Crochet moccasin booties

moccasins booties 4Craftsmen always approach children's things with special care. If blouses can be made from various yarns, they can be warm or light for a summer evening. Booties are special shoes. In fact, these are socks for a small child, which simply must be warm. These shoes are much more comfortable than socks, but should be just as warm and beautiful as them. Read more about how to knit all this and what yarn is best to make such products from later in the article.

Yarn selection

moccasins booties cashmere yarn for childrenThe yarn for socks should be beautiful so that the baby likes them and doesn’t pull them off or throw them away. Decorations play an important role. But what kind of yarn should there be? Actually there is a whole line of yarn that is created specifically for sock making.

Manufacturers combine warm wool fibers and dense cotton fibers to make the thread very strong. This yarn holds its shape well and many craftsmen have stopped combining threads on their own and simply trust this choice. If desired, you can combine wool and cotton threads.

Further important criteria when selecting will be that the yarn, no matter what the master pays attention to, should be soft and pleasant to the baby's body. You should not take prickly materials, as they are the warmest, but you should not upset your baby with uncomfortable things. Attention should also be paid to the hypoallergenic composition, since most babies have very sensitive skin.
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Color range of booties for babies

In yarn colors you can make a bias towards bright colors, those that the baby likes.

Advice! Some 2-3 year olds may show their favorite colors, in this case it is better to listen to the words of the owner.


HooksThe hook for executing the model must first be convenient for the knitter. Therefore, you should work with some and master the most convenient one.

Next, and no less important, is the hook size. Here the selection is carried out due to the thickness of the thread.

Advice! Manufacturers usually indicate on a skein of yarn the number of knitting needles and the number of hook that are most suitable for working with fiber.

How to crochet stylish moccasin booties?

Knitting moccasins is easy with the right yarn and crochet hook. Just follow simple rules and in just a few hours you can make a beautiful pair of booties. Measuring measures are very important points in the implementation of a product. Using a soft measuring tape, measurements are taken along the baby's leg.


You will need to measure the width of the foot, the length of the child’s leg and the circumference of the elastic band. In three sizes it will be possible to make wonderful models.

Leg measurements


The next step in the work is the sample. To select it, you should carefully study the model and peer into its patterns.

Determine the most common patterns that relate to measurements and make a sample using them. The sample is a small square canvas, which is made strictly according to the provided patterns of things. Knit a small number of loops and rows. But enough to determine how many loops and rows are made per 10 cm ruler.

Set of first loops

Set of first crochet stitches

As a result, the master should get two numbers. This is the density of the knitting and it will then tell you how many stitches will need to be cast on, and how many rows the knitter will need to knit to get the desired size, according to the established leg measurements. Then, in detail about two adorable models of booties for children, which are made using simple crochet patterns.

Moccasin booties for children up to 1 year old

Comfortable and warm models with original buttons will not allow you to refuse this product. What a wonderful color combination. Dim, but such nice models. The child will be happy.

moccasins booties model 1

For work use:

  • yarn for socks;
  • hook according to the thickness of the thread for socks;
  • buttons for decoration.


Measure the child's leg. This is very easy to do, since you only need three measurements. The first is the circumference of the ankle, near the joint. Next is the length of the foot and the width of the foot. To measure the ankle circumference, you will need to make a slight decrease of 1 cm. This is only necessary so that the product is pressed tighter and the shoes do not fly off the child even during active play. Moreover, children at this age can still crawl, which doubles the risk of the sock falling off the foot.

Booties sample

Most of the model of such a bootie is made using a single crochet pattern. Therefore, it will be necessary to knit the sample with this particular pattern.

moccasins booties scheme 1

Then calculate the knitting density for it, and based on the density it will be easier to calculate the required number of rows and loops. But it is better to make the elastic band for the booties strictly according to size. To do this, it will be more convenient to make a second sample, and also determine the knitting density for it, and again recalculate the moccasin loops according to the measurements.


Moccasins consist of a track and an upper part with elastic. Knit the traces strictly according to the pattern using single crochets. According to the width and length of the child’s foot. The foot is made of red yarn, but in two threads. It is advisable to make the last row from a different color, which is planned for the top of the product.

moccasins booties track 1Climb

Start knitting a single crochet pattern along the previous row of the trace. Knit the heel without changes, and on the toe, decrease the stitches by 4 in each row along the toe. Knit a separate toe for the bootie, use single crochet stitches for it. Knit three stitches each time with the same beginning. Make only 3 rows for the toe.

Crochet elastic band

For the elastic, crochet 4 rows along the loops not touched by the toe. Use a special crochet elastic band.

moccasins booties elastic band 1

Crochet elastic band


This fastening strip is also made using a special crochet elastic band. But it’s easy to sew the buttons along the upper edges, since the shoe can easily be removed without them and put on the child’s foot.


Sew the fastener along the top edges of the button. The product is ready.
moccasins booties 3

Moccasin booties with tassels

moccasins booties model 2The original models with tassels are very easy to make. For them you will need to knit two ovals and two stripes.

Simple diagrams allow even inexperienced craftsmen to do this kind of work.

For work use:

  • children's yarn for socks;
  • hook according to the thickness of children's yarn.


Measure the length of the foot and its width.No more measurements are needed as there is no elastic at the top.


Using a single crochet pattern, knit a small fabric. Immediately calculate the knitting density for such a square, and calculate how many loops are required for the width and length of the product. Compare with the oval measurements for the foot and toe, and you can start working.

moccasins booties pattern 2


According to the diagrams provided, make two ovals for the foot and for the toe. It is advisable to make the foot in two threads, take this into account when counting the loops.

moccasins booties trace 2


Important! If you knit in two threads, the density will be different and you can get a larger size than was originally calculated.


Make loops right from the foot, and knit a rise along the edge; it takes only 5 rows; if desired, you can add a row to hide the heel well.


Next, tie a moccasin across the same width and attach the toe. The new product is ready. All that remains is to decorate the moccasin booties with the original tassel, and you can try them on your baby.

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Making beautiful and warm booties is not that difficult. Craftsmen love these cuties for the speed of their execution and the originality of the design, and not much yarn is used for small socks.

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