How to remove shine from pants from wear and ironing

When things are worn frequently, a shine appears on them, making it wearable. An ugly aesthetically pleasing appearance spoils the entire image. Therefore, many owners of trousers have a question about how to quickly remove shine from clothes at home. This can be done using ordinary means available in the arsenal of any housewife.

Reasons for the appearance of shine on trousers

reasons for the appearance of shine on trousersGloss is shimmering spots that are clearly visible on dark things. It appears for the following reasons:

  • Neglecting the rules for caring for an item;
  • Incorrect frequent washing of the product;
  • A dirty iron that stains clothes;
  • Due to poor rinsing, powder remains;
  • Features of the fabric.

How to iron trousers correctly without leaving marks

Most often, gloss appears due to improper care and ironing of trousers. To avoid such problems, follow these rules:

  1. Trousers are ironed only from the inside out.
  2. Before ironing, set the iron to the correct mode (indicated on the trouser tag).
  3. Products made from delicate fabrics are ironed through gauze.

In addition, do not forget to keep the soleplate of the iron clean.After frequent ironing at high temperatures, dirt may remain on it, which leaves dark spots on clothes. Also change the water regularly and clean the water container.

How to get rid of gloss after ironing

The method for removing the gloss will depend on the reason why it appeared. To effectively get rid of the problem, you need to use only proven methods. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining the fabric.

Laundry soap

laundry soapYou can get rid of shine using laundry soap as follows:

  • We moisten a small piece of gauze with warm water.
  • Rub the gauze with soap and squeeze well.
  • We put it on the gloss and go over it with an iron with the correct setting.

To avoid streaks, it is recommended to pre-moisten the gauze with vinegar.



Vinegar remains an indispensable assistant to the housewife. To remove shine from trousers you need to:

  • Pour 2.5 liters of warm water into a basin.
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  • Leave the clothes in the basin for 1.5-2 hours.
  • We wash the product by hand and rinse well under clean water.

Important! This method of removing shine is only available for light-colored fabrics. Dark things leave stains. The color may also become dull and washed out.


ammoniaAmmonia is also used only on light-colored products. To remove the gloss with it you need:

  • Add 1 tbsp to a liter of warm water. l. ammonia and 1 tsp. table salt.
  • We wet the areas of the product with the prepared solution and leave to sit for 5-10 minutes.
  • Iron the trousers through gauze until completely dry.

Boric acid

boric acidIf there is no ammonia in the house, but there is boric acid. You can use it too. For this:

  • Mix 300 ml of warm water with 2 tsp. boric acid.
  • Wet the gauze in the solution.
  • We wipe it well in places where the shine is visible on the item.
  • Leave the product for half an hour.
  • After the allotted time, rinse well in clean warm water.

After the trousers have dried, you need to iron them well, following the safety rules.


onionOnions are considered another effective anti-gloss remedy. You can remove the shine from them as follows:

  • Rub one medium onion with a medium grater or chop with a knife.
  • We put the resulting pulp on the places where the shine is visible.
  • Leave the mixture on the product for 3 hours.
  • Remove the onions and wash the trousers thoroughly so that no smell or juice remains.

Advice! To prevent unpleasant odors from being absorbed into the fabric during washing, add fabric conditioner or fabric softener.


potatoA simple potato will help remove glare on different types of trousers. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Divide one medium potato in half.
  • Rub the potato half on the area where the gloss is visible.
  • After drying, repeat the procedure.
  • We are waiting for the item to dry completely.

After the fabric has dried, you need to take a fabric brush and brush off the remaining starch from the clothes.

Wool fabric

woolYou can remove the gloss that spoils the aesthetic appearance of clothing using woolen fabric:

  • In the place where there is shine, we place a small piece of woolen fabric.
  • Cover the top with damp gauze or a waffle towel.
  • Turn on the iron at maximum power and iron over the gauze.

How to get rid of shine due to wear

If the shine on your trousers has appeared due to prolonged wear, then several proven methods will help you get rid of it.


steamingSteaming can remove shine from the buttocks and knees. To do this you need:

  • Wash your trousers.
  • We hang the clean product over a saucepan or basin of boiling water for 2-3 hours.
  • We remove the item and clean it with a clothes brush.

After the procedure, all that remains is to iron the trousers, and they will acquire a beautiful appearance.


paperFor this method you will need a blank sheet of paper or regular newspaper. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Lay the trousers flat on the ironing board.
  • Place small pieces of paper on problem areas.
  • Ironing.

Important! When using newspaper, do not heat the iron. Otherwise, the printing house will print on the trousers and the product will be damaged.


teaUsing tea is the easiest and fastest option to return your clothes to their original appearance. But you should only use it on dark clothes. Instructions for removing shine:

  • Brew large-leaf black tea in a mug.
  • With fresh tea leaves, moisten a cotton pad and wipe problem areas on the trousers.
  • Dry the product and iron it through gauze.

Refined gasoline

refined gasolineRefined gasoline will help remove stains from classic black trousers. You need to work with it with extreme caution:

  1. Wet a small rag or sponge with gasoline.
  2. We wipe those areas on the trousers where there is lasing.
  3. We dilute ammonia with water (1:5), moisten a clean sponge and go over the treated areas on the trousers.
  4. We wash the product and iron it.


sodaSilk requires special attention. Pants made of such delicate fabric need to be cleaned carefully. Baking soda will help remove shine from the product:

  • 2 tbsp. l. We dilute soda in water to a paste.
  • Apply the mixture to the abrasions.
  • Leave for 3-4 hours.
  • After drying, use a brush to remove the soda from the clothes.


Shiny areas on a product often spoil its appearance. Therefore, in order to continue wearing your favorite things, you need to take proper care of them. Proven folk methods will help remove unsightly shine from clothes.

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