How to stretch the top of a boot made of genuine leather

Shoes are a must-have and indispensable item of clothing. It protects your feet from aggressive environmental influences and keeps you warm in cold weather. Every person has encountered a situation where boots fit the size of the foot and instep, but are narrow in the boot area. The first step is to find out if the problem can be fixed. Then begin to correct the situation. There are several ways to wear winter or autumn boots.

When can you stretch your boot top?

stretch the boot top
An incorrectly selected pair of shoes puts pressure on the shin, which causes not the most pleasant sensations. The material may fit too tightly to the leg and squeeze the blood vessels, which will lead to health complications. If the boot does not fasten by a few centimeters, the situation can be corrected. Genuine leather has good elasticity and strength, which will allow you to alter the boots in a specialized studio or expand the volume yourself.

Almost every product can be slightly transformed, even shoes. If the zipper of your boot does not reach the end by a few centimeters, you can correct the situation and enjoy a new pair. If the zipper only reaches the middle of the shin, and the length of the product reaches the kneecap, it is better to refuse the purchase. Any methods in such a situation will be useless. Attempts will lead to damage to shoes and wasted money.

Effective methods

paper for stretching boot tops
You can change the girth of boots with the help of specialists in the studio, professional or folk methods yourself. Each option is somewhat lengthy, so it is recommended to be patient and follow the instructions provided. Home methods:

  • The iron is suitable for both suede and leather products. To work, you will need a household appliance with a steam function and a thick cotton fabric. The boot is placed on the ironing board with the zipper up and covered with fabric. Gradually steam the shoes and iron the inside of the boot. After prolonged moistening, the material can be slightly pulled in different directions for better stretching. At the end of the procedure, the boots must be stuffed with a thick layer of newspaper or unnecessary rags so that the material does not decrease in size, and dried at room temperature.

Important! During the process, only purified drinking water must be used. This can avoid the appearance of streaks.

  • Frosty air causes water to expand, which can help stretch the boot's cuff area. To work, you will need a thick plastic bag into which water is poured. The boot must be fastened and the bag placed inside.Then put it in the freezer until the water hardens completely. After the process is completed, the boots must be stuffed with newspapers so that they do not lose their shape and excess moisture is absorbed. The hardening procedure takes at least 5-6 hours;
  • Heating is the opposite of the previous method. The legs must be wrapped in thick long socks so that the boot is located on the material. It is recommended to close the zipper completely. Afterwards, the lower leg area is heated with the hot air of a hair dryer until it is completely warm. After warming up, you should walk or do active movements with your legs. This will help stretch the leather of the boots. After cooling, the procedure should be repeated until the required parameters are achieved;
  • Castor oil is suitable for use not only in cosmetology. With its help, you can stretch the boot area to the required parameters. The oil should be heated to 50 degrees. Using a soft sponge, apply the composition to the inner and outer area of ​​the boot. Afterwards, you need to put on the product and walk around in them for several hours. Then the outer side is once again treated with castor oil. Only after this can they be removed. Finally, the boots are stuffed with paper or unnecessary rags until completely dry. This procedure is one of the longest, since the first appointment is often not enough. If necessary, the process must be repeated until the desired result is achieved.

Addition! You must wear thick socks or knee socks under your boots.

  • Newspapers can be useful not only as the main collector of excess moisture. With their help you can also transform the shaft area of ​​your boots. To do this, the shoes are tightly stuffed with paper balls.The front part of the product must be moistened with water and left until completely dry. It is necessary that the boots dry at room temperature, without using radiators or other heating devices - they can ruin the final result. The drying process takes several days. Upon completion, the paper balls are removed from the boot, and the outer part is treated with a nourishing cream to reliably fix the result.

Reference! Instead of newspaper, you can also use old rags or unnecessary rags.

  • Usage bottles and pencils is one of the most unusual, but no less effective options. To work, you will need a glass bottle, which will match the size of the boot top area. The zippered product must be soaked in hot water and a bottle (or jar) placed inside. Hot water is also poured into it. We gradually begin to insert stationery pencils into the gap between the wall of the product and the bottle. We continue these steps until the entire cavity is filled with pencils. After finishing, the boots must be dried at room temperature, away from heating devices. The drying procedure will take several days. When finished, the product should be tried on. If the result is insufficient, the procedure can be repeated.

Use of chemicals and professional products

how to stretch a bootleg
On the shelves of specialized stores there is a wide range of products that are designed to stretch shoes. They are presented in the form of a spray, gel or foam. This composition must be applied to the outside and back of the product, put on and fasten the zipper.Afterwards, you can safely go do household chores while the product goes through the drying process. In most cases, boots are ready for further use after the first try.

A distinctive feature of professional products is their versatility: they are suitable for shoes made of leatherette and suede.

Stylish and fashionable boots made of genuine leather can be found in every girl's wardrobe. When buying a new pair, you may encounter a situation where the boot area turns out to be too narrow and squeezes the leg, causing discomfort. You can correct the situation and stretch the material yourself at home.

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