Boots rub the heel what to do

Many buyers encounter this problem after purchase. We tried it on in the store and it didn’t seem to rub anything, but as soon as we decided to wear it for the first time out of the house, we felt that we had rubbed our heel and possibly some of our toes. Any new shoes are almost always susceptible to rubbing, and not just in one-time use. Let's find out in detail why this happens.

Possible reasons

possible reasons

  1. New shoes have not yet taken the correct shape of your feet. Over time, with prolonged wear, the problem will disappear.
  2. Skin too hard. In the store, boots are stored in boxes, but during long-term storage, the material tends to shrink.
  3. We chose the wrong boot size. Sometimes, shoe markings do not correspond to the size range. Try on a size larger, this is especially true for winter shoes.
  4. Unnatural material. Has properties to rub any part of the leg. Therefore, buy natural shoes that will last more than one season.
  5. Shoe defect. Perhaps the boots have a manufacturing defect.But this fact can be identified when returning to the store and only after an examination can we find out the true reason if it is not the correct size.



  1. Return the boots to the store and choose another option. According to trading rules, you should have about 14 days to return your purchase if there is a justifiable reason. Calluses, that's a good reason. Therefore, everything should work out without problems.

    ATTENTION: If at the moment a suitable product is not available, then you must be refunded the amount spent indicated on the receipt.

  2. Use home methods.
  3. Take it to the workshop. An experienced technician will be able to fix the problem.

Tips for prevention, elimination

Before wearing new boots, apply a patch to the heels, which will prevent damage to the structure of the skin of the body. And try wearing it for 3 or four days until you feel maximum comfort.

so that your boots don't chafe

Stick bottles of boiling water into your boots and leave them for a couple of hours. Then put it on and walk around your own apartment for 10 minutes. Then repeat the procedure. Attention: After 2 times of the procedure, any shoes tend to stretch on their own.

Moisten the backdrops with 10 ml of alcohol or vodka. Then leave it for 1 hour, then put on thick, woolen socks and walk for about 20 minutes. This method copes well with the problem.

You can eliminate heel chafing: If you know all the properties of this material of your boots. You can ask your acquaintances, friends, and at worst, just make a request on the Internet. These three options will quickly fix the problem.

Reviews and comments
G Galya:

My only advice is to wear comfortable, properly sized shoes! I buy my shoes from Brado Shoes, I am very pleased with this brand. The shoes are convenient and comfortable, I already have about six pairs from this store and not one of them has rubbed my feet!


