How to paint felt boots?

Valenki photo 6Now it's time to prepare for the cold weather. In our harsh climate, our feet come to the aid of felt boots. They protect them from the cold. But shoes bring more than just comfort. Now it has also become decorative. Various designers are trying to revive the fashion for felt boots, decorating and ennobling their appearance in every possible way.

In shoe stores, the shelves are filled with an extensive assortment of variously decorated felt shoes. However, it’s worth buying ordinary felt boots and decorating them with your own hands, creating an unsurpassed exclusive.

Many people have a question:“How to paint felt boots yourself? It must be so difficult!” Let's try to figure out the problem.

Felt shoes are made from compressed sheepskin, therefore, dyes can be used to dye woolen fabrics.

What felt boots are suitable for dyeing?

Almost everything is suitable for experiments, but it is better to prefer those that have never been painted. After all, repainting a thing is more difficult than painting it for the first time.

Felt boots white and redIf you perform the procedure on top of the old layer, the new layer will not last as long as you would like.

Ways to paint felt boots step by step

Let's figure out how to paint felt.

Important! Don't forget - you need to wear gloves!

Types of paints:

Paint boots

  1. Dye.
  2. Regular hair dye.
  3. Acrylic paint for dyeing fabric.
  4. Markers.

Method 1. Use dye

Option 1 :

  • Prepare the following solution: 10 grams of dye, 3 liters of water, 5-6 tbsp. vinegar.
  • Hold the felt over hot steam. You can use an iron or steamer.
  • Carefully apply the contents to the surface of the shoe.
  • Leave the item alone until completely dry. This will take approximately 1-2 days.
  • After this, you should re-douse the felt boots with hot steam to fix the paint, and rinse thoroughly, getting rid of unnecessary paint residues.

Important! During the drying period of the felt boots will shrink, that is, decrease in size. To avoid this, it is advisable to periodically put them on and walk in them for a while, restoring the original volume.

Option 2

Paints for felt boots

Let's make a list of ingredients:

  • dye;
  • 9% vinegar;
  • container for the procedure;
  • gloves;
  • sponge;
  • plastic bags.

Valenki photo 4Pour dye into a specially prepared container so that it covers the bottom. Mix with a small amount of boiling water, stirring until completely dissolved. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar and add another glass of boiling water. Protect the work surface from contamination using protective film or simple polyethylene.

Gently spread the paint with a sponge. After successful completion, you should carefully pack the shoes in bags, carefully pushing out the air, place them in a container with cool water and cook for about an hour.After cooling and drying for 2 days, you need to rinse the craft, getting rid of any remaining paint that has not been absorbed.

Method 2. Hair dye

Painted felt boots
When did you decide to use hair dye, take the most stable compounds. But this method has an obvious drawback - you will have to repeat the process regularly, since such paint is still washed off quite quickly, the color may fade, and surrounding objects may also get dirty.

If you still prefer this option, then the procedure will be as follows:

Take hair dye and dilute it in water.

Blot the felt. Let the moisture seep through the material; Then use a brush to apply the paint in 3 layers; After applying the first layer, you should let it soak in; Then apply the next one, etc., but Never allow it to dry completely! Absolute absorption will occur 2-3 days after the procedure.

Method 3. Acrylic paints

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Exist special acrylic paints, and they are the easiest to use. They are sold with an insert where the entire process is described in detail. It is preferable to apply the solution slowly so that the felt is sufficiently saturated. After two days of mandatory drying, you should carefully iron the surface with a slightly heated iron to fix the design.

Method 4. Markers

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It is possible to decorate shoes with a wide variety of patterns using specially created markers for painting fabric.


Pattern It is not necessary to draw it, it can also be knocked out.

Draw a design directly on the felt boots using thin paste. And pierce the resulting pattern with a needle again and again, very thickly, in a solid line. The needle will make a hole in the felt along the entire line of the pattern, and the pattern will appear on it itself.

Valenki photo 8Felt boots have always been the key to coziness and comfort on cold days. And so For 2 seasons in a row, women's felt boots are back in trend. They are decorated with beads, embroidery, appliqués, ribbons, etc.. They are painted in a wide variety of shades, thanks to which their popularity is only growing.

Now that you know how to paint felt boots, resolutely begin experiments. Let the drawing be unusual, exclusive and beautiful!

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