What to do if the inside of the shoes is painted

You can get into an awkward situation when you take off your shoes and see stained socks, tights or feet. This problem is relevant, as there are fewer and fewer good shoe manufacturers. There are popular ways to avoid such misunderstandings.

What to do to prevent the inside of shoes from being painted - possible reasons

shoes dye when wornThere are several reasons why shoes can get your feet dirty:

  • If the entire foot is stained, then this is a sure sign that the insoles are made from cheap and low-grade material.
  • Excessive sweating of the feet contributes to the transfer of dye to clothing and human skin.
  • Getting your shoes wet in the autumn-winter period.
  • Incorrect care. Low-quality creams, paints and sprays contain pigments that greatly affect the condition of the shoes. Temperature changes also negatively affect the structure of the coating due to the sun's rays.

IMPORTANT! Coloring of the heels is considered normal. This occurs due to the sewing of a leather insert on the inside. Staining occurs when the area is exposed to sweat, rain, or other liquid.To prevent such moments, it is better to wear shoes with light-colored insoles. In everyday shoes, the upper part of the insole often wears away, exposing the paint surface.


There are various methods to combat this scourge. Of course, it’s easier to immediately return the shoes to the store. However, this is not at all necessary, especially if you are satisfied with the purchase in all major respects.

Return to store

returnWhen you dye your shoes from the inside, it's very easy to get your money back. If the shoes are new and there is a receipt confirming the purchase, the seller is obliged to refund the full cost of the goods. Shoes must be placed in a box or packaging and personal documents must be taken. If you refuse to accept back a low-quality product, you can safely go to the courts. Before this, you need to do their examination. According to regulatory documents, unstable paint pigments on things are not allowed.

Store products

store productsStore-bought drugs are the most effective and fastest way to solve this situation. They take care of shoes without allowing coloring pigments to stand out. Paint fixatives that have proven themselves well are Salamander and Saphir. The remover also removes the developed paint well, but does not protect the shoes from its further appearance. Therefore, the results from its use are short-lived.

Available means

Due to their effectiveness, folk remedies for eliminating this problem are very popular:

  • Table vinegar. Use cotton wool soaked in vinegar to wipe the inside of the shoe and let it dry thoroughly. Acid is a good fixative.
  • Alcohol or vodka. This liquid removes paint well, but does not fix it. You need to wet a rag or cotton wool with alcohol and wipe your shoes with it.
  • Hair fixation spray.This product must be sprayed 3-4 times on the inner surface of the shoe and then dried.
  • Talc. The substance is rubbed inside.
  • Burr oil. Lubricate the inside of the shoes and wait until the substance is completely absorbed.

REFERENCE. To obtain the desired effect, shoe treatment must be carried out in a dry state. You can try one or more of the above methods depending on the result.

Replacing insoles, breaking in, washing off paint

replacing insolesYou can replace the insoles at a workshop or yourself. The price for these types of services is affordable. In this case, it is better to opt for white or light-colored insoles so that the paint is not so noticeable. Many people like to break in their shoes at home by wearing unnecessary socks. After walking in them for a couple of hours, the paint will come off and will not cause any trouble in the future.

ATTENTION. One of the cardinal ways is to use a solvent. It is better to take a solvent that artists use to wash brushes. They wipe shoes with it, removing excess coloring from the inner surface. After this procedure, the shoes need to be well ventilated.

So, there are a lot of ways to get rid of paint on your legs or hosiery. We hope that this article will be useful and will suggest options for solving such a problem as “staining shoes.”

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