DIY leather shoe painting

Shoes are one of the main components of a person’s image, which people pay attention to when they first meet. Good shoes or boots are guaranteed to make an impression. However, as with other things, abrasions, scratches and other damage may appear on it during wear. In addition, the color may simply get boring. Maybe just paint it?

The nuances of painting leather shoes

The procedure does not require any specific knowledge or skills. In order not to spoil your favorite shoes, a thorough approach to the matter is enough. To select the right paint, you need to clearly understand what kind of leather the pair is made of. - Manufacturers adapt their products for different materials.

If possible, you should practice on some old shoes that you don’t mind getting damaged. It would also be a good idea to consult with a master or knowledgeable person. The general principles and rules for painting shoes can also be used to repair a worn-out wallet, bag, or restore the upholstery of leather furniture.

paints shoes

How to do this at home?

You can dye leather shoes in a specialized workshop or studio. But for those who like to do everything with their own hands, it won’t be too difficult to do all the work at home. To do this, you will need to select the right materials and prepare the shoes or boots for painting.

Selection of materials and tools

The key to the success of any work performed is high-quality materials. To repaint your shoes, leather dye alone will not be enough. The product must first be cleaned and degreased. For this, special compounds are used, since a regular degreaser sold in construction and hardware stores can damage the material. The same applies to simple cleaning products.

Attention! Never use alcohol or acetone for cleaning!

Many leather paint manufacturers produce kits that contain products that allow you to remove not only dirt from shoes, but also traces of cream, wax, and previously applied other coating. To paint the leather you will need a brush or sponge, and you will also need a napkin to remove excess from the leather.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of paint. Saving in this case is contraindicated. A bad one can appear in spots or quickly come off the skin during wear. You will end up having to pay twice.

before and after

The specific remedy is selected depending on the goals. Shoes can be dyed a lighter or darker shade, depending on the taste of the owner. There are restorative compositions that, in addition to coloring, also “repair” the top layer of skin, giving it almost its original appearance.

In addition to materials directly used in the work, it is worth taking care of protective equipment. Coloring compounds are quite persistent, and if they get on your hands, furniture or other objects, they are difficult to remove. The work must be carried out with gloves, the working surface should be covered with a special film. If possible, it is generally better to do it outside the home.. Typically, coloring compounds have a strong chemical odor, so a protective mask or respirator, as well as special glasses, will be useful.

Preparatory work

Before you start painting shoes, you should clean and degrease them. The surface of the skin should dry and become matte. This is a sign that you can start applying a new coating. The paint must be shaken before use to evenly distribute the pigments throughout the entire volume. This will ensure uniform coloring.

Painting process

The coloring composition is applied to the shoes using uniform circular movements without pauses.. If you allow a break in work, the difference in shades between parts painted at different times will be very noticeable. Drips should be avoided, which can then leave stains on the skin.

After applying the first layer, the shoes should dry completely. Drying must be carried out at room temperature in a ventilated area.. The use of heating devices will negatively affect the quality of the applied coating. Then the procedure is repeated. To achieve quality results It is better to apply many thin layers of paint than one thick one. This will better hide minor material defects and mask errors during the procedure.

Painting leather shoes

The work doesn't end there. After the paint has completely dried, which takes several hours, shoes must be treated with protective agents. A protective cream, lotion or wax is applied to the skin, then it is polished with a brush. To make the color lasting, it is recommended to use products that contain coloring pigments.

Reviews and comments

I agree, you need to approach painting with feeling, sense, and arrangement. But, by the way, it is not necessarily expensive. A special brush for suede is not very expensive; I get the paint from Salton. The result is like something out of a workshop, and how much money is saved.


