Do you need to learn to walk in heels?

Were you taught to walk in heels? Most likely, they taught themselves. And me too. Sometimes it seems that in women this skill is, if not innate, then easily acquired. But today a friend and I were looking at shoes that are fashionable this season, “trying them on” from the photo, so to speak. Rejecting the next model, she explained it simply: “I never learned to walk in heels properly.”

Do I need to learn to walk in heels?

So, you still need to study. And since we have a young lady in our family who is graduating this summer, heels are a pressing problem. You will have to practice in advance so that by summer you feel confident and move at ease.

Should you wear heels?

In general, for modern girls who confidently walk through life in their rough sneakers or boots, elegant shoes with heels evoke a variety of feelings. “Or maybe we should still keep our usual shoes?” You can leave them, but there will still come a time when feminine shoes will be appropriate.

After all visually, a woman of any age looks better in heels than in flat shoes. She literally transforms.

girl in heels

Important! A heel makes a short woman look taller. It helps a plump lady look more elegant and even appear slimmer. And it improves posture for almost everyone.

It's no secret that men also like it when a girl chooses a model with stiletto heels. All in all, There are many reasons why women, recognizing that flat-soled shoes are more comfortable, are not going to give up heels. And we are ready to share our experience with the younger generation on how easier it is to learn to walk in heels.

What shoes to choose for your first experience

what shoes to choose

The higher you rise on your toes, the more unstable you become. To regain your confidence and feel more comfortable, you need to choose the right shoes.

Signs of a suitable model:

  • True to size, not tight or falling down.
  • Comfortable last, suitable for the width of the foot.
  • Stable heel.

Advice. Don't immediately put on stilettos. It is better to start with models with a cone-shaped heel or a “column”.

  • The optimal heel height is 7-8 cm, acceptable - up to 10 cm.
  • Soft insole.
  • It is advisable to use natural materials so that the foot does not sweat or slip.
  • High-quality, reliable fastening of the heel to the sole.

How to walk

Have you chosen dress shoes? Remember: it obliges! You need to walk in it differently than in sneakers. So let's begin!

how to walk

  • Stand up straight, straighten your back, look ahead. Relax, relieve tension.
  • Let's walk "from heel to toe", the roll is smooth, without jerking.
  • We take short steps, but at the same time we try do not mince or shuffle.
  • We point the toes of the shoes in one direction - forward and straight, without deviations to the right or left.

Advice. Imagine walking in (or wearing) a tapered, tight skirt, walking on one line or only one floorboard.

  • Straight legs without a slight bend in the knees is a mistake! To make your gait beautiful and natural, your leg needs to be slightly bent at the knee.
  • And you don’t need to look at your feet all the time! Don't tilt your head, look forward.

Advice. As you feel more confident in heels, don't forget that you won't be walking in a straight line all the time. Try walking with a turn, and also sit down, stand up and take a few steps again.

Where to go

where to go

This is also important. Going outside right away is risky. It's better to practice at home.

Advice. If possible and time, start with wedges and then move on to heels.

  • Stay in your shoes for several hours, moving around the apartment. Be careful: a wet floor can be slippery and therefore dangerous.
  • Go to the mirror and look at yourself while walking. If you walk around the apartment confidently, you can go outside.
  • Do not bypass the stairs and only go down by elevator. You'll definitely need experience walking up and down stairs!
  • Think in advance about where you can walk. Rough terrain and broken sidewalks are not suitable. It is advisable to plan a walk on a flat surface with good coverage.
  • A good option is visiting a supermarket. Be sure to take a cart. Hold on to it, it will give you confidence. But don’t forget about your posture, gait, and raised head.
  • But you shouldn’t stuff bags with purchases. You will have to carry them without a cart! Heavy bags are not the best attribute when mastering dress shoes.

And don’t despair if you don’t succeed the first time. A few workouts, and at the right moment you will forget that just recently you didn’t know how to wear heels!

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