What to do if black things have lost their color?

Black color in clothes is universal. It fits and matches well with most shades in your wardrobe and can be a great pairing with almost any item. However, black items are very difficult to care for. They are capable of losing the brightness and saturation that attracts us when purchasing. And this happens quite quickly. But don’t rush to part with your favorite thing, it can still be saved.

What to do if black things have lost color

Color restoration

The smartest thing to do is to prevent color loss by providing careful care using special products. Then your favorite sweater will remain bright and attractive. But if color loss has already occurred, you need to look for options on how to solve this problem.

Important! Today, household chemical stores offer many different powders and conditioners that can maintain brightness and make things soft.

To restore a rich shade, you can use:

  • dyes specially intended for clothing;
  • tobacco;
  • vinegar.

The method of restoring an item is chosen by the owner based on her own experience, skills and capabilities.Each method has its pros and cons.

Using chemical dyes

In fabric and household chemical stores you can find special chemical dyes, capable of restoring shade when washed by hand or machine. Their application scheme is almost identical. There are powders that can be machine washed and poured directly into the powder compartment. In terms of quality, they differ little from each other.

Among the most popular and effective are the following compositions:



Substance used for dyeing wool fabrics and polyamide.

You need to dilute the powder in water with a temperature of 35 ° C. Then place clothes in the solution and wait 30 minutes.



Linen, cotton and viscose Can be painted over very well with this product.

  • The mixture must be diluted in a plastic container.
  • Then pour the resulting product into a pan with 6 liters of water.
  • Add salt in the amount of 5 tbsp. l.
  • The clothes are boiled in the resulting solution for an hour.


  • Add the contents of the sachet to half a liter of pre-heated water and pour it into a 10-liter container.
  • Then add 5 tbsp. l. table salt.
  • Dip the item that has lost color into the solution and let it sit for an hour.
  • Rinse the product in cold water with the addition of vinegar.

Using improvised means

improvised means

Every housewife has a stock of products in her arsenal that are no worse than store-bought chemicals to help restore the black color of clothes. At home, you can use tobacco, coffee or vinegar.


It is quite simple to prepare a tobacco solution to restore the brightness of an item made of any material:

  • 15 g of tobacco is diluted in warm water.
  • Let it brew for 20–30 minutes.
  • Then lay the clothes on a table or any flat surface and wipe the faded areas with the resulting composition.

Advice. A small product can be placed completely in a container with the solution and allowed to stand for half an hour.


An ideal product for restoring black color.

To prepare the solution you will need 50 g of natural coffee, which is dissolved in 1 liter of hot water. Then the resulting solution is cooled and the pre-washed item is treated with it.


Another good remedy that will help not only restore, but also fix the color for a long time.

  • The washed product is rinsed in cold water with the addition of 2-3 teaspoons of table vinegar.
  • Then soak the clothes in this solution for half an hour.
  • After this, rinse again.

Important! Items washed with vinegar should be dried in the open air to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

How to wash clothes without losing the black color

how to wash

In order for a thing to retain its original appearance for a long time, it needs to be properly cared for. After all, the product can not only fade, but also stretch. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your wardrobe and use gentle washing methods with the addition of auxiliary substances.

  • You should pay attention to manufacturer's recommendations, placed on the tag. As a rule, the basic washing parameters and products that can be used for care are indicated there.
  • The stores also have products that are intended exclusively for washing black substances.
  • When washing dark clothes you need to use additional rinse in cold water with the addition of vinegar, table salt or soda. This procedure should be taken as a rule and carried out regularly.

These methods will help keep your clothes black.

Reviews and comments
AND Irina:

How can you “dissolve” natural coffee in hot water??))


