What to do if your shoes are too tight on your toes

All women love fashionable shoes. Especially the shoes. They can be worn to any event and changed at least every day. Unfortunately, sometimes after purchasing shoes they turn out to be uncomfortable - they pinch your toes and cause pain when walking. I don’t want to take it back to the store, because this is exactly what the girl dreamed of. Only they fit the new dress... The thought is born in my head: “Stretch and wear the shoes, no matter what.” Luckily, there are many ways to make your shoes fit and break in. We offer useful recommendations.

General rules and useful recommendations: if your shoes feel too tight in your toes

shoes are too tight
At home, making shoes a size larger is a completely doable task. If you need to put on a pair urgently, and there is no time to buy special products, you should resort to urgent methods. For example, spray an alcohol-containing product inside the toe box: cologne, deodorant, etc. After treatment, you should immediately put on your shoes.

If the shoes are made of genuine leather, alcohol will slightly deform them from the inside, and the foot will fit in without problems.Artificial leather also responds well to the alcohol procedure. Before spraying, alcohol is diluted with water (ratio 2:1). You don’t have to spray the inside, but wipe it with a cotton or cotton pad. If you don't have a spray bottle at hand.

Important! Suede products should not be soaked in alcohol! This causes the material to deteriorate and take on a sloppy appearance. For suede shoes, it's better to take beer. It will soften and will not stain the item.

If you don’t need a new pair soon, it is recommended to break them in gradually, without using chemicals. Shoes have a good property - they adapt to the shape of the foot. You should wear something new every day and wear it for several hours. Over time, the shoes will stop squeezing your fingers and become comfortable. In the first days, it is better to put shoes or socks on your feet. There are special pads on the fingers that prevent the appearance of calluses.

Use of special means

spray shoe extender
If you don’t want to wear your shoes for a long time and exude the aroma of alcohol, you can buy special expanding agents. They come in the form of sprays or mechanical dilators. Such devices are convenient and will come in handy later when purchasing a new pair.

The expander is a block fastened with a bolt. It is inserted inside the shoe and the width of the toe area is adjusted using a bolt. That is, the device expands the shoes. You need to leave it inside for several hours. If necessary, do this before each use of the shoes. Instructions are included with the expander. Therefore, there will be no problems with its use.

Sprays that help make shoes bigger are also sold in stores. They are easy to use and effective. Just spray inside the products and put them on. It is recommended to walk for 30 minutes, then repeat the activity.If the shoes become normal after the first treatment, there is no need to repeat the process.

How to stretch shoes using improvised means

expanding shoes using newspapers
There are affordable ways to enlarge shoes using available means:

  1. Newspapers. Every house has old waste paper. It can be used to make an effective expander. Make a ball from newspapers that will be proportional to the size of the shoes. Place it in warm water. It is better to make two balls for both shoes at once. Remove from water and squeeze well. Place the resulting “bomb” in the toes of the shoes. Place tightly and leave to dry in a ventilated place for 6-7 hours. It is important to understand that it is better not to use the battery! Dry naturally. For example, on the balcony. Newspaper balls are effective for leather products. It is better not to fill suede with damp paper;
  2. Treatment with boiling water. High temperatures expand shoes. Pour some boiling water inside the shoes and leave for 2-3 minutes. Then drain the water and cool the material. Put on socks and shoes. Walk for half an hour. Boiling water is only suitable for high-quality shoes made of genuine leather with durable stitching. Otherwise, the product will come unstuck and fall apart;
  3. You can increase the size of the new thing by using raw potatoes. This solution is suitable for artificial shoes. Remove the skins from the potatoes. Place inside the shoes and leave for 8-10 hours. It is better to take several small potatoes to make it easier to compact them.

If you don’t want to bother with traditional methods, you can entrust the expansion of shoes to professionals. In shoe workshops, this procedure will be done quickly, efficiently and without damage.

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