Why do celebrities and Asian women buy shoes a size larger?

The mood for the whole day depends on correctly selected comfortable shoes, every woman will confirm this. It is difficult to feel at ease, be friendly and smile at everyone if there is a callus on the heel or the last of the shoes is tightly squeezing the foot. The most enterprising and resourceful people in this world have figured out how to be on top (literally!) all day long and at the same time avoid calluses and other problems.

Why do celebrities and Asian women buy shoes a size larger?

Who buys shoes a size larger?

Most of us will answer this question - frugal mothers. Indeed, they buy sandals and sneakers for children to grow into. To prevent shoes from slipping, they put a piece of cotton wool in the sock; this method has been known for a long time. Or they buy winter boots with a size reserve so that in severe frost they can be warmed up with a thick sock.

who buys big shoes

Recently, not only children have begun to use this same technique. It is mainly used by women who have to wear high-heeled shoes for a long time. Therefore, ladies want to make wearing shoes more comfortable.After all, it is the fair sex who wear heels for the sake of elegance of the silhouette, grace and luxurious gait.

But in some Asian countries, women buy shoes 1, or even 2, sizes larger, and they do this not only with stiletto heels.

Why do stars wear shoes like these?

There is no special secret in choosing large size shoes - everything is banally simple. Public people: movie and pop stars, TV presenters and other representatives of the social elite - are obliged to pose for hours, act and spend 24 hours in heels. Louboutins and high heels are beautiful, but terribly uncomfortable! Even young people’s legs begin to swell by the end of the event, what can we say about an older woman. To make it easier to endure long periods of standing in an upright position, celebrities began to resort to a simple method - buying shoes larger than needed. This way they create the most comfortable conditions for their swollen legs. The foot, which has become enlarged due to swelling, is not rubbed by the material of the shoes, and inconvenience with the shoes is minimized.

stars in big shoes

Advice! If you are constantly on your feet for work or stiletto heels are part of your dress code, you can also use the popular star method and wear shoes a size larger.

Why do women buy large shoes in Japan?

Japanese women are big originals, but they have so many reasons to wear shoes 2 sizes larger. We have compiled a selection of explanations that will help you understand this tradition.

Japanese shoes with elastic bands

  • In Japan, unlike European countries, it is customary to take off your shoes at home. Therefore, loose shoes of any style are purchased: their easier to take off and put on.
  • Historically, Chinese and Japanese women wore uncomfortable wooden shoes.They mocked the girls' feet by swaddling them to make their feet small. A small foot in ancient Asia was the standard of femininity. That's probably why modern women, as if in protest, wear large, bulky shoes.
  • In boots one or two sizes too large The leg looks, according to Japanese girls, cute and childishly charming. Lovely Japanese women play in contrast.
  • Emphasizing sexuality. A foot that easily slides into a shoe looks more attractive than a foot that is hardly squeezed in with the help of a shoe blade.
  • In a humid warm climate It’s not so hot in spacious slippers and shoes.
  • Desire to avoid foot deformities an uncomfortable tight couple.

And visitors to the country also assume that Asian fashionistas first of all pay attention to the beauty of the model. If you like the shoes, then the size doesn't matter.

How to Wear Plus Size Shoes

If you choose a pair that is larger than you need, you will have to adapt to it. After all, losing a shoe is only good in a fairy tale!

how to wear

  • You can do it the old fashioned way put cotton wool in a sock, and in the second half of the evening, feeling that your legs are tired, remove it.
  • A more modern device - special silicone pads. They are glued to the right place, preventing the shoe from slipping.
  • It helps to fix the shoe in place so as not to lose large pumps at a crucial moment. Double-sided tape.

rubber bands for shoes

  • Know-how from Japan - special elastic bands for large shoes. They secure the shoes to the foot.

Reviews and comments
E Catherine:

It’s also customary for us to take off our shoes, by the way

N Nina:

What do these clamps look like?


What ugly heeled shoes. Why carry such fear at all.

N Nika:

What about those who are size 41???

A Anna:

shoes that are 2 sizes larger are like when my mother wore high heels when I was a child. I just don’t understand how they even manage to walk in this - the shoes don’t stay on their feet and they flop when they walk...

M Marina:

This is all complete nonsense; shoes with heels that are not the right size cause great inconvenience. since the arch of the foot does not lie in the middle and when walking you also have to hold on to your falling shoes. Let the author try to buy shoes with heels a size larger and walk around in them. The legs do not swell to size. These women just missed the mark, that's all.

