What to do if your shoes are rubbing on the back

Tinder red shoesEvery person has encountered such a problem as calluses on the heels. Shoes that rub cause considerable discomfort. This may be due to various reasons.

Starting from the material of the product, ending with the uncomfortable last. To avoid complications and walk in your favorite shoes. You need to know the features of choosing good shoes, and how to quickly stretch them for comfortable wear.

Selecting shoes wisely when purchasing

To prevent foot chafing, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You should not give preference to shoes that are simply beautiful in appearance. Before you buy shoes, you need to put them on and walk around the store for a couple of minutes. This time is enough to understand whether the shoes are rubbing.
  2. Buy models based on your foot size only. The foot should feel comfortable inside.
  3. Give preference to models made of genuine leather, suede, and nubuck. These options have orthopedic pads, so they are comfortable to wear.

Choosing shoesBy following 3 simple rules, you will be able to choose high-quality, comfortable shoes and not rub new calluses.

Causes of chafing feet

To the main reasons why do shoes rub your heel?, include:

  • incorrectly selected shoes;
  • rough material of the product;
  • severe swelling of the legs.

Rub your feetMost often it is because of this new shoes start to rub on the back or from the side. As a result, watery calluses appear on the feet, which cause considerable discomfort when walking.

How to break in shoes that rub your heel?

What to do if you can’t wear your favorite shoes due to constant calluses? There are two ways out. The first is to return the shoes to the store. The second is to stretch the model yourself to the desired size.

The backs of your shoes are rubbingWe’ll look at how to do this below.

Traditional methods

If you were unable to break in your shoes after 2-3 days of regular wear, then you can use traditional stretching methods.

Stretch with paper1. One of the most effective working methods is stretching with paper. To do this, you need to take some newspaper, moisten it in water and stuff the inside of the shoes. Leave the product alone until completely dry. After which we take out the paper and you can safely put on your shoes outside.

Stretching shoes with alcohol2. If you don’t have paper at home, you can use alcohol. Rub it thoroughly on the inside of the shoes and leave to dry. The product will become more elastic, which will allow it to fit correctly on the leg. In addition to alcohol, shoes can also be rubbed with beer, the effect will be the same.

Pour water into a bag and put it in shoes and in the refrigerator3. For quickly breaking in shoes also use regular water. The procedure is as follows: 2 bags are filled with water and inserted into the shoes. Shoes are placed in the freezer overnight. In the morning, we take out the frozen bags from the product and try to put shoes on the model.

4. When only the heel rubs, but otherwise the shoes wear well. A hammer will help.The cause of heel rubbing is most likely a hard heel. Therefore, you need to take a hammer and knock on it well. This will soften the material and make the seam less rough.

Shoe stretchers5. Old leather shoes can also chafe. The reason for this problem is that over time the skin dries out and becomes tougher. Because of this, boots or shoes press and squeeze. To get rid of the problem, you need to lubricate the product with baby cream, fat or a special cream. Leave to dry overnight. The next day we put on terry socks and put on our shoes. You will need to walk in the shoes for a couple of hours for them to stretch well.

Professional methods

When home methods do not give the desired results, professional stretching methods will help:

Stretch shoes: sprayTo do this, in a shoe store you need buy a special spray or foam. The product is applied to the inside of the product in those places where the shoes rub. And wear the shoes for a couple of hours for 2 days. For a better effect, the product can be dried with a hairdryer.

Silicone stickers on the back of shoesIf you are afraid of ruining the model, but still want to wear it. You can buy special silicone stickers at a shoe store. They are easily attached to shoes and are not felt when walking. Silicone softens the friction force, and the delicate skin on the heel is not damaged.

Preventive measures

Preparing shoes for the winterTo avoid the appearance of calluses and corns, you need to follow preventive measures:

  • So that winter shoes do not dry out during the year. Before putting it away in the closet, place paper or a towel inside. This will help maintain its shape.
  • Wise product selection. When buying shoes, you need to take into account the size and volume of the foot, the stability of the last, and the material.
  • When putting on shoes for the first time, it is best to apply an adhesive plaster in advance to avoid injury to the skin.
  • It is better to buy shoes made from natural materialsov. They are elastic, do not deform and stretch well.

If there is already a callus

When, after wearing it, a callus has already appeared on the back of the foot. This cannot be ignored. If it is not treated in time, there may be complications. Therefore, when a callus appears, the first thing you need to do is apply an adhesive plaster.

Adhesive plaster for rubbed heelThen the damaged areas will not be in direct contact with the hard material, which means they will heal faster. Foot baths and special products for external use have also proven themselves to be effective.

How to remove blisters?

Antibacterial patches on feet to prevent shoes from rubbingThere are several methods for removing a blister:

  • herbal baths;
  • pharmaceutical ointments for external use;
  • use of a bactericidal patch.

Using these removal methods, you can quickly and painlessly remove a callus on your heel without a scar.

How to avoid complications?

Baths for blisters on heelsVery often, swollen blisters on the heel burst on their own. This is dangerous, as dirt or infection may get into the damaged area. Then infection will begin. As a result, the wound may begin to fester, which will lead to complications.

A manganese solution will help to avoid complications. They need to wash their feet once a day before going to bed for a week.

You can also wipe the damaged areas with hydrogen peroxide. This will disinfect the skin and help the wound heal quickly.

In order for calluses to heal quickly and not leave a mark, you need to apply a paste of aloe leaves to the site of injury. It activates the regeneration process and helps soothe itching and burning.

Removing dry calluses

It is very difficult to remove dry calluses, as the skin becomes rough and does not want to peel off. A foot bath with salt, soda and soap will help soften it. After the procedure, lubricate the feet with a rich cream, or perhaps Panthenol, and put on socks. It is best to take such baths before bed.

Important! Do not pick dry skin from your leg, as this can damage living areas and cause even more harm.

Shoes rubbed on the backThe appearance of calluses on the feet is not uncommon. They usually appear when shoes rub at the back. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right shoes and promptly treat injured areas on the foot. Then your feet will be healthy, and your shoes will not cause discomfort!

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