What to make from holey rubber boots

Gone are the days when classic rubber boots were used exclusively for gardening in bad weather or hiking in the forest. Today, even the most expensive and fashionable shoe boutiques offer urban fashionistas a variety of models of rubber boots and boots. They are worn everywhere in wet weather. In addition, the models are distinguished by a wide range of decorative elements, textures and styles.

How to make an original flowerbed from holey rubber boots

yellow rubber boots
Those who like to decorate their garden or flowerbed under the balcony in an original way can use leaky shoes to organize the space. Flower pots made from holey pairs of shoes look very unusual. It doesn't take much effort to create them:

  • It is enough to give them a vertical shape by placing a heavy filler inside (earth or turf will do);
  • pour fertile soil intended for indoor or garden plants into the upper part of the boot;
  • plant flowers.

Important! It is better to plant perennial plants that will delight the eye for many months in a row.This type of shoe can withstand use in such conditions well for several years, so you can plant perennials in it.

Ideas for original crafts made from rubber boots

flowerbed made from old holey boots
In addition to flowerpots and flowerbed decoration, many craftsmen offer to make various crafts. One of the most popular ideas is to create a dog figure from leaky shoes.

The principle of composing a figure is very simple:

  • take 4 identical boots;
  • another boot is placed on top of them, having previously cut along the back (the sole faces backwards);
  • at the top in the front, another pair of shoes is required, cut to form the ears and tongue of the animal.

You can tint the sole of the top one so that it appears that the dog’s mouth is open and a long tongue is visible. They also decorate the entire figure with color, giving it originality.

Important! To add unique style and mischief to your space, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on decorations. You can make your own funny figures from old leaky rubber shoes.

What else can be made from old rubber boots?

old rubber boots
Planters and various garden fakes are the most common option used to give leaky rubber boots a second life. But craftsmen also recommend trying them for other purposes.

For example, an original solution is to create a birdhouse from an old boot. It is enough just to pour dry hay inside, install a small roof, having previously made a round hole so that the birds can fly inside. Such a bird house will be cozy and comfortable. For beauty, you can paint it with a cheerful ornament or decorate it with ribbons, stickers, and applique.

You can use old pairs of shoes as a container or organizer for just about anything. After washing the surface thoroughly and painting it, it is installed in a predetermined place and filled with objects. These could be work tools, pencils and pens, or even kitchen utensils. People's imagination is almost limitless.

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