Smallest shoe size

baby 5Choosing shoes for children is not so simple. Difficulties often arise when determining foot size. Parents also wonder at what age to buy real shoes for their baby, and how to choose the right shoes. All the nuances and recommendations are given in the material.

How to correctly measure your baby's foot length and shoe size?

The foot is formed only by the age of six, before this, you need to measure your shoes every 3 months, since the foot grows rapidly, which means the size of the shoes changes.


Important! The smallest size for a newborn is 9.5 cm = size 16.

baby measure

At the age of 3 to 6 months, the length of the foot grows to 10.5 cm, the size becomes 17-18. From six months to 1 year, the baby needs to choose size 19 shoes. At the end of the first year of life, the foot grows to 11.5-11.7 cm.

To know your size accurately, you need to measure your foot correctly. You can do it like this:

  1. Place a piece of paper on a flat floor, place the child on it and trace the outline. The handle is held strictly in a vertical position.
  2. If the baby is not yet one year old, then take a rope and measure the foot, while the baby can lie down. The measured segment is applied to the ruler. For an older child, use a measuring tape right away.
  3. The length is measured from the heel to the end of the big toe. Both feet are checked. Usually they are equal, but there is a difference of up to 5 mm.
  4. One is added to the figure for reserve, and the final length of the leg is obtained.

baby draw a leg

Many manufacturers indicate the size chart according to the weight system. 1 piece is equal to 0.66 cm. You can find out what shoe size to buy using the table or by doing the calculation yourself.

Booties for newborns

The length of the leg in a baby up to 3 months is 9 cm. Booties can be chosen in the form of ballet flats, boots, sneakers, classic models. The upper part is sometimes decorated with knitted lace or a lapel.

Booties are decorated with various ribbons, beads, and pompoms. But For infants, it is better not to overload shoes.

Knitted booties for boys 4

Socks are made of wool, cotton. Fur, leather or fabric are rarely used. Booties are worn on a thin sock. They warm your feet perfectly, this model is indispensable for street walks in a stroller.

When should you buy real shoes for your baby?

Real shoes are purchased when the baby begins to walk. The child will be able to move comfortably in a high model with a locking instep support. These boots are recommended to be worn by children who have an unsteady gait and children who often fall.

baby small size

As soon as the child moves confidently, parents can purchase any shoes: with a soft or hard back of any model. The main thing is that the baby’s leg feels good and not constrained.

Important! A high model with a rigid base and instep support is necessary for children under 3 years of age.If the baby begins to walk steadily earlier, then the shoes are discarded.

Children's shoe sizes

Babies' legs grow very quickly:

  • in an infant under 3 years of age, the foot grows by 2-3 cm per year;
  • from 3 to 6 years the leg increases by 2 sizes;
  • A schoolchild's leg grows 1-2 centimeters per year.

baby size chart for children

Mandatory requirements for a child's first shoes

Exist some requirements, developed by domestic specialists:

  • It is necessary to have a hard back, a heel of 3-5 cm, and a soft instep support;
  • non-slip sole;
  • made from breathable materials - genuine leather, textiles;
  • closed cape so that fingers are not damaged if the child stumbles;
  • The ankle joint should be well fixed, this will prevent the legs from moving inside.

baby 3

One of the most important requirements is that the size must match your current foot size. If the model is too tight, blood circulation will be impaired.

Rules for choosing children's shoes

If you follow simple recommendations, parents will not be mistaken with the size and will purchase a suitable pair. Some tips:

  1. You should not buy closed shoes or butt boots. It is important to leave 1 cm of free space. In the heat, the leg sweats and swells, so there should be a reserve. In winter, a centimeter is needed for the child to wear woolen socks.
  2. It is preferable to have an instep support. Buy shoes with a medium-sized insert. With a strongly protruding insole, the foot is deformed, and in its absence, flat feet develop.
  3. Costs pay attention to the back – it is recommended to purchase with a rigid, firmly fixing element, which is made of thick leather. Boots with soft backs are allowed for children from 12 years of age.
  4. You cannot buy flip flops for a child under 5 years old. for long wear. The ankle is not fixed.
  5. Pay attention to the sole, it should be corrugated and non-slip. It is recommended to check whether it bends well and returns to its original state. High-quality shoes are made of polyurethane and rubber.
  6. Presence of a small heel will protect the child from falls, has a beneficial effect on posture. For a 1-year-old child, the part should not exceed 0.5 cm, for children under 10 years old – 1.5.
  7. More for good hold lacing is suitable, weeks of lightning.
  8. For kindergarten, purchase sandals and sneakers with Velcro.
  9. Concerning socks, it is better to choose rounded models.

baby 4

Choosing shoes for a child is not so difficult, the main thing is to familiarize yourself with the measurements and know how to measure correctly. When trying on, you need to ask the child to walk in pairs and move his fingers. If the thumb dangles freely, then this model should be abandoned.

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