Kristen Stewart took off her shoes on the red carpet

The Hollywood film actress took off her shoes in Cannes in front of many fans and photographers, walking along the red carpet at the Palais des Congrès. She immediately became the person of the day. The main reason for this action is the rule according to which girls can only enter the Palace wearing high heels. The film actress herself claims that it is wrong and no longer morally corresponds to the dress code, and she is not alone.

Who took off their shoes on the red carpet?

Which star took off his shoes on the red carpet?

One of the most prestigious film festivals is held in Cannes every year. The most important elements of the festival are the premiere screenings of films at the Palais des Congrès, when before this the stars walk into the Palace on the red carpet. They stop to pose and continue up the steps.

Kristen Stewart arrived at the premiere of the film “BlacKkKlansman.” During the festival it was shown as the main competition program.Before going up the steps, Kristen stopped to take photos, and then suddenly took off her shoes and entered the Palace barefoot.

Journalists regarded this act as a protest against the rules of the Cannes Film Festival, which obliges all girls to wear high-heeled shoes when walking along the red carpet at the Palace. In 2016, VanityFair wrote that Stewart had already said she thought it was wrong and wanted to push for a complete repeal.

Kristen Stewart

The situation needs to change immediately. If I am next to a guy, they will stop me with a complaint: “Sorry, but your shoes are without heels, you can’t come in.” But the man is also without heels. Does he need to wear heels too? How can you ask me to do something that you don’t dare ask him to do? I know that there is a certain black-tie style, but there must be a choice in clothing - with or without stilettos.

Reference! Also in 2016, Screen Daily wrote that some girls who did not wear heels for medical reasons were not allowed into the Palais des Festivals by security. Which caused many protests, in particular among Hollywood stars. Emily Blunt and several other film actresses spoke out in favor of abolishing this rule.

What was the reason for this action?

According to Stewart, she is against the rule that women are required to wear heels before entering the Palace in Cannes.

“Is a dress code really that important,” Stewart says in an interview. “People get very upset if you don’t wear heels or maybe something else.” But you don’t ask men to wear heels and a dress, why should I do that?” It looks like Stewart wants to change the rule, knowing that she will still be allowed into the hall as a member of the judging panel.

No shoes on the red carpet

How did society react?

The film actress’s action began to be actively discussed on all social networks. As a rule, girls express their admiration.

However, not everyone supports Stewart in her action. Many even doubt that this was a protest against the rules: it was raining in Cannes that day, the photo shows that Kristen is accompanied by a security guard with an umbrella, and, accordingly, the carpet and stairs were simply slippery. Some criticized Stewart's appearance and acting skills.

Recently, a group of “tramps” with the slogan “It’s legal to walk barefoot” is again gaining popularity in America. It already has more than 60,000 subscribers, and this group is predominantly American. This movement insists on its legal right to walk barefoot always and everywhere, tries to fight prejudice and promotes barefoot walking as a guarantee of a healthy lifestyle.


But one entrepreneur from Australia always goes to work strictly in uniform, but with an original element - women's shoes with stiletto heels. The man decided to wear such shoes after talking with girls at work, who convinced him that heels give him more confidence in his abilities.

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