What are compression stockings for?

Many girls have heard about such a product as compression stockings, but very few can accurately determine their true purpose. In addition, an important point is the selection of this therapeutic accessory.

Some women assume that such products are produced in the same standard sizes, like ordinary nylon tights, and you just have to choose the right size. In fact, everything is much more complicated and the choice should be made only when all the parameters of the therapeutic stockings are precisely determined.

Why are compression stockings needed?

effect of compression stockingsThe products are therapeutic or preventive stockings, which serve the main purpose of supporting weakened blood vessels of the lower extremities. They are made of special knitwear that helps:

  • relieve tired legs;
  • increase the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities;
  • remove tension in tired legs;
  • prevent stretching of the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevent the formation of blood clots.

Important! Compression stockings are made of special knitted fabric that gently affects the lower limbs without interfering with normal blood circulation and air exchange.

Previously, large elastic bandages were used for these purposes. But their use is very inconvenient, in addition, the compression on the limbs was uneven, so they were replaced by special stockings and tights. Today, such products are also called anti-varicose, since in most cases they are prescribed as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent for varicose veins of the legs..

Principle of operation

The special compression jersey from which the products are sewn allows you to compress your legs with varying intensities. So in the ankle area the compression is maximum and is 100%, in the knee area the pressure is of medium intensity and is only 70%. The tights press at the hips quite a bit, about 30–40%. For what? This principle of operation allows venous blood to be pushed from the feet to the thighs.

Compression classes

You can buy stockings or order them in individual sizes in pharmacies, specialty stores or on the Internet. The main thing is to know exactly what compression class is needed in a particular case. There are three types of stockings based on the degree of pressure:

  • sore feetclass 1 (indicated for use during childbirth in women and during the postpartum period lasting approximately 3–6 days, as well as during long-term surgical procedures if the patient is prone to thrombosis or during a prolonged static position during certain types of diseases);
  • class 2 (varicose veins, vascular junctions, all indications prescribed for class 1);
  • Class 3 (severe swelling of the lower extremities, chronic venous insufficiency, compression therapy after surgery).

Important! Only a doctor can prescribe the use of tights and stockings of a certain compression class. Each specific case and disease is considered separately.

The main function of compression garments is to normalize blood flow and strengthen the walls of blood vessels in the lower extremities.

Types of compression stockings

types of stockingsIn addition to classes that divide products by functionality, there are also varieties. These include socks, knee socks, stockings, tights and elastic bandages. Anti-embolic underwear can be used by both men and women in case of relevant diseases or for prevention.

In addition, the types of stockings depend on the level of pressure that the tights exert on the legs:

  • preventive (pressure is approximately 15–18 mm Hg, commercially available and does not require a special prescription, selected according to the person’s height and weight);
  • therapeutic (they have 4 classes of pressure from 18 to 49 mm Hg, the fourth is used extremely rarely for severe cases of various vascular diseases and complications after injuries and operations).

Prophylactic socks and stockings are usually prescribed to pregnant women during the delivery process. They do not interfere with the natural process, but at the same time maintain the elasticity and integrity of the walls of blood vessels, which are too vulnerable during this period.

Advantages and disadvantages

Properly selected underwear, when prescribed by a doctor, can bring undeniable benefits to the body, in particular:

  • varicose veinssupport weakened vessel walls and vein valves;
  • prevent the formation of pronounced varicose veins and stretching of the vascular walls;
  • prevent lymphatic congestion, increase blood flow;
  • relieve swelling of the lower extremities;
  • reduction of recovery time after injuries and surgical interventions;
  • reducing the risk of air embolism during surgery;
  • preventive effect against congestion in the period after surgery.

The main advantages of modern compression underwear are production in accordance with established standards and norms, a variety of stylistic solutions and colors, the absence of seams and body-friendly knitwear that “breathes” well.. They fit snugly on the leg and wear well without slipping. At the same time, they easily complement an everyday look without standing out from the overall ensemble.

How to determine your size?

To accurately purchase suitable compression garments that will provide the desired medical effect, measurements need to be taken. To do this, you need to determine the girth of the lower leg in its upper and lower parts, and also determine the girth of the hips at a distance of about 25 cm above the knee line.

In addition, you need to determine the length of the product. If these are stockings, the length is from the bottom of the calf to the place where the circumference of the hips was measured. If you have tights, you need to measure the length to the groin level.

Important! It is best if the measurements are taken by a doctor. Having made an appointment or a special consultant at the orthopedic salon or pharmacy where the tights will be purchased.


In accordance with the data in the table, you can select a product that corresponds to a specific size.


puts on stockingsAs with all medical products, compression stockings have their contraindications.That is why Before purchasing, you should consult a doctor who will accurately indicate the need to use such a product and determine whether the patient has any contraindications for wearing such stockings. In addition, you should know that compression stockings are sold strictly by prescription.

Lingerie is contraindicated for people with impaired integrity of the skin on their legs. Various types of inflammation in the form of dermatitis. Eczema or erysipelas are also a direct contraindication for wearing stockings. You should also not wear compression tights if you have diabetes, endarteritis, obliterating atherosclerosis, arthritis, pulmonary failure or heart problems.

How to put them on correctly?

In order for the therapeutic or preventive effect of wearing such stockings to be maximum, the product should be worn correctly. To do this, you need to get dressed while lying down, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.

Important! It is recommended to slightly raise your legs to make it easier to pull the product onto your leg.

influence of compressionIt is worth counting on It will take longer to put on stockings in the first days. Subsequently, with the advent of dexterity, it will be easier to stretch the knitwear. Knitted fabric should fit tightly around the leg, but it does not stretch, so putting on such a thing is quite difficult.

After the tights are put on, you can get out of bed and do your usual activities. It is recommended to remove the product only at night, before going to bed, so that the blood vessels are toned all day.

How to store them?

It is necessary to wash compression products periodically, but this must be done manually using mild soap.. After washing, it is better to lay the tights horizontally on a soft towel so that the water completely drains.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to wring out compression garments. This may compromise the integrity of the fibers and therefore the pressure of the stockings during use.

It is better to store the product in a package separate from other things, in a well-ventilated place. With careful and proper care, as well as following all the recommendations of specialists, compression stockings can retain their healing properties for up to 6 months.

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