What to wear on a date?

The first date is usually compared to a job interview: how it goes determines whether there will be a continuation. But you shouldn’t think that several meetings with a man already allow a woman to relax and stop being careful about composing her images. No matter how cliché it sounds, but You should always look good for your loved one. What is this “good” and how can you not lose sight of the golden mean in pursuit of it? The answers to these questions await you below.

Date: rules for choosing an image for a meeting

dateThe first and main rule: you must be recognizable. If a young man noticed you when you were wearing discreet make-up or going blonde, then aggressive combat paint or a drastic change of color to red may repel the man. This is especially true for first meetings. Over time, you will be able to afford a little more than at the very beginning of the relationship.

Another important recommendation: consider the place, time and “sequence number” of the date. This will allow you not only to successfully “construct” the image, but also to choose the right line of behavior. The last factor is important: a woman who looks one way but behaves completely differently leaves behind a mixed and confused impression. It raises doubts, and they are of no use if the relationship has not yet been built and is too fragile.

Important! Just in case, run a little ahead and predict whether you will change the location or go somewhere after the first stage of the meeting.

which dress to choose?Another significant point - color theme. Try to give preference to shades that are clear and pleasing to the eye.. Complex and ponderous decisions will not serve you well unless your man himself gravitates towards such options. In the latter case, it would be appropriate to adopt one feature or one motive from the world familiar to the young man. Just don’t get carried away and try to borrow everything at once - this will more likely push you away than allow you to establish or strengthen a connection.

Thoughts about the need to present ourselves correctly and the risks associated with a bad bow sometimes force us to make serious sacrifices. But You shouldn’t suffer in uncomfortable shoes or wear beautiful, fashionable, but unusual clothes.. Do not use anything that you do not know how to wear or that causes you strong discomfort. At least in this regard, allow yourself some comfort.

Important! The question of convenience in a conversation on fashion topics causes a skeptical “hmm” from many. Because for most of us it’s easier to walk in sneakers and jeans that have already managed to adapt to our figure, and for some office ladies there is nothing more familiar and sweeter than a trouser suit.But in fact, the second outfit belongs to the work part of the wardrobe, and the first is an option for meeting a friend in the daytime. AND according to the basic rules of style, items that have a situational connection should not be worn for the wrong occasion. That is, a comfortable item and shoes should be chosen not from the entire wardrobe, but from that part of it that is equipped “for communicating with men.”

on a dateAnother important aspect is understanding your own age. To explain this postulate, let's take a somewhat prim suit, consisting of a knee-length skirt (or lower) and a jacket. On a middle-aged girl or woman, such an ensemble on a date will look too strict, businesslike. But on a charming lady aged 55–65, the set will look harmonious, impressive and stylish.

Wherein It is desirable to demonstrate and emphasize the presence of a waist at any age. The difference between the breasts and hips will allow a man to see a woman in you much faster than an immodest neckline or “mini” (sexual aggression) will do. The waist at the psychological level is tied to feminine nature, because representatives of the stronger half of humanity do not have it.

And definitely try to comply with all hygiene requirements. Remember that dirty hair, crumbling mascara, extra hairs on the face or legs can nullify any efforts to select an image. There are exceptions, of course. Thus, very thin, short and light hair, which is noticeable only when deliberately examined, is unlikely to deal a fatal blow to your image. Especially if you are a very young and charming creature.

What's the best thing to wear on a date?

It is advisable to compose the ensemble from the following things:

  • first date lookwhich you know how to wear;
  • which will not show your excitement (if you notice the habit of fiddling with your strings out of excitement, then you should not be wearing any of them, scarves, or pendants);
  • who will show the best version of you, but exactly you, and not some extraneous socialite or predatory person (communication will still show that you are not what you tried to appear with the help of the created image);
  • that will withstand your activity (a broken heel, a crumpled hem or trousers that have come apart at the back seam - and that you were preparing for a date, that you weren’t preparing, and the guy remembered not you and not your outfit as a whole, but only the thing with which the trouble occurred);
  • which at the associative level will help you see a woman in you (not a colleague, not a moth, not a shopaholic, but a woman).

