What is more practical: a vertical or horizontal button hole?

Often, a button becomes more than just a necessary accessory that helps secure the edges of clothes. A small object completes the image and makes it self-sufficient. In some types of clothing, a button can serve as a decorative element without carrying any functional load.

button hole

Horizontal or vertical stitching – which is better?

With the choice of accessories, everything is more or less clear: they match it to the clothes, trying to ensure that they are combined stylistically. But questions may arise with the loops for them. This happens especially often among beginning craftswomen who have only recently taken up tailoring.

Reference. As a rule, patterns and design drawings already contain information about what the slot for the button should be - vertical or horizontal. You just need to not give up on the project.

But in the process of making a thing, disagreements may arise, and the craftswoman makes a loop opposite to the one indicated in the pattern.This will not spoil the result at all and will have virtually no effect on the final version. However, there are several invisible rules that define groups of items with a certain arrangement of buttonholes.

location of buttonholes on shirts

Which is correct?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Some people find the vertical slot comfortable, while others find the horizontal loop comfortable. This is a subjective definition and is determined directly with the customer.

Many people do not pay attention to such little things at all. Although designers try to provide as much as possible for all the inconveniences associated with the fittings. Often a person does not even realize that the inconvenience is associated with a popping button. He simply stops wearing the thing.

hole for a button on a sundress

Which is more practical?

From a practicality point of view, a horizontal slot is always considered. When the fabric is tensioned, it practically does not deform and firmly holds the fittings in place. The same cannot be said about the vertical loop.

This is especially noticeable on shirts and women's blouses with a tight-fitting silhouette. A button in a vertical slot tends to pop out when the fabric is stretched. This leads to certain inconveniences and abandonment of your favorite thing.

In addition, vertical loops are greatly deformed during wear and wear out over time. That is why the question of what is more practical can be safely answered – a horizontal slot.

button hole on jacket

General rules for loop placement

There are a number of basic rules, according to which loops are located in one way or another on certain categories of things. In particular:

  • on shirts and blouses there is a vertical slit, but on classic items and stand-up collars the topmost loop is horizontal;
  • jackets, coats and jackets often have to be buttoned and unbuttoned, so designers try in every possible way to prevent deformation by making a horizontal loop;
  • On women's dresses and sundresses, a vertical arrangement is more often used, as it takes up less space and does not stand out against the general background.

When sewing this or that item, you can safely create your own project. This will allow you to make loops as you wish, as well as calculate the required interval between them. If you don’t want to do this, feel free to take the ready-made instructions and follow them unquestioningly.

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