How to get rid of odor in shoes

Such a nuisance as the appearance of an odor in shoes can take you by surprise. Instead of saying goodbye to your favorite shoes, you should remove the hated scent. There are many ways to solve this problem, including professional and home recommendations.

How to remove odor from shoes, its causes

Getting rid of the scent is not enough. It is important to determine the cause of the problem in order to avoid problems in the future. The smell in most cases occurs due to the active development of bacteria. The appearance of odor may be due to the following reasons:

  1. Development of nail and skin fungus.
  2. Neglect of personal hygiene rules.
  3. Regular use of synthetic tights and socks.
  4. Shoes are not properly cared for.
  5. Improper storage of shoes.
  6. Using low quality faux leather shoes.

By understanding the reasons, you will be able to quickly cope with the situation that has arisen.

Deodorants and powders

deodorantThese products were specially developed for such cases and have antibacterial components in their composition. They eliminate odor without staining or harming the product. Deodorants come in different forms:

  1. Spray. It needs to be shaken and applied inside the shoes before and after wearing.
  2. Stick. A special pencil that is used to lubricate the inside of shoes daily.
  3. Pills. A new form of the remedy. It contains certain components aimed at quickly and effectively destroying bacteria and fungi.

Essential oil

essential oilYou can choose any oil that has a pleasant aroma. A small dose of the product should be applied to a sponge and wipe the product from the inside. In addition to eliminating the odor, the oil copes with the microbes that caused the trouble. It is recommended to use only a few drops of the product.

Drying and airing

dryingSometimes an unpleasant odor occurs due to very wet shoes. Then it is enough to dry the product thoroughly. Afterwards, the shoes are placed on the balcony for at least one day for effective ventilation. Eliminating the cause of the wetness, for example, removing a hole or replacing a cracked sole, will help you avoid a similar situation in the future.

Replacing insoles

If the problem arose due to the fault of the insoles, you can correct the situation simply by changing them. This action is enough to resolve the problem.

Important! When choosing insoles, give preference to models that have a layer of charcoal or activated carbon. This will allow the product to efficiently absorb moisture and sweat.

Home remedies

sodaYou can get by with the usual means that are at hand. Among the effective methods:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. It quickly eliminates odor and stops the development of fungal diseases due to its antibacterial properties.Peroxide quite brightens the inside surface of shoes. Therefore, it is better to use only for light-colored shoes.
  2. Vinegar. It is a common remedy to remove aroma. You should soak a piece of cotton wool with vinegar and treat the shoes inside and out. A 6 or 9% product is suitable. After processing, the product is exposed to air for a long time.
  3. Salt. It needs to be poured into shoes and left for several days. The salt is then removed and the shoes can be used.
  4. Sometimes tea bags are placed under the heels of shoes to prevent the smell of sweat from appearing in shoes. This method allows the bag to instantly absorb moisture and also disinfect.

A few care and storage tips to prevent odors

shoe careTo avoid such problems, it is recommended to follow some rules for storing and caring for shoes:

  1. The product must be thoroughly washed and auditioned.
  2. Shoes made of special materials, including suede and velor, must be treated with special means.
  3. When storing the model, crumpled paper is placed inside. A bag of silica gel is placed in the box.
  4. It is recommended to change the insoles monthly and dry them separately.

Shoes need regular long-term airing. These tips will help prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. It is important to promptly treat fungal diseases, which also cause aroma.

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