Are compression stockings necessary for natural childbirth?

When preparing for childbirth, many women include compression stockings on their list of necessary items. But reviews from mothers in labor are not specific. Some consider this element mandatory, others say that you can do without special socks. So, why are they needed, what is their purpose during childbirth?

How do compression stockings help during natural childbirth?

Are compression stockings necessary for natural childbirth?During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges and begins to compress large vessels in the area. As a result, the outflow of blood from the lower extremities becomes problematic. If before pregnancy there were problems with the vascular system, then during an interesting situation the woman runs the risk of acquiring varicose veins. The risk increases due to unstable hormonal levels, weight gain and increased blood count.

When the walls of the veins lose their tone, this affects the functioning of the valves, so some of the blood is retained in the lower extremities. Because of this, the legs swell and begin to hurt.If this situation occurs for a long time, blood clots may form. Compression garments or an elastic bandage help maintain tone in the legs.

Important! An elastic bandage has many disadvantages, including inconvenience in fixation and use. For this reason, it is better to wear compression stockings during labor.

Fixed leg support guarantees graduated compression. The material fits tighter in the ankle and shin areas, and there is minimal compression on the thigh.. This increases the elasticity of the veins, normalizes the functioning of the valves, and removes blood stagnation.

Many doctors recommend that women wear compression stockings during pregnancy. But for objective reasons, this element should be prescribed to girls with beginning varicose veins. Women in labor who will undergo a caesarean section must take knee socks with them.

Stockings help reduce stress on the veins. A caesarean section increases the risk of blood clots, even if the woman is not predisposed to varicose veins. Compression support helps reduce the risk of pulmonary embolism, which is what causes cardiac arrest.

Can everyone use them?

compression stockingsMost mothers in labor believe that compression stockings are only necessary for women with problem veins. But doctors assure that this element can also be used to prevent varicose veins and other pathologies.

Indications for wearing compression support:

  • formation of stars from blood vessels on the lower extremities;
  • swelling and pain in the legs;
  • constant fatigue of the feet, calves often cramp;
  • varicose veins at any stage and other vascular diseases (eczema, dermatitis, venous insufficiency);
  • formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

Will the same stockings that were worn during pregnancy work?

stockingsThere are 4 classes of compression garments. The classification depends on the pressure that the gaiters exert on the veins. Determining the required class is the doctor’s task. If during childbirth the condition of the legs is no different from what was observed during pregnancy, then you can safely use the same stockings. The main thing is to thoroughly sterilize your knee socks before arriving at the hospital. It will be enough to wash them.

Important! Washing should be gentle using gentle powders. You need to rinse your laundry well. Do not wring out the products so as not to damage the fiber structure.

Rules for using compression stockings during natural childbirth

In order for compression garments to be as effective as possible, you need to follow simple rules when using them. Stockings will not cause harm, but if you neglect the recommendations, then there will be no benefit from this element.

Rules for using compression support:

  • stocking packthe need to use stockings should be discussed with the doctor, who will determine the class of underwear based on the individual characteristics of the patient;
  • For leggings, only natural raw materials should be used, otherwise allergic reactions and other negative manifestations may occur from contact with a synthetic irritant;
  • The stockings must be the correct size for the pregnant woman, otherwise the pressure will be too much or not enough to provide benefit.

When putting on compression garments, you should first carefully examine your toes and feet.. Nails must be cut and calluses removed. This is done to prevent the occurrence of puffs. The rings are removed from the hands so as not to damage the product. Stockings should be worn on dry skin to reduce friction.

The operation must be performed in a lying position. It's better to do this in the morning. The leg is raised a little, the underwear is gathered into an accordion and gently pulled over the leg. No need to stretch or twist the gaiters. They take off their underwear at the end of the day. When compression support was used during childbirth, it is removed after a day.

Important! Some models have sliding socks that simplify the process of pulling on stockings.

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