Is it possible to wear someone else's shoes?

second 1In recent years, second-hand and consignment stores have become very popular, where you can buy items that are in decent condition, but have already been used. But is it safe to use, for example, shoes that have already been worn by someone else? To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, it will be useful to read the information below regarding the use of such products.

Is it possible to wear someone else's shoes (things)?

There are different opinions regarding this issue, supported by certain arguments. Which of them is advisable to listen to, everyone decides for themselves individually.
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Opinion of bioenergetics

Bioenergeticists are of the opinion that wardrobe items also have their own biofield. This also applies to shoes. It is recommended to treat such wardrobe items with caution if someone has already worn them before. By wearing someone else's slippers, shoes or boots, you can additionally acquire the negative energy of the previous owner.

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Auras of people

Important! However, if the shoes were previously worn by a loved one, whose goodwill is beyond doubt, you can use such things without fear of various kinds of negative consequences.

Attitude of official medicine

Doctors have an extremely negative attitude towards using someone else's shoes. Orthopedic doctors are especially against this, justifying their opinion by the fact that each person has a special individual gait and the shoes he wears adapt to it to the maximum, taking on the shape of the owner’s foot over time.

Important! Using someone else's shoes can cause curvature and deformation of the foot, and cause the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

There are a large number of sweat glands on the skin of the feet (from 300 to 370). Even with high-quality leather products, your feet will sweat. One of the main dangers of using someone else's shoes is considered to be foot fungus, which has the following properties:

  • rapid reproduction in warm, humid conditions;
  • the ability to grow on inanimate objects for a long period of time (up to 6 months);
  • high degree of infectiousness.

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Important! Foot fungus can cause significant discomfort and requires lengthy and expensive treatment. There is also a danger of contracting a fungus when trying on new shoes in a store, because there is no guarantee that they were tried on by absolutely healthy people before.

It is recommended to try on such products in a store using a cotton sock. It is better not to use nylon socks for this purpose, as they are too thin.

Shoe processing

If, nevertheless, there is an objective need to use shoes that have already been used, they must be treated with a special solution before use.

At home, it is recommended to use an aqueous solution of vinegar essence for this purpose (it must be prepared in the ratio: 1 part vinegar essence to 2 parts water).

You can also use 1% chlorhexidine digluconate (gibitan), which is sold in pharmacies. It is necessary to wipe the inside of the shoe with this solution, then wrap it in a plastic bag and leave for 3-4 hours. Then the shoes need to be taken out of the bag and aired on the balcony. After this, you can safely wear such products without fear of skin diseases.

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Advice! Another disinfection option is to treat the inner surface of the products with 25% formaldehyde, and then wipe with ammonia.

When at a party or in public institutions you have to wear slippers or shoes that have been repeatedly used by other people, then at home you must treat feet for disinfection. To do this, they should be thoroughly wiped with boric alcohol or table vinegar diluted in half with water.

Is it possible to give shoes to strangers?

Many people are of the opinion that giving such things to strangers is not recommended. The head and legs are considered centers of energy transmission, and things close to them are capable of accumulating information about the person wearing them.

You should also not give your shoes to a person who evokes strong negative emotions. This can cause the appearance of psychosomatic diseases.
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Signs why you should not wear someone else's shoes

Folk omens recommend treating such things with caution and not using them unless absolutely necessary. TO the most famous signsassociated with the use of such products include the following:

It is believed that things that have already been used by another person can share with the new owner not only the positive energy of the previous owner, but also his illnesses and troubles. Particularly dangerous in this regard are things belonged to a seriously ill patient.

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There is an opinion that a person carrying to term belongings of a deceased friend or relative, thereby bringing the moment of his own death closer.

There is also a positive sign regarding the use of such things. According to this sign, the bride is recommended to get married in the shoes of a friend or relative who is already in a happy marriage.

There is absolutely no need to get rid of someone else's shoes in good condition. You just need to take the necessary precautions before using it.

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