Crochet men's moccasins

men's moccasins 5More and more people are starting to wear shoes made from yarn using a crochet hook. It also allows air to pass through well, and this will never make your feet feel hot or uncomfortable. But what’s even more pleasing is that you can do them yourself, and take into account all the bends of your own legs. How to make men's moccasins and what you should pay attention to when making the model later in the article. We offer a selection of original patterns and patterns for such charming boots.


men's moccasins yarnVery often, craftsmen search on the Internet to find out what yarn they should use to make shoes. In fact, you can make shoes from any thickness cotton thread. Homemade moccasins are good to make made from a warmer fiber that contains wool.

Such models can be worn instead of woolen socks. Cotton thread is perfect for shoes, even for going outside.

But the thread must be thick, and most knitters prefer to do their work using several threads at once. No allergic components or other additives that may cause discomfort. Everything is only natural and the result is a lovely and very comfortable pair of moccasins.


What kind of tool is needed to create shoes. Here the hook will not differ in special criteria. It just needs to be convenient for the master himself, and selected according to the thickness of the thread.

Set of first loops

Important! When doing work with several threads, it is worth considering that the hook number will be required several sizes larger.

How to crochet men's moccasins?

men's moccasins 3Men's moccasins are made according to the principle of creating any shoe with crochet. But if the craftsman begins to make home slippers by making a footprint, also using yarn and a hook in his work, then such a pair can be started immediately from the side walls.

For them, you should prepare a special sole in advance, and cut out a footprint from dense material. The track itself is simply glued to the sole. Let's take a closer look at creating a couple using the example of a beautiful model in gray and blue tones.

Crochet two-tone moccasins for men

The original model will go well with a tracksuit or simple jeans. It is performed very quickly, as it does not require additional execution of the trace.

men's moccasins model 1

For work use:

  • shoe soles of a suitable color and model;
  • yarn of two colors (in this case the master used gray and blue cotton thread);
  • track made of thick fabric.


Leg measurementsMeasurements will be needed to select the exact size according to the trace. Then all knitting will be based on its length and width.

But the toe should be made more tightly and therefore it is worth taking a non-standard measurement and measuring the length from the fingers to the required length of the toe.Next, measure the circumference of the ankle to estimate how many loops there should be in the end after numerous decreases along the toe and heel.


Study the pattern carefully. This simple single crochets, due to the two colors, we get such an unusual picture of a familiar and rather simple crochet pattern. Knit the sample according to the specified pattern, but immediately use as many threads as you plan to complete the product.

Next, simply insert a ruler and use it to determine the density of the knitting. You will need to count how many loops and how many rows fall per 10 cm. The result is two knitting density numbers. Later it will be possible to count how many posts will be needed for the upper part of the shoe so that the moccasins fit tightly around the man’s ankles.

men's moccasins scheme 11st row

The most important point in the shoe is the first row in the set along the sole. Initially, you will need to make special divisions, every 0.5 cm.

Advice! It’s better not to trust your eye, but to do everything reliably using a ruler, and mark the places for the holes with a pencil or marker. Then use an awl and pierce the holes so as not to spoil the hook and not spend a lot of time on each hole in the process.

Then work begins from the first row. Here you need to thread two posts through one hole, but on turns it is better to make three posts in some places.


Use dark thread and make a heel lift. Work in partial rows to create a rounded tag.


Start from the sock itself, and first make short rows across the product according to the basic pattern, then gradually make additions. For the central part, in place of the laces, small stripes of contrasting thread are drawn with yarn.


Then, along the heel and along all the loops of the label, the side side begins. The last row is made of contrasting thread. You will need to make small cuts to ensure that the product fits well on your foot.


The last step in this work will be gluing the insole. This will hide unnecessary loops and close all the holes obtained during the first set. The seam will be almost invisible, and the foot will be quite comfortable with an insole made of dense material.
men's moccasins 4

Patterns for moccasins

Simple satin stitch is considered to be a very common pattern for men's moccasins.. This and stitch made from single crochets and stitch made from double crochets. But some masters can make such pairs using the motifs they like. For example, distribute the motif along the toe and tie it around the sides. Below is a small selection of patterns that can and should be used for such wonderful shoes.

men's moccasins pattern 1

men's moccasins pattern 2

men's moccasins pattern 3

Making your own shoes is a joy; it will be especially pleasant for the owner of the future new product. Feet experience extraordinary delight from such shoes, as they absorbs moisture well, and wonderful breathes. After all cotton thread conducts air well.

If desired You can also make insulated models, and use them for home use, like unusual slippers. Sports and just for an everyday look - even the most demanding men will like these moccasins. To all masters of creative inspiration!

Reviews and comments
N Hope:

What a beauty!!! But where do you get soles for outdoor shoes? I knit a homemade one, but I would love to knit one for the street.


