How to break in faux leather shoes

Shoes are tightThe situation when new shoes turn out to be too small is common. If the difference is 0.5-1 size, then the problem can be solved simply: just slightly space them apart (stretch them). You can stock up on a patch and wait for this to happen naturally, or you can save your feet and stretch your shoes using proven techniques.

Break in faux leather shoes quickly

Experts are very skeptical about the idea of ​​selling shoes made of artificial leather (leatherette). The fact is that there are many options for leatherette, and they differ from each other in the base material. It can be woven, knitted or non-woven. Only leatherette on knitwear stretches well. Even a specialist will not always be able to determine by the appearance of the shoes what kind of material was used. Therefore, no home method guarantees results.

Using special tools and devices

Shoe stretcherAny shoe store sells special means for stretching shoes.They are most often found in the form of a spray or foam.

The method of application is simple: spray on a tight area, put on shoes and walk around for a couple of hours. Most likely, the procedure will have to be repeated.

In the same stores you can buy special pads. They are used in conjunction with spray or foam and greatly simplify the process.

Important! When using lasts, you need to be extremely careful: it’s easy to overdo it and damage the heel seam on your shoes. It is better to adjust their size in advance and only then insert them into shoes.

Shoe stretching pads

Stretch leatherette shoes using folk remedies

All folk methods of stretching, one way or another, involve the use of two substances: alcohol or water.


  • Use cologne (vodka, alcohol solution) to treat the surface from the inside in the place that is pinching. Put on your shoes and walk around in your shoes for a couple of hours. Preferably on a wool sock. This will speed up the process and add extra volume to the foot.

Stretch leatherette shoes

The most effective methods using water:

  • Put on wet socks and shoes. Walk like this until your socks are dry.
  • Tear some newspaper, wet the scraps and stuff them tightly into your shoes. Leave until completely dry.

Stretch your shoes

Important! Shoes should not be placed near heating devices.

You need to be prepared for the fact that one procedure will not be enough.

Non-standard methods of stretching

On the Internet you can find very unusual ways to stretch shoes from folk craftsmen. They should only be used if all previous methods have not worked and there is nothing to lose.


Stretch shoes with a hairdryerThe idea is simple: to soften the material, it must be heated. Most often it is recommended to do this with a hairdryer. Procedure:

  • Warm up the shoes with a regular hairdryer. This must be done very carefully, from a distance of 15–20 cm from the surface.

There is an alternative option: heat the surface over an electric stove.

Important! You cannot do this over a gas burner! Open fire will damage the surface;

  • While the material is warm, put on your shoes with thick socks.
  • Wear until the faux leather cools down (usually about an hour).
  • Repeat if necessary.

The method is risky and will not work on all shoes. The problem is that not all artificial leather reacts well to temperature changes. There is a high probability that the surface will be covered with microcracks. To minimize this risk, you can use two secrets from professionals:

  • Warm up with a hairdryer through a towel. To do this, any towel or cloth must be wetted and wrapped around the shoes. So the hot air will not directly affect the leatherette, and the steam from the towel will speed up the whole process.
  • Before putting it on your feet, lubricate the surface with cream or Vaseline. (it’s better to first make sure in an inconspicuous area that no stains will remain after the cream).


Another non-standard technique involves the use of water, a freezer and the laws of physics:

  • Place thick bags into the shoes and fill them with water (not completely). Tie well to prevent water from spilling and place in the freezer. Then everything is simple: the water freezes, expands and stretches the shoes. After a few hours, all you have to do is take out the ice packs and admire the results.

Stretch your shoes with ice

Everything seems to be simple and reliable. But there are several nuances here:

  • Not every leatherette can withstand low temperatures well. If the shoes are demi-season, then most likely everything will end well, but on a summer pair the surface may crack.
  • Water expands in all directions, so there is a high probability that the shoes will lose their shape and eventually turn into charming bast shoes.

Sowing or cowboy

You can call it differently: “last chance” or “gesture of despair.” Grain is poured into the shoes and water is poured on top. Leave for several days. As planned, the grain should swell from the water and stretch the shoes. There is a high risk that the shoes will become deformed after these manipulations.

When to contact professionals

In some cases, you should not experiment, but it is better to immediately turn to professionals. This applies to:

  • expensive, dress shoes that are scary to ruin;
  • if the legs have anatomical features (bumps);
  • if significant stretching is required, at least one size.

You will have to pay for the service, but the result will be guaranteed.

All techniques for stretching shoes should only be used if they are no more than a size too small. And before you start experimenting, you should at least try to negotiate an exchange with the store. If the shoes have not lost their appearance, the seller will always meet you halfway.

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