Booties are traditionally considered a mandatory attribute of a baby's wardrobe. These light knitted slippers are designed not only to create touchingly tender first images of the baby - they protect children's feet from hypothermia, since the body temperature of a child in the first year of life largely depends on environmental conditions.
If today the creation of stylish clothes for kids is a real trend in the fashion industry, then 100-200 years ago the situation was completely different. Until the middle of the 18th century, children's clothing did not differ at all in cut and style from adults, and babies were often simply wrapped in a piece of fabric as tightly as possible, without particularly worrying about keeping their feet warm. Then it was believed that it was harmful for children to move a lot, so their legs and arms were literally “shackled” with either simple linen or expensive brocade diapers.
At the end of the 18th century, progressive European minds captured the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who finally noticed the differences between children and adults.His main idea was that children have the right to childhood, they do not become adults from birth, and therefore they need to be treated accordingly. Thanks to these ideas, kids learned what comfortable clothes and shoes are: finally, the fashion for heels and platforms, which spoiled children's feet, went away.
By the middle of the 19th century, it was the turn of babies. At that time, elegant shoes with a membrane were invented for them, which were complemented with snow-white stockings. The author of such shoes is the Frenchman Francois Pinay. The word “booties” is a derivative of his last name.
Pine sewed children's shoes from materials unusual for our times: leather, suede, husky. A little later, at the beginning of the twentieth century, tight-fitting soft leather boots for boys came into fashion. Only after the First World War did the lives of babies become easier, as people changed their views on children's hygiene. Then the final understanding came that children need comfortable, not fashionable clothes made of soft, breathable materials. Since then, soft, cozy things have been knitted for babies, including booties.
Today, booties are sewn on an industrial scale or knitted by hand. Of course, the second option is preferable, especially if such baby shoes are knitted by the hands of a caring grandmother. However, booties bought in a store may be no worse in quality.
So, today they use wool and knitwear to make them. The soles of such slippers are often reinforced with inserts made of genuine leather (this option is especially convenient for children just starting to stand and walk).
To understand that store-bought booties are really high quality, it is important to carefully study the information on the packaging or label. So, good booties:
In addition, you need to pay attention to the safety of booties. Kids want to taste everything, and therefore it is important that all small elements (beads, bows, appliqués) are securely fastened. Although many mothers prefer to buy booties without these beautiful, but unsafe decorative details.