A Arsenia:

in the last photo, colored elastic bands

E Eosebius:

I believe that a woman should wear such uncomfortable shoes at home before “that very thing” as foreplay, in order to maximally excite and please her husband! In all other cases, and in public in particular, you need to wear comfortable shoes.


So I, as they say, “got wrong” with the size of my shoes. No silicone pads work in either the heel or toe area. They still clap and it’s terribly uncomfortable to walk.The leg is always tense. Wearing a fixing elastic band generally sucks; the shoes lose their appearance as stylish and graceful shoes. Here they are on the shelf. It's a pity, expensive and beautiful shoes ((

A Anna:

The person who wrote this article has never worn high heels.

T Tanya:

Shoes are simply rented, worn under a dress, and then returned, in magazines they also shoot models, it’s a very good business

E Elena:

I think that you don’t know everything about Asia. For example, in Japan there is another reason to buy a larger shoe size than you need: their shoes have sizes S, M and L, it is very difficult to choose. I saw it myself in stores in Japan. By the way, men’s shoes are also generally of the wrong size for the same reason.

M Marina:

Are your shoes 1-2 sizes too big? Have you tried wearing these? Even with silicone and cotton wool. It is very uncomfortable! And Olga’s comment confirms this. The last is designed for a certain length of the foot, and if you shave a larger size (especially two), all the parameters shift. Not to mention that for convenience it is better to wear comfortable shoes without heels or with small heels, and this will look much more aesthetically pleasing than large high-heeled shoes. I think that “stars” can afford beautiful, elegant and COMFORTABLE shoes; the price is unlikely to stop them. Most likely this is the fashion of dislocated brains. And elastic bands are something akin to galoshes 😉 Why wear chic shoes and disfigure them with rubber bands, then sneakers are better. And from my own experience – suede shoes with an elegant 7-9 cm stiletto heel.and a suitable last, they are very comfortable to wear all day long, your legs don’t get tired and you can wear yourself out with dignity))

D Dana:

I agree with Tatyana. The only thing is that a few years ago I read an article about shoes that didn’t fit in size and the reason was that stars at events, by agreement, wear outfits from the collections of famous fashion designers. for additional advertising. The shoes are not true to size. but specifically to buy high-heeled shoes 1 – 2 – 3 (!!) sizes larger?! girl - author, you got carried away. you don't feel sorry for your ankle at all

N Natalia:

I attended Chinese folk dance classes, one of the numbers was a demonstration of traditional dress. We were told that heels would be needed. All the girls except one came wearing the right size shoes. One of them just used shoes a couple sizes too big, and she actually used elastic bands to keep them in place. In my opinion, this woman really decided to buy them because she liked them, but did not have the right size. The shoes were really very beautiful, I don’t blame her, but to be honest, her heel landed right on the instep, I was constantly afraid that it would crack and she would fall..

WITH Samara:

What nonsense! You can use several pairs of shoes, one size at a time when your feet don’t fall off and one size larger if your feet become swollen!

WITH Samara:

Sorry, typo: “When the leg is swollen.”

E Excellent:

Either these chickens missed the mark with the size, or to save money they take what is left in the last cheaper size, another option is a gift from some couturier for free.??? Author: Have you ever walked in heels that are 2 sizes too big for you? This is complete trash. The leg swells in the evening in overweight people, and not in length but in width! There is nothing to swell the skin and bones here, and especially in length?

E Elvira:

Dear author. The topic of the article interested me and I read it with pleasure. However! Every time the article included the phrases “putting on shoes,” “putting on heels,” and other similar phrases with the word “putting on shoes,” I felt sad. Every time you made a gross mistake: you can put shoes on a child, an old person, your own feet, etc., but you can put on shoes or heels! Well, or you can allow the use of the word “put your shoes on” in the phrase “I put on your shoes” in the case in which you put your shoes on yourself. Please take this into account when using the words put on/dress. The rule is the same. Thank you.

A Anna Sinitsina:

Good afternoon Your message was conveyed personally to the Author. Thank you very much for your comment

E Elena:

I take shoes a size larger because I like them with a narrow toe, but my feet swell, and I don’t like them too tight. I fill the toe with something or insert silicone styles, silicone doesn’t help much. Therefore, I understand very well what they’re talking about article. Sophia Loren also said that you should take a skirt one size smaller and shoes a size larger.

E Elena:

These shoes look disgusting on your feet! They don’t decorate the leg at all. If they swell, they would take a second spare pair of larger shoes with them, rather than dragging huge shoes behind them, shuffling…..

