Favorite shoes of celebrities: which brands stars wear with pleasure

As the classic said, “everything in a person should be beautiful”... And the face, and the clothes, and the hairstyle, and, of course, the shoes! Let's talk about her. External beauty is not the main criterion for her choice. In addition, the shoes should be quite comfortable and comfortable, and also correspond to the personal taste of the owner. This is especially true for people who spend most of their time on their feet. Celebrities are like that: musicians, actors, singers, and so on. Let's see what they wear. Perhaps their choice will help someone decide on models for themselves.

Favorite shoes of celebrities: what brands do stars wear without taking them off?

Principles for choosing shoes by celebrities

Many shoe manufacturers would like popular personalities to wear their products. But often stars give preference to one person. These are the demands that celebrities place on their shoes.

  • Maximum comfort and convenience. Stars have to spend a lot of time standing: on stage, on set, at various events. And personal convenience in this case plays an important role.After all, it’s no secret that when exposed to stress, the foot can swell a little. This causes a feeling of discomfort in the leg. How big it will be depends on the shoes.
  • Stylistics products must correspond to the overall appearance. Celebrities don't usually change their style over time. After all, a thoughtful appearance is their “trick”. Accordingly, they need suitable shoes. And by changing the brand, they will have to re-explain their requests and preferences. And it’s not a fact that you’ll be able to find the right model right away.
  • Social status. Famous personalities must correspond to a certain level, and also take into account fashion trends.

Reference! Modern actors, singers, and musicians do not necessarily choose only branded items. In everyday life, many of them prefer the same models as the average person.

What shoes did the stars love?

Choosing the right shoes is not easy! But, looking at the beautiful images of their idols, it seems that this does not cause them much difficulty. Of course, this primarily speaks about the skill of the designer. Let's take a look at which brands celebrities prefer.

Julia Roberts

The most famous beauty in Hollywood, Julia Roberts, prefers to wear shoes from Gucci.

Julia Roberts

Despite her rather tall height (175 cm), Julia often wears high-heeled shoes. This makes her long legs even more attractive and alluring.

Jennifer Lopez

The incomparable Jennifer Lopez prefers products from Jimmy Choo.

Jennifer Lopez

Her commitment to shoes of this particular brand is explained by the features of the model. The high thin heel is designed in such a way as not to cause discomfort to the foot even when worn for a long time.

The American singer and dancer also admitted that she loves shoes Charlotte Olympia Shares.

Jennifer Lopez

Renata Litvinova

A stylish Russian actress whose role is that of a fragile woman with a fine mental structure. This can be clearly seen in the film “Border. Taiga Romance”, where she played a nurse, the wife of a special officer Albina. And also in the film “Sky. Airplane. Girl”, where she played flight attendant Lara. And her choice of the famous company is not at all surprising. Prada.

Renata Litvinovp

Jessica Alba

American actress Jessica Alba preferred models without heels before giving birth to children. But with pregnancy, her tastes changed. So, on the eve of motherhood, she wore wedges from the company Hermes.

Jessica Alba

Uma Thurman

Former model and famous American actress Uma Thurman prefers pumps from Manolo.

Jessica Parker

And her favorite model is Blahnik.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is not only a talented Hollywood actress, but also a UN Goodwill Ambassador and a mother of six children. Most often she chooses products from the company Salvatore Ferragamo.

Angelina Jolie

Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria, who plays Gabrielle Solis in the series “Desperate Housewives,” really liked the recent shoe hit - “Louboutins".

Eva Longoria

She often appears in public wearing shoes with red patent soles.

Katy Perry

Another American singer Katy Perry prefers to wear models from Jimmy Choo.

Katy Perry

She enjoys purchasing new items from this brand.

Nicole Kidman

Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman loves extraordinary shoes.

Nicole Kidman

And especially prefers models Nicholas Kirkwood.

Do you like what the stars wear?

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TO kitty:

Take a closer look, this is not Uma Thurman


