8 signs of an unkempt woman

Psychologists say that the first impression of a person is formed in a few seconds. How offensive it is, after hours spent in front of the mirror, to instantly ruin the whole image with some little thing! In order not to waste time, you should pay attention to the main errors and correct them. Fortunately, this is not difficult at all.

Ungroomed hair

Since childhood, many girls have been taught that long hair is beautiful. The girl has grown up, the attitude remains, and now an adult woman looks sloppy when she tries to maintain length at the expense of the quality of her hair and the overall appearance of her hairstyle.

Dirty head

It would seem that these are basic rules of hygiene... But you can still meet girls who believe the myth “the less often you wash your hair, the healthier your hair” and walk around with sticky icicles. Alas, the production of sebum will continue in its own way, even if a person completely forgets the way to the bathroom. It’s better to wash your hair every day than to be a slob for years. And if you urgently need to refresh your hair, dry shampoo will come to the rescue.

greasy hair

Split ends

No matter what they promise in the advertisement, if the hair at the end has already split into a panicle, no miracle serum can glue it back together. Just cut it off.

Trim your ends regularly at the hairdresser, or if you do it yourself at home, buy good, sharp scissors. Dull blades do not cut hair, but crush it, and after cutting it quickly begins to split again.

split ends

Regrown roots

It’s not enough to choose the right shade and find a good paint; you also need to regularly update the color so as not to turn into Cruella De Vil. If you are bored with dye and want to grow your natural color back, try working with your hairdresser to choose a highlight or ombre option to smooth out the appearance of your growing roots.

regrown roots

Ungroomed hands

A woman’s calling card is her hands.

Pimples, hangnails and overgrown cuticle

“You can tell a real lady by her hands,” Scarlett said. Don't forget to wear warm gloves in winter and buy the cream in a small tube to carry with you in your bag. There is no need to cut the cuticle now; you can buy a cream remover that softens the skin and helps tidy up your hands in a few minutes.

unkempt hands

Old manicure

Colored polish draws attention to your nails. Unnecessary attention if the coating has already peeled off at the ends, and the nails have peeled off by a good few millimeters. If you don't have time to regularly update your manicure, it's better to choose a clear polish or a discreet nude shade.

peeling manicure

Ungroomed skin

Women's skin has always been the subject of close attention of men. They even judged membership in the aristocracy by skin color (the paler, the more aristocratic the genes). Today, the condition of the skin is also an important indicator of a woman’s well-groomed appearance.

Problem skin

If school is long over, and acne continues to poison your life, this is a good reason to see a doctor. Acne may indicate more serious problems in the body, the dermatologist will prescribe treatment or send you for further examination to an endocrinologist, gynecologist or gastroenterologist.

problematic skin

And even completely healthy skin can be ruined by improper washing and poorly chosen cosmetics. Always thoroughly remove makeup with products specifically designed for this purpose, and do not forget about scrubs and peels that are suitable for your skin type. After 30 years, a woman should have a caring cream in her arsenal for day and night use.

Dry/oily skin

Skin type is an innate parameter that cannot be changed, but you can correct your appearance with the right care.

If your skin is dry, do not forget about nourishing creams and masks. Those with oily skin should stock up on mattifying cream and mineral powder, which will reduce shine.

dry skin

Oily skin also requires hydration! Often it is the lack of care that provokes increased sebum production.

Foundations can now be chosen depending on skin type - moisturizing or mattifying. Pay attention to BB creams that combine both functions - complexion evening and care.

Yellow teeth

The natural color of enamel is slightly yellowish. Therefore, do not rush to sound the alarm if your smile does not look like a chewing gum advertisement. But regular consumption of coffee and strong tea, smoking and insufficient oral care over time spoil the color of teeth. Plaque can be removed in the dentist's office; this procedure is safe and painless.

yellow teeth

Untidy clothes

Dirty or wrinkled clothes are the first signal that its owner does not take care of herself. If you don't have time for daily ironing, choose wrinkle-resistant fabrics. For the same reasons, it is better to buy clothes in non-staining colors.

wrinkled clothes

If something has become unusable - it has stretched out, become covered in pills, half of the designer rhinestones and rivets have fallen off - there is no need to suffer for your favorite sweater. Now in stores there is such a wide selection of clothes for every taste and budget, there is a replacement for everything.

Washing greatly affects the lifespan of an item. To preserve the color and softness of the fabric, choose a special powder and washing machine mode, and do not forget about the conditioner-rinse aid.

Chapped lips

In winter, many people experience dry and cracked lips. First of all, a good balm will help you cope with this problem. You can buy several tubes and put them in the pockets of jackets and bags - this way you will definitely not find yourself in the cold without hygienic lipstick. And at night, apply a mask or a special healing cream to your lips, which accelerates healing and softens the skin.

chapped lips

Matte textures can dry out and tighten even well-groomed lips. If you want to hide the problem, choose moisturizing glossy lipsticks.

Ungroomed body

We are not talking primarily about physical defects of the body, although they are also not unimportant. The presence of “orange peel” in the hip area has never adorned anyone. And loose and sagging skin can be completely disgusting. But we will talk about other, more noticeable nuances that cannot be hidden under clothes.

Unpleasant smell

Nobody likes the smell of other people's sweat. Fortunately, a deodorant can be selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin and the desired aroma.If you take a shower twice a day, use antiperspirant, but are still haunted by an unpleasant odor, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

the smell of sweat


Armpit hair, by the way, increases the smell of sweat. Timely hair removal is a matter of not only aesthetics, but also hygiene. And hairy legs, coquettishly peeking out from under a sundress, can ruin the whole impression.

hairy legs

The modern beauty industry produces a variety of products - razors, creams, wax and epilators, and photo and laser hair removal will help you get rid of hair for a long time.


This has probably happened to every woman at least once: putting on makeup in a hurry, and then seeing someone else’s unattractive face in the mirror. This happens if the shade of foundation does not suit you, or if you overdid it with “improvements”. There is no need to chase too much after changing beauty standards; always choose the shapes and colors that suit you.

terrible makeup

You should not use overtly evening makeup during the daytime. You should not use makeup techniques for a photo shoot or special event in everyday life.

Those who like to leave behind some of yesterday’s “beauty” should remember that any decorative cosmetics, when left on the face for longer than the prescribed time, spoils the skin. And frankly stale makeup provokes others to tactless questions and giggles.

yesterday's makeup

It can be noted that most of the listed points fit into the concepts of hygiene, neatness and neatness. A woman with well-groomed skin, in discreet but clean clothes, with soft but tasteful makeup will always look better than one who spent an hour on makeup but forgot to wash her hair. Beauty comes from little things, don't neglect them.

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