How to clean white felt boots?

These days, felt boots are experiencing a rebirth, and today the most capricious fashionista will not refuse to have these fashionable boots in her wardrobe. The object of special desire is white felted boots, but in this case their lucky owners are faced with the problem of cleaning. The tips given below will help you clean these felt boots at home, avoiding unpleasant surprises.

The nuances of cleaning white felt boots at home

The natural sheepskin from which these shoes are made, and especially their white color, require a delicate approach to the cleaning procedure.

  1. white felt bootsFirstly, you need to remember that felt is afraid of moisture, so soaking felt boots is highly undesirable.
  2. Secondly, you should not wash felt boots in a washing machine, as the shoes will become deformed and shrink significantly. Washing on a delicate cycle is allowed only if this is indicated by the manufacturer..
  3. Thirdly, felt boots are dried only at room temperature.Drying near a stove or radiator is unacceptable - the boots will immediately lose their original shape and become stiff. For the same reason, devices for drying shoes should also not be used.

Important! Do not use pumice or sandpaper to clean felted boots - this will ruin the fiber structure and the felt boots will forever lose their original appearance.

What can you use from available means?

Depending on the degree of contamination of the shoes, the following items and means may be needed to clean them:

  • cleaning products for white felt bootsa vacuum cleaner that can easily remove dust and small debris;
  • a stiff brush to remove dry adhering soil and sand from the pair (for this you can use a special rubber brush for caring for felt products);
  • semolina or flour for dry cleaning of surface dirt;
  • special products for cleaning carpets or washing delicate fabrics;
  • laundry soap.

Cleaning felt boots

Before you start cleaning, the felt boots should be thoroughly dried.. In order for the drying process to go faster and the boots not to lose their original shape, they need to be tightly stuffed with paper. If the shoes are very wet, then the paper needs to be changed more often.

Important! Do not dry felt boots near the stove or fireplace - felt is highly flammable!

The pair should then be vacuumed to remove surface contaminants such as dust and sand. The same procedure can be carried out using a stiff brush.

Dry cleaning

semolinaFlour or semolina is used for this; they clean the felt well from light dirt and do not leave marks.. You need to pour the product onto the dirty area, rub it thoroughly with a flannel cloth, and then knock out the felt boots. The dirt should fly out along with particles of flour or semolina.

Important! Instead of semolina or flour, you can use starch and tooth powder.

Wet cleaning

If dry cleaning is not enough, you need to proceed to the next step. You can rub pre-moistened stained areas with laundry soap and then carefully rinse.

Important! You should not wash off dirt from felt boots with a stream of water unless absolutely necessary: ​​the remnants of soap and dirt can be removed quite effectively with a damp hand. Excess moisture is quickly blotted off with a dry towel.

Removing heavy stains

For severe or old stains, you can try using a carpet cleaner (for example, Vanish):

  • vanishdilute the product according to the instructions and beat into foam;
  • Apply to dirty areas using a sponge;
  • clean problem areas with a stiff brush;
  • Carefully remove any remaining product with a sponge or damp hand;
  • Dry the felt boots at room temperature.

The same processing algorithm can be applied to a solution of detergent for delicate fabrics. (for example, “Weasel. White Magic”). It also cleans white felt boots well.

Important! If there are decorative elements on the boots, then before cleaning it is better to tear them off, and after thoroughly drying, sew them in place.

What to do with salt?

types of white felt bootsAny winter shoes are exposed to the aggressive effects of reagents that are used to treat the streets. However, it’s not difficult to clean felt boots from salt. This is probably the only case in the process of caring for felt boots when using a jet of water would be justified.

After the usual pre-treatment (drying and cleaning from dry dirt), you need to use a sponge to apply a solution of laundry soap (pre-grated) or washing powder to your felt boots, lightly rub with a shoe brush, quickly rinse off the remaining product under running water and immediately remove any remaining moisture with a soft dry towel. Dry the felt boots well at room temperature, remembering to fill them with paper first.

Important! When processing felt boots, only cold water is used. Any thermal effect will certainly cause deformation and shrinkage of the shoes.

Daily care for white felt boots

Like any light-colored shoes, white felt boots require especially careful and regular care. There are several recommendations that will extend the life of your favorite boots:

  • care for felt bootsWhen entering a room, a couple must sweep away the snow;
  • After each walk, shoes should be dried thoroughly;
  • after drying, you need to walk over the surface of the boots with a stiff brush to remove adhering dirt and sand;
  • to protect the pair from moisture, you need to use special water-repellent products for products made of sheep wool (can be replaced with care products for suede and nubuck);
  • It is better to clean boots immediately when dirt is detected, without waiting for the stains to eat into the felt.

Care Tips

  1. girls in felt bootsIt is recommended to wear felt boots only in dry, frosty weather. If you still need to go outside in damp conditions, you need to treat your shoes with a special water-repellent agent or use galoshes.
  2. To carefully care for white felt boots, it is better to use special products for cleaning sheepskin products, which are produced by some foreign manufacturers.
  3. When storing a pair, you need to put an Antimoly ball in the shoe box.

Modern felt boots meet all fashion requirements: they are beautiful and practical, easily combined with different styles of clothing. In addition to decorative elements, the designers brought purely feminine elegance to the models of felt boots, placing them on heels and even wedges. If you follow the recommendations for caring for these comfortable and warm shoes, they will delight you with their appearance for many years.

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