Excessive sweating of the feet can cause a lot of trouble not only for its owner, but also for everyone around. This problem can occur in both a child and an adult, and can lead to other unpleasant consequences, such as a strong unpleasant odor, itching and burning. This occurs due to the decomposition of bacterial waste products on the skin of the feet.
Why do my feet sweat in shoes?
Feet in shoes can sweat for various reasons, but the primary one is low quality materials from which the pair is made. This also includes non-natural fabrics, which are literally abundant in the market today. In addition to this, there are several other reasons, namely:
the product was not selected in size, as a result of which severe discomfort occurs when worn, the legs do not “breathe”;
- a person does not pay enough attention to the cleanliness of his shoes. This is especially true for its internal part, the cleanliness of which is no less important than the appearance of the product;
- incorrect model selected.There are often cases when a person buys anatomically inappropriate shoes. Each leg is “unique” in its own way, and not every pair of shoes produced on a production scale may suit one or another person.
In addition, we should not forget about cases in which the manifestation of excessive sweating of the feet is not directly related to shoes. This happens when:
- the presence of fungal diseases of the feet, which actively affect the skin of the feet, nails and fingers;
- if foot hygiene is not observed;
- with constant use of socks or stockings made of non-natural or synthetic materials.
What shoes won't make your feet sweat?
If you think that the reason for sweaty feet is the wrong shoes, you should carefully select the product before purchasing:
shoes in which your feet will not sweat, first of all, should be comfortable. Any discomfort experienced during wearing can lead to minor injuries and abrasions, as a result of which pathogenic bacteria actively develop;
- Products for daily wear must have certain parameters. If we are talking about heel height, then for women no more than 5 cm, for men - no more than 1.5 cm. A larger heel increases the load on the forefoot, which invariably leads to poor circulation and increased sweating;
- buying a new pair should happen in the evening. At this time, the legs swell slightly, which allows you to choose the most optimal option;
- shoes should not restrict the foot, as this leads to poor blood circulation and increased sweating;
- The manufacturing material must be natural. High-quality fabrics allow the feet to “breathe”, which also has a very positive effect on the health of the skin of the feet.
Important! Any product purchased must be certified. This is a guarantee that the manufacturer took care of the feet of its consumers and produced high-quality shoes.
What to look for when choosing good shoes?
First of all, you should take a closer look at the price. Good quality shoes cannot be too cheap. It is also necessary to carefully inspect the product. An important indicator is the absence of strong odors. Shoes should not smell like glue or solvent; the smell should be light and unobtrusive.
The appearance of the product should not have any scuffs or wrinkles. Over the entire area of the boot or shoes, the color should be uniform and saturated, unless the design of the product implies the opposite. If there are seams on it, they must be smooth, continuous, without the formation of any creases or cracks. Flexible but durable sole is also a guarantee of quality.
What if it's not the shoes? How to understand this?
If you constantly take care of your shoes, buy products made from high-quality materials, but your feet still sweat, then this is not the root of the problem. In this case you should pay attention to the health of not only the skin of the feet, fingers and nails, but also the internal organs. The presence of abrasions, redness, wounds, ulcers, changes in the color and structure of the nail may indicate that the unpleasant odor and sweating are caused by the development of pathogenic bacteria and microbes.
Advice! In that case, a banal change of shoes will not help. In order to somehow correct the situation, you need to see a doctor, follow strict foot hygiene rules and use medications.