What does a woman want after 50? Choosing an outfit for a corporate event

Mom's work is hectic. Of course: after the merger of the companies, the new management is trying to do everything differently. It’s the same with the New Year holidays: a corporate party has been announced in a new way. No, they celebrated holidays in the office before. But now there is a big meeting of all employees from different departments. Where all this will be, however, has not yet been said exactly. But it’s definitely not home-style like they did last year. There are two options: either in one of the prestigious restaurants, or at a country tourist center. The location is decided by the authorities. But what to wear? This is not only my mother’s problem, we decided and started looking for an outfit together with her.

How we chose an outfit for my mother for a New Year's corporate party

How to dress correctly for a corporate event

In order not to overshadow the holiday, you need to properly prepare for it. That is, to harmoniously combine your desires with the advice of experts.

What does a woman over 50 want?

what does a woman want

Yes, a lot of things! Both over 50 and over 60... You might think that this is the age when you no longer want anything! Judging by the conversations of my mother's friends, it is clear: everyone wants dress to look younger, slimmer, and more beautiful

And also to be fashionable, stylish, elegant! Allowing yourself something that you don’t wear in everyday life (“we can afford it at least once a year!”). But at the same time, so as not to be condemned like a former colleague who last year “crossed the boundaries of what is permitted.”

That is, you need an outfit that will match the holiday and make you feel free and comfortable. And, of course, so that you don’t hide the photos later, but remember the holiday with pleasure.

New Year's image

What do the professionals recommend?

what do professionals recommend

Specialists know how to turn these expectations into reality.

General information will help with this principles for choosing an outfit for the New Year's holiday for women over 50:

  • Clothing should match the location of the celebration and the characteristics of the female figure.

Important! To avoid looking ridiculous and feeling uncomfortable, you should not wear clothes that are too tight or too loose or baggy.

  • Ladies of an elegant age should not wear outfits made of synthetic fabrics to a festive celebration.
  • An outfit made using fashion trends will help you avoid looking old-fashioned. This year - pleated, corrugated, peplum, satin, lace, retro style, etc.
  • You should choose the color of your clothing with caution. The belief that black is the optimal color for an outfit because it makes you look slim is best left to the younger participants of the holiday. It can add years to a mature lady, which others will not fail to notice.

Important! Metallic fabrics are perfect for 2020. Women over 50 should give preference to discreet, muted shades.


  • Bright elements of the costume are quite appropriate for a New Year's outfit.But only in moderation! Otherwise, you will get the impression that you want to compete with the Christmas tree in brilliance, or even outshine it.
  • Without jewelry, a woman's look will be incomplete. When choosing them, you should not forget about age. And he “demands” worthy expensive jewelry, regardless of whether “jewelry” or costume jewelry will complement the created image. Remember the main thing: in this case, cheap things should be left at home.

New Year's wardrobe of an elegant woman

How to choose an outfit according to the location of the holiday? It is not difficult. See for yourself.

Corporate party in the office

to the office

The outfit can be simpler. A smart business suit with some modifications that are not used on a daily basis is suitable as a base. For example, with a brighter (or lace) blouse, original jewelry and accessories.

When choosing a dress for an office party, women over 50 should avoid maxi length (restaurant option). AND Be careful with minis. Not everyone can afford a length above the knee, but only women with an ideal figure. In other cases, instead of an elegant look, it will look vulgar.

In a restaurant

in a restaurant

A fashionable restaurant is not an office, even if festively decorated. Therefore, we do not consider variations with a business suit.

what to wear

It is quite possible to wear a long floor-length dress to a prestigious establishment. But clothing below the knee will also look appropriate. If desired (and if her figure allows), a woman can wear a dress with a neckline or an open back. Just avoid excessive frankness; it suits young people better!

At the country club

In the countryside

An out-of-town corporate event often involves leisure. This means you will need jeans, warm sweaters, and vests. Original and fashionable capes or ponchos will help give your look a festive look.

And if the holiday scenario includes a feast at a local restaurant or club, you will have to add the outfits that we talked about above to the clothes for active recreation.

After getting acquainted with all the tips, it turned out to be easier to decide on the choice of outfit. Mom settled on an elegant sheath dress. This silhouette suits her very well! Plus beautiful shoes with comfortable, stable heels, a beautiful brooch (they are in fashion) and earrings. It looks stylish, even luxurious. We are sure that the holiday will be the same!

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