A Alexandra:

My feet are small! You have to buy either in the children's department or 1-3 sizes larger. I have to put in about 3 insoles! Shoes ? This is exactly the style, if not the right size, they will fall off... In the photo, the girls either have a similar problem or missed the mark with the size! Never use this advice when buying shoes if your foot size is at least 36

D Jane:

It looks ridiculous and sloppy. Is it really impossible to choose the right size? It was as if they were being grabbed in a hurry in a warehouse.

D Jane:

You can wear wool socks)))))


I wear shoes a size larger for only one reason: my shoe size is 34, and where have you seen this size on sale? So you have to put cotton wool in the toe of the shoe. And sandals with a hole in the toe are not available to me at all, since cotton wool will stick out of the hole, and this is terrible. Until some time ago, I bought summer shoes in children's stores, but now, with age, my feet have become wider and they no longer fit into children's shoes. Our shoe industry has completely forgotten about us Cinderellas.

AND Irina:

My legs often swell in the evening. But it never occurred to me to catch big shoes with my toes all day, so that in the evening they would finally be filled with my swollen (what if they don’t swollen?) feet. When the shoe fits tightly on the foot, there is much less chance of falling or spraining the ankle than when the foot dangles, as if in a basin, in a huge shoe.

A Anna:

Because when you wear shoes on bare feet, it’s more comfortable to go a size larger, but then you can’t wear them with tights, they fall off.

R Rose:

disguised advertising to encourage the purchase of shoes with huge heels, which are not only uncomfortable to walk in, but also uncomfortable to stand in

M Madina:

Just yesterday I watched a live broadcast from Tokyo on Periscope. They really wear oversized shoes there, thereby killing the health of their feet. But they explained this by the fact that previously on farms and plantations people were used to wearing loose shoes, and their children already believe that this is how it should be. Many people there simply don’t know that it’s possible to cut it exactly to size.

E Elena:

Any self-respecting woman would not wear shoes that are not her size. It is not clear why this happens. It looks ridiculous and funny. Stars with their capabilities and wealth can choose the appropriate shoes. I can consider the article as an advertisement for all kinds of fixatives

N Nikola:

The point is to save the manufacturer. Don’t you know that the same sizes are our 42 (only it’s no longer there), European 43 and Chinese 44? I can't believe it. And cheap shoes are also “cut down” a little. Shoes should be comfortable, not too big.

IN Veronica:

I'm also size 34. Gentlemen producers! Remember us. I live in St. Petersburg, and while you find something somewhere, you’re blown away. And it’s not just a fashionable choice, but at least a comfortable one to find. We, as Cinderella-sized consumers, do not exist. There is a Sateg factory, but its shoes are uncomfortable, hard, the models hardly change, but they last a long time (plus). And when you look at something fashionable, beautiful, comfortable, you feel so sad...if clothes can be adjusted, shoes cannot be adjusted. And walking in heels and a size too big is dangerous! It's an hour's drive to work, I wear children's shoes. And the most interesting thing is that there are many of us.There is an Italian small size, they brought it to me before, there was a store in the Baltic center, but the prices are the phone number...

E Elena:

Shoes that don't fit are very unattractive and look sloppy. In addition, it is very harmful to the foot. You won't get calluses, but you will ruin your spine. Conclusion: if the author calls for wearing larger shoes and considers this normal, then I have great doubts about the author’s education.

Anna Sinitsina (Administrator):

Hello! Tell me, where exactly in the article did you see the call to wear larger shoes?

N Hope:

We have the same problem, only in reverse. My grandson has size 47, it’s very difficult to find, from many large stores (Kazan) you can sometimes find a full size 46, like sneakers, somehow they still fit, but with winter shoes it doesn’t work at all. An 18-year-old man wants modern, beautiful shoes, gentlemen, manufacturers and entrepreneurs, I am turning to you!!!

E Elena P.:

Apparently, what was left was put on. In the absence of fish, even these will do. )))

T Tatiana:

The author does not encourage, but simply tells how stars act, for example, and this is true, because when you wear shoes that fit and walk in them all day, many ladies’ feet begin to swell after lunch. That’s when you get the effect of a baby elephant in beautiful shoes - a beautiful elegant shoe, and on top there is inflated, bulging skin. So, in shoes that are one size larger, there won’t be such an obvious effect. There are many such imprinted legs of stars)) that they are not at all happy. Based on this, among other things, stars wear larger shoes.

A Alla:

It seems to me that such a pair of shoes has more than one owner. Otherwise, what kind of ugliness is this? You have to disrespect yourself to wear such shoes! Normal people, even those with less than stellar incomes, buy high-quality, comfortable shoes, and don’t wear them “from someone else’s shoulder”...