And now Let's remember those things that, with a few exceptions, are always appropriate. A white shirt with a somewhat masculine cut is the first lifesaver. Versatile, relevant and refreshing. She looks good:

  • with jeans (and it makes no difference whether you wear flares, boyfriends or a straight-fit model);
  • with a skirt (and with such a top, the decor of the skirt can be very catchy);
  • with summer trousers;
  • with shorts.

in a dressWith a little black dress It’s also difficult to “miss” and fall out of the general mood, but you need to remember that a plain dark base requires “painting”. Adapt to the place and time of day of the date with shoes, accessories and jewelry. There will be no them or there will be too much - you risk merging with the general background, getting lost or appearing like a magpie who knows no bounds.

The list of universal items includes plain sundress or dress just above the knee, knee-length or lower (when choosing the length, take into account your age and build).The skirt should not resemble the same black office skirt that we are used to associating our colleagues with.

Important! A festive, cheerful skirt or dress will be more appropriate on the first few dates than trousers, shorts, or jeans. All because of the same need to consolidate in the male consciousness the fact that you are a woman.

What mistakes should you not make?

Try to refrain from the following decisions:

  • with ripped jeansan abundance of sequins, shiny decor (exception: the item of clothing, like its decorations, is made in a flesh tone, and the style is not provocative, restrained);
  • blindly following fashion (exception: your young man is well versed in trends and brands, he himself wears things exclusively from the latest collections);
  • T-shirts with funny inscriptions, labels, cartoons (exception: you are going to visit a place where many people wear such clothes, for example, a football match);
  • mini-top combined with leggings, an ultra-short skirt or microshorts;
  • a baggy or simply stretched sweater;
  • fishnet tights;
  • a super-short dress or a dress whose neckline and silhouette are too provocative;
  • evening festive attire (exception: you are going to the opera, a luxurious restaurant or other place where wearing evening attire is encouraged);
  • transparent top;
  • total sports look (exception: the image is functional, you are going to run, ride a bike, go for a walk or into the forest with your boyfriend).

Also You should not wear clothes that wrinkle too much or dresses with impractical elements.. For example, with a train. And try to refrain from heels that go into the sky, unless, due to habit, they have already become an extension of your leg. Inconvenience and stiffness in movement are unlikely to allow you to enjoy the evening.

Don't forget to look weather appropriate. For example, in cold weather, thin nylon tights can cause confusion, but in a summer chiffon sundress in spring or autumn you will look funny.

Important! Be gender inclusive. You don't need stiffness, aggressiveness, or pretentiousness.

The importance of the event theme

under rainAs you have already seen, there are quite a lot of exceptions to the list of undesirable things. Almost all of them are related to the theme of the date. She can turn the whole situation upside down and force her to violate the recommendations voiced above.. If necessary, feel free to wear T-shirts with themed slogans, wear trendy items, and allow yourself shorts or leggings. And in a bar, you will be considered one of their own faster if you appear there in jeans and sneakers (boots), rather than in shoes and a light sundress.

Important! Sometimes it is better to dress in clothes that are functional but not romantic than to become a burden to a young man. There will be nothing wrong if he feels like a knight and shares, for example, gloves with you. But if you, say, are on a hike, and a man has neither another pair of gloves, nor a more or less worthy alternative to them, and it’s really cold outside, then the long discomfort to which you have doomed him is unlikely to add a pair of points to you or strengthen him. relationship.

Examples of looks for a date

  1. Coral skirt, pink and beige top, white cape or casual jacket, shoes with heels and a bag that matches the skirt.
  2. An openwork lace top or jacket in white (can be lowered from one shoulder), a blue flowing floor-length skirt made of light fabric (a slit is acceptable), brown glasses and neat sandals of the same color.
  3. A pleated skirt just below the knee (pastel color, delicate, pleasing to the eye), a light or even white shirt (tucked into the skirt), pumps (here you can allow a little shine), an envelope bag or clutch, the color of which is close to the top of the look, watch or a wrist bracelet.
  4. Total beige look (choose the exact shade to match your color type). A neat, small and not long cardigan, a skirt below the knee (something voluminous, but not a tutu). Shoes with a pointed toe. Ankle strap available.
  5. Skirt with sequins (length below the knee, discreet cut, silhouette only slightly tapered, color not black or poisonous), open plan and not very complex design shoes, the same color as the main shade of sequins (but only lighter, softer or deeper) , white shirt (or black, it all depends on the tone of the skirt), envelope bag.

More examples of images:

romantic imagestylish looktight fit

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