How to choose stockings

how to choose stockingsStockings as an important element of clothing have become very popular lately. They are considered not only an intimate item, but also very practical for going out, working or studying.

Many girls like to wear stockings for several reasons. They are much more comfortable than regular tights. Every fashionista has probably encountered a situation where her tights have slipped down and can only be pulled up in the restroom. With stockings in this regard, everything is much simpler. And if necessary, they can be easily removed altogether.
Such products sit beautifully on the legs and emphasize their beauty and harmony.

They also serve as a means of attracting glances from the male sex. It's no secret that some girls, hungry for attention, specifically purchase extra-long hosiery. Men really like it. Thanks to this wardrobe detail, you will definitely not go unnoticed.

This article will tell you how to choose the right stockings for yourself and not make a mistake with your choice.

Stocking selection options

The above points explain what reasons push young ladies to buy beautiful lingerie. But the products will show all their advantages only if they are chosen correctly. Several parameters are taken into account.


Perhaps this is the main criterion, more important than color or pattern. If you already have experience in personal selection of stockings, then you are unlikely to have any difficulties when purchasing.

ADVICE. For those who do not know exactly their personal size, the packages contain height and weight indications.

You just need to combine them. At the intersection of the parameters, certain letters from XS to XL will be indicated, this will be your size.

You can also focus on the size of your feet.

There are several types of products based on length:

  • “short” - up to the knee;
  • “medium” - just above the knee (a few centimeters);
  • “long” - very high, reaching mid-thigh.


It all depends on what conditions and what time of year you will wear the products.

REFERENCE: Density parameter has DEN unit.


  • If the package contains a number equal to 15 den or less, then such stockings suitable for warm seasons. They can be worn in late spring or summer. They will also perform well indoors.
  • From 20 to 40 days already a demi-season option in cool weather.

ATTENTION! Doctors strongly recommend not wearing stockings in winter.

They won't keep your feet warm, which can cause you to get seriously ill and catch a cold in your lower body.


For street walks, you should not take too bright colors, such as red, yellow, green, blue, purple, orange, etc. Save these items for dancing or wearing at home.

REFERENCE. Black and flesh-colored products are classics.

Manufacturers also offer white, gray, brown, and other delicate tones close to white. The main thing is to make sure that all the things in your look are harmoniously combined.


The smell and examination of the fabric from which it is made will help you determine whether the seller is providing you with a quality product.

The first sign is checked first. The persistent and light aroma of fragrances indicates that the stockings are of high quality. Most likely, they were delivered straight from Italy, the birthplace of their production.

The best fabric for an accessory is exclusively lycra. It hugs the skin nicely and is quite elastic. In winter products, wool or knitted thread can be used.

Extra options

The variety of products provides customers with a wide choice. In addition to the specified parameters, you can choose the most convenient fastening method (with or without an elastic band). And also the texture of the canvas: smooth, patterned, openwork.

How to choose stockings for clothes

match clothes
Usually stockings are worn under a skirt or a cute dress. Don't forget that You should not allow the elastic of your stockings to show through under your clothes, because it looks provocative. A girl should always remain mysterious and modest, this is what attracts men to her. The bulging edge is more suitable for seduction when you are alone with your partner.

Now we will talk about wardrobe compatibility with stockings. Never wear short or very tight dresses with hosiery, so that the elastic band does not stand out.

  • Dense products are coming under a knee-length skirt.
  • Thin better to choose for skirts below the knee.
  • If you dress entirely in black, then only the leading color is recommended.
  • If you have a blouse, jacket, T-shirt or bag of a different color, feel free to take stockings of the same color.

To summarize, we note that any girl can choose the perfect stockings if she wants. They are a noticeable part of the wardrobe. Therefore, it is very important not to make mistakes with color, size and density. Mistakes can be easily avoided. To do this, you just need to follow the advice and carefully examine all your clothes with which you will wear stockings.

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