How to clean suede shoes at home

Any clothes or shoes constantly require careful treatment and care. Especially if you have suede shoes. Over time, stains, abrasions, salt circles, and bloating appear. We will tell you how to deal with and eliminate these negative factors.

Cleaning products

  • Special cleaning products purchased in the store. See the production date and expiration date. An expired product will not give the desired effect;
  • Gently clean with a solution: 1 teaspoon potato starch with 2 drops of ammonia. Sprinkle on problem areas and leave for 20 minutes, then sweep with a brush;
  • Using a cotton swab, gently wet the stain with gasoline, then sprinkle talcum powder on top and leave for 15 minutes. After drying, remove the composition with a slightly damp cloth.

For light suede

Apply hydrogen peroxide. Method: add 1 teaspoon of peroxide with ammonia to a glass of water and rub the shiny areas. Then rinse with running water and dry with an absorbent cloth.

How to care for shiny areas

how to remove shiny places

With prolonged wear, abrasions and shiny areas appear. Shoes take on an “old look” and can ruin your clothing style.

  1. Rub the shiny areas with an eraser. It can be replaced with fine sandpaper. Don't rub too hard.
  2. Hold the worn areas over steam, and then straighten the fibers with a special rubber brush.

Winter care

In winter, shoes quickly lose their appearance due to moisture after the snow melts. The main thing is proper drying.

WARNING: DO NOT place suede shoes on radiators or pipes. Dry using spacers. This method will prevent the material from shrinking and becoming rigid.

Use protective coverings for the winter. The branded spray works great in the cold season. Suede is not the most suitable material for harsh winter conditions.

Basic rules for cleaning suede

basic cleaning rulesThere are a sufficient number of ways to clean natural, elastic suede at home. IMPORTANT: Do not perform experimental actions without consultation. You can ruin the material and the shoes will look unprofitable.

  • Daily quality care;
  • Suede does not tolerate moisture. The material is able to absorb and absorb moisture, while swelling. Next comes rigidity;
  • Clean only with a special brush;
  • After purchase, new shoes should be sprayed with a water-repellent solution three times, followed by drying periods. After these steps, a certain protective film will appear, which will allow for easy cleaning;
  • After visiting the street, let the shoes dry naturally, and then clean them calmly.

ATTENTION: If you clean wet and splashed shoes immediately after arrival, the stains will eat in and leave bald patches.

How to restore color

Over time, suede loses color. To do this, use a colorful reducing agent. Apply for 10 minutes and wait. Then scrub with a brush until the color is even.

ATTENTION: Any shoe paint has protective properties.

rules for caring for suede shoesThe brown color is restored using a coffee solution. For three tablespoons of boiling water, add 1 tbsp. soak the shoes with a spoonful of coffee and an absorbent swab. The effect of this method is amazing.

For black, use suede dye. You can buy it in every store, you won’t have any problems finding it.

For colored suede, it is difficult to find a restorer, almost impossible. Use clear sprays. There is a sure-fire home method: the compounds that are added when washing colored laundry will cope perfectly with the problem. Apply the undiluted solution for 5 minutes and then rinse with water.

ATTENTION: Follow the instructions carefully; do not overexpose the product. Otherwise the shoes will be damaged.

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