What can I do to prevent UGG boots from slipping?

Coming into fashion from farmers and shepherds in Australia, Ugg boots quickly became the favorite winter footwear of women around the world. Soft and cozy sheepskin boots of a simple cut are good for everyone, except for one thing - they are very slippery. However, this is not hopeless: it turns out that there are many ways to cope with this problem.

Ways to make ugg boots non-slip

in ugg bootsThere are many methods to make the slippery soles of these shoes safe. Among them there are both “store-bought” methods, which require financial investments, and folk methods, proven over the years, where a lot of improvised means are used. Which one to choose? Let's look at each method in more detail.

Using sandpaper

For this operation, it is better to take a cloth-based sandpaper. Using waterproof glue (for example, “Moment” glue), you need to glue several pieces of sandpaper onto the outsoles of the Ugg boots, especially paying attention to the toe and heel. Pieces will need to be glued as necessary.

Important! Do not rub the sole with sandpaper; it will not have a long-term effect.

Use a patch

sole patchTo prevent the Ugg boots from slipping, you can stick an adhesive plaster on the sole (necessarily a fabric one in a roll), with transverse stripes every 1-2 cm. True, it will not last long, but this method practically does not require the expenditure of time and money.

Plain salt

You can make your ugg boots non-slip using Moment glue and coarse salt:

  • apply glue to the heel and front part of the sole of the boots (it is recommended to apply the glue with a fine mesh);
  • quickly sprinkle the treated areas with salt;
  • leave until completely dry.

The procedure should be repeated as the protective layer is erased. (about 2 times a month).

Important! Salt can easily replace sand.

What else can you glue to the sole?

In addition to the well-known measures to combat slippery shoes, there are a number of less common methods, but no less effective.

Old felt boots

In almost every home there are old felt boots, which can also help not to slip in your ugg boots. You need to cut out small pieces of felt from the boot boot and glue them onto the sole using moisture-resistant glue.

Important! There is no point in gluing felt onto the soles in one piece - the desired result will not be obtained.

Construction silicone

You can try using construction silicone:

  • silicone on the soleusing a special gun, apply a thin layer to the sole;
  • press it with the sole of another shoe with a relief pattern;
  • dry with a hairdryer.

The design will be imprinted on the surface, and the outsole itself will look much more aesthetically pleasing than with a glued-on patch.

Important! Silicone should be applied very carefully so that excess does not stain the top of the boots.


The same effect can be achieved by dripping molten paraffin onto the soles of your Ugg boots. The drops should evenly cover the surface of the sole, creating some kind of spikes. This will ensure comfortable movement for about a week or two, then the procedure will need to be repeated.

Important! If there is no candle at home, a similar result is achieved with drops of melted nylon fabric.

How to rub the sole?

To avoid sticking various devices onto your soles, you can try rubbing them with potatoes, a grater, or “painting” on them with a metal rod.


girl in knitted ugg bootsThere is an interesting folk way of leaving your arms and legs intact in icy conditions. Slippery soles should be rubbed with a potato cut in half and left until completely dry. Starch should help prevent slipping, but, unfortunately, the effect will not last long. You will have to rub your soles before each time you go outside.


As an emergency aid to avoid slipping, use a regular vegetable grater. If you rub the soles of soft boots with it, you can get rid of this shortcoming for a short time. However This method should not be abused, as it can significantly damage the shoes.

Hot iron

The method is quite effective, but very risky. You need to heat up a metal rod and apply a relief pattern to the sole of your UGG boots.

Important! This must be done carefully so as not to melt the sole completely.

More methods

In addition to improvised means that you can easily use at home yourself, you can use the achievements of modern industry or take professional help.

Rubber pads

Almost every shoe store sells special rubber sole pads that can be put on and taken off as needed. They do not spoil the appearance, and it is safe to move along the street in them.

Ice access

ice accessThe device is sold today in every pharmacy. These rubber pads with a metal base and spikes are attached to the sole of your UGG boots, so you don't have to worry about slipping. But Ice access shoes still have one drawback - they knock heavily on the floor. But comfortable movement on the streets is guaranteed.

Important! When purchasing ice boots, you need to pay attention to their size; it may not coincide with the size of your favorite boots.


The most correct solution to the problem of slippery UGG boots is to contact a shoe repair shop. Specialists will take preventive measures by placing special rubber or rubber linings with a good relief pattern on the soles. Correctly performed prevention will eliminate slipping for a year or more..

There are many methods to ensure that your favorite UGG boots do not slip. Some of them may look dubious, some at first glance are quite trustworthy. In any case, among them there will definitely be one that suits you.

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