree of tightening: if you need it tighter, make another movement with your hand in the same direction, if you need it weaker, swing it in the opposite direction from the shin to the toe.
  • The actual weight of one shoe is 428 g, which is almost imperceptible to a person (sneakers for basketball are much heavier).
  • The built-in battery holds a charge from 5 to 7 days of fairly intense training, depending on the frequency of tightening and loosening the lacing.
  • Significantly reducing the load on the spine for people with disabilities, and not only.Feeling the slightest discomfort, any person can immediately loosen or tighten the tension of the laces directly from the wristwatch, which, moreover, will eliminate the uncomfortable posture.


  • there is no low charge alarm;
  • it is impossible to control the basic parameters and implementation of the training plan;
  • The “PUMATRAMS” application currently only works on the iOS and Watchos platforms and is not supported by Android.

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Where and when to buy?

PUMA Fi smart sneakers are not yet on sale. Although experimental samples are already ready, their serial production will not begin until the beginning of 2020. So you can only count on buying it by next spring. The cost of this new product will be $330.

Progress does not stand still. Nowadays, “smart” shoes are no longer a fantasy, but a real necessity. Do you want to make your life comfortable and your health strong? Feel free to choose an electronic assistant that will help you out both during sports training and on vacation.

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