How does baking soda help remove odor from shoes?

Every housewife always has baking soda in her house. It is simply irreplaceable in everyday life, and its range of applications is very wide. Soda is not only added to confectionery products and cleans various surfaces, it also does an excellent job of removing unpleasant odors.

Unpleasant smell from shoes

Properties of soda in the fight against unpleasant odors

Often, due to changes in weather, fast pace of life, improper shoe care or poor quality materials, bacteria accumulate in shoes. And the result is an unpleasant odor. But the smell is just the tip of the iceberg. After all, it simply notifies that harmful fungus has accumulated in the shoes. Using baking soda, you can quickly and easily bring your shoes to a state of freshness and give your shoes a neutral aroma.


How to get rid of unpleasant odors in shoes using soda

Baking soda is a real boon in the fight against various odors. Sodium bicarbonate has not only an absorbent, but also an antibacterial effect. Therefore, this substance is suitable for different types of materials: leather, suede, denim, textiles, velor, jeans, rubber.But, of course, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the shoes. For products made from different materials, there are different recipes for combating unpleasant odors.

Use with aroma. oils

Soda powder in combination with aromatic oils can not only rid shoes of a strong odor, but also provide a pleasant aroma of the choice of the shoe owner. An excellent solution would be aromatic oils of tea tree, pine, mint, eucalyptus or lemon. These oils will give your shoes a feeling of freshness. It is not recommended to use tart and sweet oils. For example, rose, patchouli oil or juniper. Lavender oil can be used as a fragrance and odor remover. It is suitable even for expensive patent leather shoes, slip-ons or loafers. You can safely add a couple of drops of lavender without fear that your shoes will be ruined.

You can also simply drop a few drops of aromatic oil into soda for the desired effect. It will instantly absorb the oil.

There is also a recipe for making special aromatic balls. It's easy to make them. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of flour and white clay. Then add aromatic oil and form a small ball. This ball can be placed in a canvas bag or used ready-made. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to carry out this procedure for several days in a row.
Aroma oils

Rescue bags

Baking soda absorbs any unpleasant odor very quickly. Often, after constant training in the gym, sneakers lose their original freshness and acquire an unpleasant odor. For such cases, soda will be an indispensable assistant. Soda is usually poured into small bags made of special breathable fabric. Then place it in sneakers and leave it overnight.In the morning, the sneakers will have a neutral smell.

If there are no canvas bags for soda, then you can try another method.

Peroxide method

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective antibacterial agent that will quickly help refresh any type of shoes. Peroxide not only destroys the unpleasant odor, but also kills the fungus, the source of which is the unpleasant sensation.

REFERENCE! Do not forget that hydrogen peroxide tends to lighten shoes. Therefore, even a weak 3% solution is best used only for beige and white shoes.


Method with ammonia

Alcohol-containing substances also do an excellent job of removing strong odors, including those from shoes. You can use ammonia, which moistens a cotton pad or gauze. Boots, shoes or sneakers are processed from the inside surface. After this procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the product. Any smell, even the most ingrained one, will disappear.

A quick way to remove odor from shoes using baking soda

A universal and quick way to get rid of odor using sodium bicarbonate is very popular among ordinary people. Its essence is this: pour baking soda inside the sneakers and leave it overnight. In the morning, shoes should be shaken or vacuumed. But it is worth considering that this method is only suitable for light-colored shoes.

IMPORTANT! Instead of baking soda, you can use any dry product that contains salicylic acid.

Soda for smell in shoes

Useful tips

There are other ways to combat unpleasant odor in shoes:

  1. You can use, for example, vinegar. To do this, soak cotton wool in a vinegar solution and wipe the product outside and inside. It is advisable to use 6% or 9% vinegar. Then the boots need to be placed in the air for ventilation.
  2. Lemon juice is a great natural option for eliminating odor. In addition, lemon juice cares for shoes and softens them. You can even wipe your boots and shoes with lemon zest. Natural oils will provide the product with a natural shine.
  3. In electronics supermarkets you can find a new gadget: drying with an ionizer and ultraviolet radiation. This device allows you to get rid of fungi and various types of bacteria with one click. As a result, the unpleasant smell will disappear along with them.
  4. For black boots and sneakers there is a universal remedy: activated carbon. For the entire procedure, only one plate is required.
  5. There are also non-standard options for eliminating strong odors. For example, put the product in the freezer. At minus degrees, bacteria and fungi simply cannot survive. The smell will disappear instantly.

ATTENTION! You should not use this method for varnished products. They may lose their shine or become a little cracked.

Baking soda helps get rid of odor in shoes

There are a lot of ways to get rid of a strong odor, and with it, unpleasant sensations. Depending on the type of shoes and the availability of consumables, you can choose a convenient method. But it is still worth noting that soda is the most inexpensive material that can be bought in absolutely any supermarket. It is economical, profitable and fast. We hope that the useful tips from this article will help you solve your problems.


Reviews and comments

Thank you, I'll check with baking soda...


