The best shoe dryers

After a walk in bad weather, the question often arises of how to properly dry wet shoes and thereby preserve their appearance. One of the simple and safe ways is to buy a special shoe dryer. The thing is so convenient that it allows you to completely eliminate moisture in a short time. Read further about what types of dryers exist, how to choose and use the product correctly.

Wet shoes

Why do you need a shoe dryer?

A shoe dryer will solve a number of problems at once: eliminating unpleasant odors, disinfecting, eliminating fungus and bacteria that cause odors, as well as extending the life of shoes. After all, proper care of shoes directly affects their service life. Therefore, before throwing away your shoes, it is better to seek help from special devices. Modern products are so advanced that they can solve even difficult problems with the click of a button.

Drying shoes

What to look for when purchasing

In stores you can find many models that have a similar principle of operation, but differ only in price and quality.When choosing a product, pay special attention to the following details:

  1. Build quality: elements should not be glued, but twisted with nuts. This is a kind of guarantee that integrity will be preserved under the influence of heat.
  2. Material of manufacture. Aluminum products have optimal thermal conductivity.
  3. The optimal size of dryers is 10-15 cm. In such models you can dry both children's and adult shoes.
  4. Heating of the product should be short: about 2-3 minutes.
  5. Drying time. The parameter depends on the heating temperature and the uniformity of distribution of warm air vapor.
  6. Versatility. There are models that can be used to dry gloves, socks, and even food.
  7. Consult about power so you don't end up with large electricity bills at the end of the month.

IMPORTANT! When purchasing, pay attention to the safety of the model, ease of use and cord length.


Which one is better to choose for your home, features and advantages

The following models are suitable for frequent use:


This model consists of two medium-sized boxes, inside of which there is a heater. The boxes just need to be placed in each pair and connected to an energy source. There are also designs made in the form of a heated mat. Let's consider popular models:

  1. One of the cheapest and most functional models is Shushila, which heats up to 60 degrees. Consumers appreciated the build quality of the model and the length of the cord. To bring the boots into good condition, it will take up to 7 hours of operation. You will be especially pleased with the price - no more than 300 rubles.
  2. The DiC device will dry shoes made of any material within 5-10 hours. The body is made of impact-resistant plastic, and the heating elements are plates.A special sensor will allow you to monitor work. The model can be bought for 200-700 rubles.
  3. A competitor to the above is the Chinese-assembled model – Shtrikh. It is made of high quality plastic and has great power, which allows you to dry things much faster. Ideal for drying children's shoes and daily use.

Electric dryer


The structure of this dryer is fundamentally different compared to the previous one. The product contains a built-in ultraviolet light that kills pathogenic bacteria, but laboratory tests have not confirmed this. There are two types of these dryers: mains-powered liners and battery-powered devices.

The most popular model is the budget option from the Timson company - 2416. The cost varies from 400 rubles. up to 1 tr. It is simple, easy to use for both children and adults and does not spoil things. Due to its low energy consumption, you can leave it on all night and put on dried shoes in the morning. Among the disadvantages are the short length of the cord and the inability to thoroughly remove the corrosive odor. An interesting offer is the Timson Family dryer, which allows you to dry up to three pairs of shoes from one fork. In fact, at a cost of 2600 rubles. the buyer receives three dryers.

The Irit dryer has an affordable price (from 200 rubles) and works using ultraviolet lamps. It has high power, up to 10 W and can heat up within +65 +80 C. In addition, the Irit dryer has a pleasant backlight.

ATTENTION! In home use, ultraviolet dryers are used for antibacterial treatment of pets' sleeping areas - dogs and cats.
Ultraviolet dryer

With fan

A popular model is the BIO-P1 from a Russian manufacturer, operating on the ion wind system. Shoes dry due to air circulation. The device is lightweight, small in size and easy to operate. Provides 100% destruction of bacteria. The cost is about 1200 - 1500 rubles.

Fan dryer


Among the models that have an antifungal effect, Ozonner has a good rating. Consists of two heating elements with a power of 50 W and an ozone generator. There is a convenient timer that turns off the device automatically and works like a hair dryer. Cost about 2 -2.5 tr.

Also interesting in this category is the FOOTWEAR DRYER device. It prevents the emergence and spread of microorganisms, mold and bacteria. The unit is suitable for daily use and drying of various types of shoes, gloves, socks. Things dry within an hour. The price of the device is about 1 thousand rubles. No operating problems were found among users.
Antifungal dryer

How to use a shoe dryer correctly

Additional instructions are always printed for each device. But the operating principle of all shoe dryers is approximately the same. First you need to preheat the dryer. When inserting or removing the device itself, you need to hold on to the special handle so as not to get burned. Shoes need to be checked periodically. Sometimes the drying process can take much less time than planned.

REFERENCE! The devices are made in such a way that they cannot damage or burn shoes. Therefore, you can not be afraid to leave the dryer in your shoes for several hours.

Wet shoes

Thus, a shoe dryer is a useful product, indispensable in every home.After all, if you don’t take care and dry your favorite pair in a timely manner, you can quickly render the boots unusable or get unpleasant diseases. Choosing a suitable dryer is quite simple, since various options for price and design features have appeared on sale.


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