What does “dressed to the nines” mean?

The expression “dressed to perfection” means that the item is new, not worn, only from a tailor’s needle, recently sewn, and fits flawlessly. Later, an expanded interpretation of this expression arose: a person is dressed “in fashion.”What does it mean to be dressed to the nines?

There were times when clothing stores did not exist, so common people sewed them themselves from homespun fabrics or bought them at markets, and noble and wealthy people ordered them from tailors. The work of a tailor was complex and time-consuming: in order to sew a dress to fit a figure in those days, great skill was required. The tailors were very attentive to their customers and tried to do the work as efficiently as possible, so that people would continue to turn to them in the future.


The best craftsmen were considered those who sewed things without multiple fittings, so to speak, “the first time.” And this requires a lot of experience. It was in the case when the customer came for the first fitting, and the clothes immediately fit him, without requiring additional work, that they said “the clothes are brand new,” which meant that they were sewn the first time.




Of course, there were very few specialists of this level. Therefore, almost all tailors, trying to maintain their clientele, constantly worked on their skills, honing them all the time.

Today, the expression “dressed to perfection” characterizes those people who wear expensive, fashionable and beautiful clothes that fit perfectly - regardless of whether they are custom-made or bought in a store.

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